Review Saturn in Pisces 2023-2026
‘I wish I knew then what I know now’, is a phrase that can hit a nerve with many of us. From March 7, 2023 to February 13, 2026, there are specific lessons to be learned and rewards to be received on a personal and collective level. The astro-teacher who tests and rewards according to performance is Saturn. On May 25, 2025 Saturn temporarily jumps into a different ‘classroom’, the house of Aries, for a trial run until August 31, 2025. The article below, written two years ago, gives you information on the part of your life our sober planet has affected. Karma recently also entered Pisces and by building good Karma Saturn’s rewards are magnified and deliver long term benefits as well. Go over the points that resonate with you and use the time frame May-August 2025 to regroup and decide what you enhance, keep, toss or change. With such prep work, the last run of Saturn in Pisces, September 1, 2025 to February 13, 2026, will deliver solid foundations, vision and rewards. Read details on each one of the twelve zodiac signs below. Enjoy!
“What does Saturn in Pisces mean and why should you care?
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