Chiron. The Wounded Healer.
Feeling unhinged lately? If an opportunity arose, to put your pieces back together, would you take it? Here it is, in case you are interested.
Chiron, in Greek mythology, was a centaur, part man-part horse, who taught music, hunting, medicine and courage. Remember Achilles, the Athenian warrior in the movie Troy? Achilles was one of Chiron’s students. Chiron could heal others, but not himself. He was the last of his kind, and after being wounded by one of Hercule’s poison arrows, he returned to his cave. Zeus, the Olympic God, placed him as a comet-asteroid in the skies, as he was immortal and could not die.
Chiron, in Astronomy, is part comet-part asteroid, with an eccentric journey through the skies, as the time (orbit 50.7 years-rotation 5.9 hours) it spends transitioning the zodiac circle, varies significantly (8 years through Aries, 7 years Pisces, 6 years Taurus and ends up spending about 15-18 months in Libra and the other signs).
Chiron, in Astrology, is currently in Aries and on July 12, as Mercury turns direct in Cancer, Chiron turns Rx-retrograde at 9 to 4 degrees Aries, until December 16, 2020. Aries, God of War in Greek mythology, represents courage, conflict, drive and bravery. Chiron teaches us to be courageous, not just in the physical realm but the psychological one as well. How? By recognizing and accepting our wounds and their origin. Is it not true, that inner balance is accomplished, once our wounds heal? It takes a tremendous amount of courage indeed, to face our own ‘inner wound’ and begin the healing process.
From its retrograde motion, Chiron urges us to take more time, sit back and consider the merits of following our personal journey of healing; and to give ourselves a break. There is no room for self doubt here. Instead of waiting for someone else to hold you tight enough, until your broken pieces come together, do it for yourself. How to apply this process practically? Harness the positive Aries traits, drive, confidence and courage, to deal with deep rooted issues, once and for all. Let go of the negative traits, ego, aggression and control. Chiron used music, hunting and medicine as outlets. In our modern world, music, sports, healing arts, are also outlets. Find yours and plug yourself in! Be balanced. Be happy.