Enjoy astrological monthly tips
by Helen Kyriacopoulos -Timms
Life changes. Love life and you will love change.
“block pervasive power and move forward…”
4everbalance and the Holistic Wellness Program
The Sky and Zodiacs for the:
Month of February:
this month, the stars
are a stepping stone,
for moving forward
An overview of February 2023.
February is a month of transition, not just the last month of winter in the northern hemisphere, or the last month of summer in the southern hemisphere: rather the end of an era and the beginning of a new one, on a personal and global scale. February is actually colored by the two significant transitions that occur in March. Structure loving Saturn enters altruistic Pisces and transformative Pluto, enters freedom loving Aquarius. Why read about these two March transits in February?
Because the choices you make, can directly affect your life, for the next two years to two decades. The following quote from January 2023, sums it up:…a rehearsal of the coming 20 years, individuality (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune in Aries) vs the communal (Pluto in Aquarius). In essence, in order to succeed in the future, the balance, between the spiritual and the tangible, the respect to individuality and the common good, is necessary.
The month of February, can be a time to set the wheels in motion, whether this regards a new or long overdue, project, move, a business deal or a personal affair. It is make it or break it time. There is no wrong choice, in February, as long as it is your clear and solid choice. For example, if you choose to end a partnership, business or personal, so be it. Apparently, it was standing on clay feet. Set boundaries. Unless you don’t care if a partnership ends, mind your temper and behavior (with both love and money), on February 4, 5, 16 and 23. Be careful with electricity and extreme sports. Upgrade your knowledge on technology. Out of the box ideas are favored and so is technology, provided you maintain your emotional connections, particularly after February 21. Venus enters passionate Aries on the 21st. It is well aspected to Jupiter and Mars, infusing passion and forward motion, to both our money and love affairs. Good intentions color the last days of the month, so does compassion and creativity. A tendency to deceive or take the easy way out, is also present.
Transformative PLUTO enters humanitarian Aquarius on March 24, 2023, until 2044.
Structural SATURN enters altruistic Pisces on March 8, 2023 to May 24. 2025 and sextiles Uranus, during this journey.
Expansive and lucky Jupiter is back in assertive and impatient Aries, until May 16. Be proactive, it is time to get things moving but don’t be impatient!
Uranus turned direct on January 23rd. Space exploration peeks. Stay connected to and aware of, our Earth’s needs.
In February, set boundaries… and move forward.
There is a Full Moon* at 16 degrees 41′ Leo, on the 5th.
It affects us all but mostly the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) and people with points to your chart here. You are directly affected by this Full Moon, if your birthday is May 1-11, August 1-11, November 3-13 and January 31- February 10.
In order to harvest the positive influence from such a moon, you need to find and keep the balance, between the ‘ego’ and the ‘whole’, emotional warmth vs emotional coolness and seeking attention vs seeking isolation. The Lion is regal, warm, creative and fearless when threatened. It follows its heart connections and instincts. Aquarius is freedom loving, a technology aficionado, wants to save the planet, cerebral and can be rather emotionally detached. This Full Moon brings our emotional needs, with their attachments or detachments, to surface, rather abruptly, as it is squared by Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius. What to do? For example, if you are coordinating a work, family or group project, do set boundaries but actually listen to others’ suggestions. Let your mind find the right words but speak from your heart. What you say and how you say it, remains crucial for your success, in every type of endeavor. Want to really elevate yourself this Full Moon? Nurture your soul. How? Be generous. Balance, as always, is key.
There is a New Moon** at 1 degree 22′ Pisces, on the 20th.
It affects us all, but mostly the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces ) but also the last degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) due to degrees in proximity.
You are directly affected by this New Moon, if your birthday is May 16-26, August 18-28, November 17-27, March 14- February 24.
Time for a new life journey to begin, as you can plant the seeds and dreams begin to grow into reality. This exciting ‘Odyssean journey’, is not without the seductive ‘sirens’, that could throw you off course. How? Through addictions, either to substances, toxic people or habits. Adopt a healthy, daily routine and keep both body and mind, grounded. Look to volunteer work or service to others and tap into the endless pool of joy, when you give, without expectations.
