An uplifting alliance; Saturn & Jupiter join forces.
I will never forget my first school field trip to the planetarium, the first time I gazed upon our Solar System and the intricate forces that hold it all together. I was mesmerized by the magnificent colors and movement of the largest planet of our Galaxy, Jupiter. It was so interesting to find out, just how much space debris it deflects away from earth. Jupiter literally has our back! As I discovered Astrology through Astronomy, it came as no surprise that Jupiter is considered the most ‘jovial and generous’ planet, the Santa Claus of the Stars, if you will. On the flip side, I was apprehensive about the beautiful ringed Saturn and did not only read a lot, but consciously connected to the life lessons and experiences provided by the great teacher. It took me a while to refer to Saturn as a great teacher, instead of a ‘freedom restricting punisher’. The fact that Saturn and Jupiter both enter the humanitarian sign of Aquarius this December on the 17th and the 20th, is great astrological news indeed! In order to understand what this means on both a personal and collective level, harvest its benefits and navigate through obstacles, we need to understand what the Aquarius energy brings to the table and what Saturn and Jupiter are about. Here is what I think, an easy and comprehensive example on these two mega planets.
Think of your favorite teacher or one you wish you had. A teacher that wants you to establish strong life foundations through knowledge, guide you to sharpen your intellectual and emotional I.Q and to use knowledge constructively for yourself and others. Your mentor is protective and fair; if you do your homework you get the credit. If not, you must continue to work hard until you do. A high grade is definitely not given away. This is SATURN. Not a punisher. Rather a teacher that will set boundaries, in order to safe guard you, even from yourself.
Now, think of your favorite aunt/uncle or one you wish you had! An adult that was one of few during your childhood, that you simply could never get enough of; they always remembered your birthday, shared amazing stories form different cultures and surprised you when they left you their favorite car or house! This is JUPITER. If you become out of control however, this loving relative, that truly wants what is best for you, will have to join forces with your teacher, to help you mature.
What about Aquarius? Admit it, one of the first things that comes to mind is the phrase “Age of Aquarius’. It is also a famous tune from the 60’s, by ‘The 5th Dimension”. The verb engraved on every single surface on the Aquarius spectrum is ‘SAVE’; save the dolphins, save the Amazon forest, save the honeycreeper, save the planet, save your soul. This is the zodiac sign mostly connected to innovation, technology and non-conformism. These characteristics are highly compatible with Jupiter, planet of both mental and physical expansion, curiosity, need to understand other cultures, philosophy and fairness. Jupiter enters Aquarius on December 20, 2020 until December 30, 2021 (except from May 13 to July 29 in Pisces). Are we to understand that this is an auspicious transit? Absolutely! So far so good.
What about boundary and foundation setting Saturn? At first glance this might seem an incompatible combination, as Saturn sets boundaries and Aquarius despises limitations of any kind. Look back at recent world events from March 21 to July 1st, a Saturn trial transit one could say, through Aquarius (the initial lock-down and its ramifications). Would you agree that the Covid-19 experience is teaching us important life lessons? Believe it or not, Saturn is actually well placed in the water bearer. When the mighty teacher travels through our Sun, it highlights our points of weakness, strength and lessons to learn. Collectively speaking, through Aquarius, we will be able to clearly see the areas were we, as a human race, have both succeeded or failed. Saturn re-enters Aquarius on December 17, 2020 until March 6/7, 2023. I suspect you are thinking; where is the catch?
Where it always is; in our choices.