Clash of the Titans
Kronos (Saturn) in Greek mythology, was the Titan that ate his children, as he was afraid to loose his power. In astrology when Kronos (Saturn ruling over ambitious Capricorn) gets negatively activated sort to speak, guess what happens with
people in position of power and its abuse; correct, they refuse to relinquish it and go against the natural order of life, despite dire consequences to everyone else. Ouranos (Uranus) in Greek mythology, was the father or Kronos, beaten by his own offspring, who conspired with Gaia (Earth), the mother, in order to free Uranus’s sperm, so life can begin to organically grow on Earth. In astrology, Ouranos (Uranus ruling over anthropocentric Aquarius) is the freedom loving, revolutionary and innovative planet, that wants all beings on earth to prosper equally and fairly. Guess what happens when this planet is activated, negatively or positively; it reacts! June 13-18, Saturn squares (clashes) with Uranus. You got it, status quo against fairness. There is a storm coming. Can you feel it?
Aries: during June 13-18, do not allow sudden financial changes affect your personal relationships. You can be affectionate, so stick to this mode and you will be compensated, in more ways than one, soon.
Taurus: during June 13-18, you may shock your surrounding environment and yourself, with your rebellious outburst. Good for you I say, do remember however, that actions are louder than words, so keep yours considerate and respectful.
Gemini: during June 13-18, share the good luck that seems to tail you these last few days. Toss old, superficial axioms in your personal and professional realm, that no longer serve you and your higher purpose.
Cancer: during June 13-18, stay emotionally connected to the surrounding world changes and do continue to speak your mind, upgrade your communication skills, looks, the lot. Your birthday and rebirth is around the corner.
Leo: during June 13-18, look back to your accomplishments so far and embrace change. Even if this means ending a relationship (business or marriage) that disrupts your life and well being. Roar but don’t bite.
Virgo: during June 13-18, reassess your life, stop looking for someone to blame, this includes yourself, apply the changes you want and allow love to come to you. If he/she loves you, they will be knocking at your door soon. Enjoy the quiet.
Libra: during June 13-18, your are forced to mature regarding affairs of the heart. Not able to tell the difference between an upsetting situation and blessings in disguise? Why rush? Enjoy everything else, as your good luck ferments.
Scorpio: during June 13-18, it becomes clear, that balance between your personal life and family is the key to your happiness. This phase of emotional growth occurs through disruption; it is not pleasant but has it been proven useful?
Sagittarius: during June 13-18, reevaluate the foundations of your family life, the one you have or the one you wish to create. Are your motives pure or purely self serving? Don’t hiss, discuss. Everything, everywhere.
Capricorn: during June 13-18, you are called to make some serious decisions. This is your strong point. Please remember; serious does not imply harsh. Cultivate your artistic side. Yes, your true value, a well hidden, sweet and artistic side.
Aquarius: during June 13-18, your are braking free. It is all for the best. You are off, exploring life. Pack light but don’t forget your health kit.
Pisces: during June 13-18, your sensitive antennae pick up on all the wrong doings on our planet. Your altruistic self offers its services. Great. Just make sure you enjoy well deserved, precious moments with friends and a new, romantic love.
While they’re standing in the welfare lines/ Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation/ Wasting time in the unemployment lines/ Sittin ‘around waiting for a promotion/…/Don’t you know/ Talking about a revolution/ It sounds like a whisper”
song Talkin’ Bout A Revolution, by all time classic singer, Tracy Chapman