New, exciting beginnings are afoot!
Balance out, dreams and reality!
Astro-highlight for February 2023: Task master, tenacious, hard work rewarding, albeit limiting, Saturn, is now direct. Translation? Have you been patient, worked hard, consistently and kept an open mind to changes? You are slowly coming out of the woods and depending on your chart, your hard work begins to pay off, as January rolls in. You probably are exhausted, like an athlete is, a few meters before the finish line. Keep plugging along, don’t give up now, your finish line is in front of you, (March 7-24, 2023, depending on your chart)!
Astro Tip for the Fixed zodiac family (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, or people with points to your charts here); the North Node (Karmic evolution) at 05-08 degrees Taurus and 05-08 degrees Scorpio. Saturn is at an uncomfortable angle but in direct motion and is here to reward, or not. Collect good Karma, understand that limits can be a blessing in disguise: remember how you were treated in the past and don’t fall for the same act again (nebulous Neptune is retrograde). Do not be dictatorial, especially if you are a political leader with your Sun/Ascendant or points on Leo/Scorpio primarily.
FAQ: ‘I don’t know anything about planets, let alone astrology. Can I have some easy, basic information?’
Sure, before your read your zodiac sign, you may enjoy the read below!
Our newcomers will find here a brief, yet vital introduction to our planets, in order of distance from the sun, closest to furthest. You may be curious enough to visit, but have no clue about astrology and zodiac signs.
- Sun: center of our galaxy, associated with Leo, sign of creative force-Helios in ancient Greece, the god of light.
- Mercury: nearest to the sun and fastest moving, associated with Gemini and Virgo, signs of communication-Hermes in ancient Greece, messenger to the gods.
- Venus: next in line and second brightest star on our sky, associated with Taurus and Libra, signs of strength and beauty-Aphrodite in ancient Greece, goddess of love.
- Earth: following suit, the planet of life growth, associated only by element (earth) with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn- Gaia in ancient Greece, the primal mother earth goddess.
- Moon: the earth’s only natural satellite, associated with the sign of Cancer, sign of nurture- Artemis goddess of hunting and a healer of women.
- Mars: the red planet, associated with Aries, sign of assertion and drive –Aris in ancient Greece, god of war.
- Jupiter: the largest planet of our system radiates double the light it receives from the sun, associated with Sagittarius, sign of expansion and illumination- Zeus, in ancient Greece the god of gods.
- Saturn: next the ringed majestic planet of order, associated with Capricorn, sign of duty and dependability-in ancient Greece the god Pan, protector of woodlands and shepherds.
- Uranus: the gas giant, associated with Aquarius, the sign of innovation- Aquarius or beautiful Ganymede, the son of Trojan king Tros, was taken to Mount Olympus by Zeus to act as cup-carrier to the gods.
- Neptune: a striking blue giant, associated with Pisces, the sign of healing and illusion- in ancient Greece representing the fish into which Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed
- Pluto: the yellow dwarf planet or huge asteroid, associated with Scorpio, the intense truth-seeker. He was called on earth by Goddess Artemis to kill Orion, who wanted to destroy all animals.
You may notice occasionally, astrological dates can seem to be one (1) day off, (for example a planet enters a sign on the 12/13). This occurs because calculations are based on Tropical Midnight Ephemeris, Time Zone EDT (04 west). Add or subtract hours, based on your Time Zone.
Here are the twelve zodiac sings for the month of February.
FAQ; Should I read both my Sun sign and the one that corresponds to my Ascendant?
Get even more insight when you read both your Sun sign and the one that corresponds to your Ascendant.
FAQ: Why focus on Mars and Venus?
Emphasis is put, among all other aspects, in the importance of Mars and Venus transits, two personal planets, that rule some of our primary, earthy needs.
Happy February Aries!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars, your ruler. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, your ruler, is retrograde in your zone of communication! Venus is in your zone of introspection until the 20th and self assurance after!
