Giving Back 2019-2020
Let us give back.
To those who fight the good fight to help people, animals and our planet from those who do not.
To those who want to help themselves but really can not, due to extenuating circumstances.
Every month i like to shine the light on one organization and an individual, worldwide.
This months eyes are on…

Who’s heart is not bleeding for Australia, its people and all living beings. An unprecedented catastrophe on all levels, not just for the country but the entire globe.
This gut wrenching event turns our focus to all the firefighters and volunteers worldwide, who fight selflessly to save and protect our planet and all life forms on it.
The indomitable spirit of the Australian people will prevail. This is an amazing nation with a big, pluralistic heart.

Hopefully nations that can help and are watching this, will do so…

…and this magnificent country can go back to this.
I leave you all with the following words of ancient aboriginal words of wisdom.
“We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe to learn, to grow, to love and then we return home”.

“We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe to learn, to grow, to love and then we return home”.
This is an oldie but goodie. It seems highly appropriate with everything that is happening in Australia, Brazil, the world, to pay attention to its prophetic words. Try Not to be a ‘taker’, (January monthly tips). Enjoy.
courtesy of vevo, youtube.

Last month and year eyes were on…
The ‘wolf’ is dead. Long live the spirit of the ‘wolf’.

Paulo Paulino Guajajara
Paulo Paulino Guajajara or el Lobo (the wolf in Spanish), was a native of the Amazon in Brazil guarding the Arariboia native reserve in Maranhao state forest. He was murdered with a shot in the head from illegal forest loggers, while on a hunting trip, leaders of the Guajajara tribe said, on Saturday. (credit, Reuters)
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro took office this year and vowed to open up protected indigenous lands to economic development.
Do Brazilians care? Does the world care? We are about to find out.
Here is an easy way to protest from the safety of our home. Why do the loggers cut down the forest? For products made from the trees. What products are they? Google it. Do not buy them. Done.
If actions do speak louder than words, what does this action say to you?

Do you like to breathe in here…

…or here?
The planet is in mourning.

Farewell you brave soul. Hope you did not die in vain.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results“
Albert Einstein
Last month eyes were on…

“Gorillai” *
My favorite section on this site is the ‘giving back’ section. It is always dedicated to both an individual and a group of individuals, helping ameliorate life on our planet. There are also always, two separate subjects, as you can see scrolling down this page, every month. In October i found myself completely absorbed by all things ‘Gorilla’. The origin of the word, first recorded interaction, and how far back in history our ancient ancestors
had a clear understanding of our magnificent distant relatives, the Gorillas. I was awestruck by the indifference and magnitude of our developed world’s total emotional disconnection, otherwise known in psychology as ‘sociopathy’.
What prompted me to bring all this to your attention? I was inspired!
The inspiration. An amazing Aquarius couple. Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi. The instigation. A heartfelt birthday gift over a year ago. (we all know Portia De Rossi, Australian model, philanthropist, and actress and her wife Ellen Degeneres, American comedian, television presenter, actress, writer, and producer, right?!)
I am referring of course to The Ellen DeGeneres Campus of the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund in Rwanda. https://theellenfund.org › the-campus
Which in turn lead to the discovery of another amazing individual. Damian Aspinall. John Damian Androcles* Aspinall, is an English businessman and conservationist. *(Androcles; anir+kleos=Glorious, is an ancient Greek name, meaning ‘the Glorious one’. His work certainly is.)
I am referring of course to The Aspinall Foundation. https://www.aspinallfoundation.org
Why are these individuals, and so many more people, this passionate and concerned about protecting and saving gorillas? Let us find out.

We cage them, torture them, hunt them for entertainment or to cut their hands off and turn them into ashtrays?!? (Really..)
You would think that after this relentless prosecution, they would seize to trust us or love us. Yet all it takes, is a minimum effort of kindness on our side and to them, we are family. Overstatement? Let us find out.

You may believe in evolution or you may not. You may believe we are related to gorillas and the ape family. Or you may not. We know so much, we are so evolved. Do you believe we can teach them something? Anything. Or do you think perhaps, they can?

A last glance.
* The word “gorilla” was derived from an ancient account by a Carthaginian explorer, Hanno the Navigator ( c. 500 BC). He sailed on an expedition along the west coast of Africa nearly 2,500 years ago. The area later became Sierra Leone. The name comes from Ancient Greek Γόριλλαι (gorillai), meaning ‘tribe of hairy women’, described by Hanno. Local people shared their name for the great ape with him; the rough translation of which meant “hairy person”. Segment from Nikos Sarantakos Homepage. “The part of the word gorilla, ‘gor-,kor-, or gour-, exists to this day in languages in lower Senegal. It means ‘human being‘”.
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it
Albert Einstein
Two months ago eyes were on…

Open Arms
It all started with some pictures of children that drowned on a beach and one person’s, Oscar Camp’s dedication to justice and humanity to set the ground to create this organization.
Open Arms is a non-governmental, non-profit organization whose main mission is to protect, by having a presence at sea, those people who try to reach Europe fleeing from war, persecution or poverty. Born from a rescue and first aid at sea company with extensive experience in the Spanish coasts. They specialize in surveillance and rescue missions of boats carrying people who need help in the Aegean and Central Mediterranean sea, as well as raising awareness on all related untold injustices. Please take some time to visit the site www.openarms.es/en/raising-awareness for more in depth information.

Richard Gere
Like a true human being and Buddhist,
this famous actor took a strong stance against the injustice done on the refugees on board a Spanish NGO ship, Proactiva Open Arms, where he brought food and water to the 160 refugees. They have been stuck at Lampedusa Italy, due to the country’s and its deputy Prime Minister’s Matteo Salvini, ban on landing refugees.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results“
Albert Einstein
Three months ago eyes were on…

…Caretta Caretta
Did you know that the Mediterranean Sea Turtle, Caretta Caretta, always returns to the beach it was born, to lay its eggs? This makes it very important to preserve these shores, to ensure the continuation of the species, as their nesting period happens during the busiest summer months from June to August. Please explore the organization, e-mail: info@archelon.gr ,with its amazing staff and volunteer group, and admire what humans can do when they put their heart in it.

…The Amazing Dolphin
So much has been said but not enough has been done by most of us, to contribute in preserving this magnificent mammal. Except for the ongoing battle and 55 year life time commitment by Ric O’Barry, Founder & Director, Ric O’Barry’s Dolphin Project, who not only shed light to the torture and slaughter these creatures suffer in the hands of humans, but has pioneered in rehabilitating injured or captured dolphins worldwide. If there was ever a person with a brave soul, this is one, so please explore further on thedolphinproject.org.
Four months ago eyes were on…

…Magnificent Elephants
Please take a few seconds and visit www.elefantasia.org and become familiar with an amazing organization that is making a true difference in its field.
ElefantAsia is a nonprofit organization, established in 2001, protecting the Asian elephant. It operates in Laos, which it estimates to have only 1500 Asian elephants remaining, 560 of these domesticated and working with their mahouts.

…Abandoned animals
Please take a few seconds to visit directly at Takis Shelter
https://takis-shelter.org , on fb., or google Takis Proestakis in Ierapetra, Crete, a local ex-club owner who has devoted himself to abandoned animals. He gave up his lustrous lifestyle, spent a fortune and has dedicated his life to this Animal Shelter, which relies on donations, to keep up the good fight.