Athena – Αθηνά & International Women’s Day
Athens, the capital of Hellas (Greece), was named after the Goddess of wisdom Athena, after she defeated Poseidon (Neptune), the nebulous God of the seas. Her sacred animal is the wise Owl and her trademark the olive tree. A frustrated Poseidon pierced the sacred rock of Acropolis with his Trident and a salt water lake was created, a promise of water bringing abundance. Athena, wise and strategic, made an olive tree emerge, full of vibrant olives, a promise to always nourish. Her nurturing and strategic approach rightfully won.
The remaining ten Gods of Olympus voted for Athena and her olive tree, believed to be the first of the thousands that grace the entire country since. “Healthy mind through healthy body” declared the ancients Greeks; the olive trees not only nurtured the ancients but secured a strong income through trade. Athena was a woman and I dedicate International Women’s Day to all the ladies out there, that fight the good fight not just for women but the entire planet and all living entities. Athena was also a great warrior, strategic planer, intuitive, and also ruled over activism and politics. The asteroid Athena moves tomorrow, March 8 and on International Women’s Day, into Pisces for the rest of the year. Pisces can be altruistic, dreamy but also illusive and cunning. What does this mean and how can this influence your endeavors, especially those in need of strategy?
If you wish to win the war, not just the battle, strategic planning and thinking can be just as important, if not more, than the fight itself. Altruism will enhance your endeavors. Cunning execution of plans may serve your purpose short term but will not win you the war. People that have been fighting the good fight throughout history, are not always given credit for the work they do, and as history has shown, this occurs more often than not, to women. Instead of numerous examples, I lay this upon you; our planet has seen its fair share of conflict, suffering, pain and starvation. These are the off-springs of greed; and within greed lies the biggest lie, that we have all bought into, at one point or another. That greed is the only means to an end. How short-sighted. Like Athena, we can be clever in our approach, productive and ensure prosperity and growth for all. Will everyone prosper the same? No, and that is o.k., because we all have different needs and desires. Difference is, everyone will have a fair chance.

Hopefully in the
near future
will be no need
to celebrate
one Day.