Dear passionate Aries, take advantage of the presence of auspicious Jupiter in your sign, until May 16 but keep your pace steady. Mars, your father planet, continues to activate, until March 2023, the piece of your life, connected to new agreements, signing contracts, travel and commerce, so there is no need to stress. You may buy a new car or need to. Find balance in your relationship with a sibling. A creative endeavor, in your personal or professional environment, gets a boost after the 5th; avoid a temper tantrum here, for any reason, as your project will probably deliver, the fruits of your labor, after the 21st. Your self esteem builds back up. A cash infusion is also possible here. Bide your time and be thorough. Rushing, will not get you to your finish line faster. Stardust showers you for the next 4 months, after all.
Astro tip for Aries: Jupiter brings abundance, luck and opportunities, it conjuncts our Sun every 12 years, so make the most of it until this May. Even frustrating conditions (like a health matter or stalled project) that could surface, are mostly, blessings in disguise. Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy February Taurus!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of finances! Venus, your ruler, is in your zone of social networks until the 20th and introspection after!
Dear child of Aphrodite (Venus), it may be February but there is a ‘spring’ in your step! Your fiances and a project are back in forward motion. An unexpected event, can change your personal or professional life, around the 4-5th. Don’t become a bull in a china closet (February 4, 5, 22) if a project needs altering. Keep an open mind and count your blessings, as your social network, new and old, offers valuable insight. Avoid being pulled by family drama; you have places to go, people, from foreign lands, to come to contact with. Introspection, regarding love and money patterns, you don’t wish to repeat, is in order after the 23rd. Perseverance, creativity and emotional strength, see you through, to your lucky life cycle, starting May 17!
Astro tip for Bulls; Uranus in your sign, can jolt you into unexpected outbursts. (May 4-5 Tauruses). Eliminate toxicity from your life. Same applies to April 25-28 Taureans, due to North Node in Taurus (Karmic evolution). Read about the all important Full Moon on November 8, on the main bar Astrology-November 2022. The eclipses continue on the Taurus-Scorpio arena, until October 2023, so make good use of the lessons you have acquired and opportunities that are coming your way. Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy February Gemini!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of self esteem! Venus, is in your zone of accomplishments until the 20th and expansion after!
Dear Twins, child of Mercury, to say that both your mental and physical well being, have been severely tested, is an understatement! Now that you are slowly getting back on track, not fully recovered but ready to get back in the game, you are ready, around the 5th, to drop old baggage and habits, that hold your higher self captive. This mends relationships that are worth mending, brings new contacts into your life, mobility, travel and, your strong point, communication! Your self esteem gets a boost around, or after, the 21st, as your receive professional accolades. This also translates to money in the bank or a trip that augments your opportunities. Relish new beginnings but stay grounded, with yoga, meditation or music.
Extra tip; Neptune squares your Sun and ‘pops bubbles’. Stay away from gossip. Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy February Cancer!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of new beginnings! Venus is in your zone of expansion until the 20th and social networks after!
Dear Cancer, child of the majestic moon. Consider everything you do, until May 16, an investment, to a great new life cycle, that has already begun but will fully manifest, after. What a relief it is, when Mars, planet of action, puts in forward motion your new beginnings zone, until March 2023! This is fertile ground to regroup and organize a trip, move, formulate an educational or personal growth, pursuit. The timing is good, as it coincides with the major Saturn-Pluto shifts in March, (get more information above on An overview of February 2023) and Jupiter fertilizing your professional zone. Depending on your situation, an unexpected, financial development around the 5th, can bring more money in your account, between February 21 to March 3. Your friends have your back.
Extra tip; Neptune trines your Sun, blessing you with healing and abundance through February. Heal old wounds, with Pluto, (birthday July 18-19). even if this means breaking old ties and patterns, including your own, like controlling everyone and everything. Get ready for a new life cycle after May 16! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy February Leo!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of social networks! Venus is in your zone of investments until the 20th and expansion after!
