A Fair Warning from our Planets
It is fair to say that the isolation, sense of loss on all levels, psychological, emotional and financial, is enough to send us all to a downward spiral. What does not seem fair to me, at all, is to toss the gargantuan effort made by our fellow citizens, still on the front line of this Covid-19 war.
If you are out there, particularly on the Northern Hemisphere, where summer is about to begin and a citizen in one of the countries that are slowly lifting the sanctions, be aware of the following;
Here are the astrological dates and the clear messages they contain. Why this coming June* is the most crucial month of 2020, (detailed analysis on Monthly Tips June 2020 on June 1st).
February 17 to March 10; Mercury (communication, travel and health) Rx-retrograde in Pisces (hospitals, institutions, pharmaceuticals). How did your travel plans work out for you? Why?
March 27 to April 16; Jupiter (expansion, hyperbole) conjunct Pluto (death/birth, fundamental regeneration). This was the first, out of total 3 (three) conjunctions this year. Overwhelming, was it not?
March 21 to July 1st! Saturn (limitations, lessons learned), Rx-retrograde in Aquarius (the altruist). Learning the same lesson -respect our own home, the planet Earth!- (February-April) until July 1st. Not out of the woods yet!
June* 18 to July 9; Second (2nd) Jupiter-Rx conjunction to Pluto! Remember what happened during the first (1st) conjunction, March 27 to April 16? Yes, the Covid-19 run at full global destructive mode. Jupiter in retrograde is exaggeration squared! June* is not the time for that frenzied party!!! There will be consequences.
December 17, 2020 to March 7, 2023. Saturn returns in Aquarius on December, for 26 months. The human race and its behavior towards nature and all that lives on it, is under scrutiny. Will we rise to the occasion?
Note; Third (3rd) and last Jupiter-Pluto direct conjunction occurs on November 8-13, 2020. Anyone out there who prefers a total lock down before the Holidays?

There they are, clear and simple i hope,
the dates that reflect our desire and
respect for life; our family’s lives, the
planet and every living being on it.
Including ourselves. Observe caution,
stay responsible and safe.
Serious food for thought
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