A path illuminated
What does the full moon do best but illuminate the dark? The night becomes day and you can reach your destination, avoiding pot holes, sharp corners and all types of obstacles. The moon, as most of us know, also affects our Earth’s waters and the tides ebb and flow. As all, our planet’s creatures, including humans, are made with mostly water, it affects them as well. The Full Moon on October 9th, reflects upon us, a passionate energy, one that enhances the need to move forward,
to bravely claim what is rightfully ours and to drop what holds us back. Therefore, instead of feeling overwhelmed when an obstacle pops in front of you, be grateful: now that you can see it, you identify it, overcome or bypass it and continue, safely, on your path. Be assertive, not aggressive. So go ahead, claim your stake but do so in a fair way. Remember, all comes to light, all.
Aries: the Moon is in your sign! The stage is yours. | Libra: new love, new business, new you! |
Taurus: let go! It is a brave, new you! | Scorpio: self care and due diligence, pay off! |
Gemini: new network. A chance to be transparent! | Sagittarius: creating and shaping your future! |
Cancer: business accolades and success! | Capricorn: the home you need and deserve! |
Leo: you move. You can move us! | Aquarius: the open horizon is your new limit! |
Virgo: new investment. Invest in you! | Pisces: go within, refresh and regroup! |