Regal Leo, child of life giving Sun, you feel like a caged lion, just released in the wild. Be assertive but not aggressive, as you are about to experience a professional break through or abundance, through a trip, contact with a different culture, a partnership or marriage, in February, after March 7 or by May 16, depending on your chart! It is imperative that you keep a level head on the 5th, with the full moon in your sign (more details above on main article). Why? Outbursts can hurt your prospects, that manifest February 12th to March 2nd, through a contract, a discussion or idea. Adopt a healthy life style. Handle electricity or heavy machinery safely, on the 16th. Your social network is your safety net, until May 16. Display your gratitude.
Astro – tip for 2023: Expansive and lucky Jupiter entered fiery, go-getter and careless Aries May 11, to October 28, back in it on December 21 to May 16, 2023, trine your Sun! Be assertive but not careless, with an investment or other peoples money (taxes, inheritance)! A new adventure is afoot! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy February Virgo!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of accomplishments! Venus is in your zone of partnerships until the 20th and inheritance after!
Dear Virgo, child of chatty Mercury. Exhausted, are you? You want and need to escape, in February. The first week of the month is better for rest or contemplation. No time? Despite your current professional success story, a good book or a visit to your life coach, can alleviate a lot of the stress you inherited from 2022, especially if your birthday is in August. Many of you continue to receive, acknowledgment for a job well done, followed by a promotion, pay raise or new offer, by March 25. Artistic Virgos, are inspired. Love and marriage preoccupy your thoughts. Is this what is ‘nibbling’ at you? Allow surrounding circumstances, to illuminate the truth of a business or personal pairing, before you make a rush decision. Organize an inheritance, tax or investment matter, end of the month.
Astro-highlight of 2023: Expansive and lucky Jupiter will help you sort out investment or inheritance issues, by May 16! Be assertive but not careless! Invest wisely and reward yourself with a trip of a lifetime, after! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy February Libra!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of expansion! Venus is in your zone of due diligence until the 20th and partnerships after!
Dear aerialist, child of Aphrodite (Venus). February continues to lay a fertile ground for travel, higher mind cultivation, foreign contacts, moving or finding a new home/business, knowledge or a skill expansion, sorting a legal matter, or adding a, long overdue, new member to the family. Benefit from your social network, around the 5th. Adopt a healthy daily routine and stick to your due diligence. Your money or love ‘seed’ begins to bloom on the 8, 16 or 20. Marriage and business pairings, are positively activated by auspicious Jupiter, until May 16 and the rewards, begin to manifest after February 21. Is that a ring on your finger on the 22nd or a contract agreement? However, if you experienced a break up or realized you need to move on, by the 20th, trust that it truly is all for the best.
Astro-highlight of 2023: Expansive and lucky Jupiter entered fiery, go-getter and careless Aries May 11 to October 28 (rehearsal time) and reentered December 21 to May 16! It sits across your Sun, tossing stardust to your partnerships! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy February Scorpio!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of secrets! Venus is in your zone of creativity until the 20th and due diligence after!
Dear child of transformative Pluto. Get your professional ducks in a row, by February 3. Don’t loose your cool. On or around the 5th, secret meetings, in your work environment, are illuminated. With clear information at your disposal, you are favored with contracts, mobility and commerce. Please, bear this in mind: it may not always be easy, to continue with due diligence until March but rewards will begin to manifest, on February 8 or 19/20. Mars boosts your investments or inheritance and you put pending expenses, in order. You are preoccupied with the pursuit of truth, sexuality, or an issue with a child. A meeting with your life coach or consultant, will enlighten your path. Its all or nothing for you. You are heading towards the ‘all’, after May 16, so keep plugging along!
Astro tip for Scorpio: (*)Uranus, now direct, opposes your Sun (birthday November 4-5). You break free, time for your revolution, after March 2023 or by May! You do not like surprises, so do your homework, on issues you do not want to be blindsided by. Or accept that we can not control everything. Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy February Sagittarius!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of marriage! Venus is in your zone of family until the 20th and creativity after!
Dear Archer, child of Jupiter. You continue to be favored in travel, commerce (tangible and intangible, like trading), business deals, a move or important change. Do mind the gap on the 4th (stubbornness): the manifestation of your hard work and significant amount of stardust, occurs during the full moon on the 5th and the week that follows. February 12 to March 2, take advantage of any opportunity that comes through the ‘wires’. You are ready for new beginnings, after the 20th. If your birthday is in November, you are more vulnerable to deception. Stay grounded, meticulous and succeed. There is no way to bypass the subject of marriage or a business partnership matter, nor should you. What you can do, is tell your speedy mind to bite your tongue and make an informed decision, after March 7.
Astro tip; What a blessing indeed, when the lucky astronomical and astrological protector, Jupiter, happens to be your ‘father’ planet and trines your Sun until May 16! Count your blessings. Neptune squares your Sun. This accommodates (with your mature effort), the healing process with family. Stay centered, truthful, fair to yourself and others. Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy February Capricorn!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of due diligence! Venus is in your zone of mobility until the 20th and family after!
Dear Goat, you are a had working, true child of Saturn. February is a month that allows you to continue your due diligence but with obstacles being systematically removed. Do mind the supercharged energy on the 4th, 5th or 16th. If you allow work issues to get to you, you may mishandle an investment. Opportunities come from travel or contact with foreign cultures until the 20th Through these contacts, you can meet an eccentric, by your standards, person, that could pick your personal curiosities. You may want to look into finishing a degree. Have you been trying to add a new member to your family, for quite some time? Good news can arrive around the 22nd. A project or love affair can move forward. Embrace the element of surprise. Be creative.
Astro-highlight of 2023: Expansive and lucky Jupiter reentered your family zone on December 21 until May 16. You upgrade your home or your country’s mentality! Saturn is ready to free you from money restraints! Pluto allows the brand new you to shine! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Go ahead, make
a wish!
Have a Prosperous and Happy Birthday Aquarius!
Happy February Aquarius!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of love affairs! Venus is in your zone of finances until the 20th and mobility after!
Dear Aquarius, true child of unpredictable Uranus, you left all kinds of drama behind, for good! Perhaps some remnants of family, personal or business partnership drama can emerge on the 5th, (birthday January 31- February 10) but the grounded new you, will turn any development, into opportunity for further growth. Use the beneficial time frame, February 12- March 2, to get back into physical and mental shape, make a lucrative deal or promote an unusual idea. Good news arrive, from both your money and love zone. Technology is your offspring and your innovative communication skills, get a boost! The combination, can bring you success, after the 21st and in the weeks that follow, particularly in media, commerce and the hospitality industry. Embrace your vocation. Be assertive but not careless!
Extra tip: Lucky Jupiter entered your communication, commerce, contracts and mobility zone on December 21 and will bring gifts in those areas, until May 16, 2023! It all started, just as your birthday season begun, January 21st! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy February Pisces!
Happy birthday Pisces, after the 19th!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of family! Venus is in your zone of self assurance until the 20th and finances after!
Dear Pisces, sensitive child of Poseidon (Neptune). The events of 2022, sealed the beginning of a new life cycle for you. You are an altruistic sign, so the new found money focus, that surrounding circumstances command during February, catches you off guard, on the 4th. A productive way for you to navigate through practical affairs, after the 5th, is through due diligence. Venus, planet of love and material safety, enhances your self esteem, with good news form the love or money front, on the 16th or by the 20th. Confused, during the first 3 weeks of the month, despite the positive transits? Don’t fret. After the New Moon in your sign, on the 21st, you come into contact with the right information or person, to help guide you through practical affairs.
Astro-highlight of 2023: Expansive and lucky Jupiter concluded its yearly transit through your Sun, on December 21! Until May 16 it actives your finances! Time to get organized. Be assertive but not careless! Practical solutions! Read about the Full Moon in your sign, on the main menu bar, Astrology-September 2022, paragraph 2. This could guide you all the way to your upcoming birthday. Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
2023 Retrogrades for Outer Planets.
*Saturn retrogrades June 18 to November 5 in Pisces, Pluto* retrogrades May 2 to June 11 (in Aquarius), June 12 to October 11 in Capricorn, Jupiter* retrogrades September 5 to December 31 in Taurus, Neptune* retrogrades July 1 to December 6 in Pisces and Uranus* retrogrades August 29 to January 29, 2024, in Taurus.
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Einstein