Giving Back 2020
Let us give back.
To those who fight the good fight to help people, animals and our planet from those who do not.
To those who want to help themselves but really can not, due to extenuating circumstances.
Every month i like to shine the light on one organization and an individual, worldwide.
This months eyes are on…
…all the heroes, on the medical front line, food industry, sanitation workers and coordination experts, fighting a common invisible enemy,

…all everyday heroes that take proper precautions, in order to preserve not just their family’s health, but the most vulnerable group, our elders. Doing everything we can by staying indoors, we do not just save our grandparents. We save wisdom, our heritage and our history.

Last month eyes were on…
Environmental Journalists
It is so easy to be taken in by a picture or a documentary and forget about the people that spend days just to take the right shot, or how often they put their lives in danger, in order to bring us this footage.

You find them on
the highest,
scariest places on
our planet

and the deepest,
scariest places,
in our planet
This month I could not help but focus on AARON ‘Bertie’ GEKOSKI, an environmental photojournalist who presents and produces eye opening wildlife and conservation films. I find his personal story triumphant, as he left behind a life of comfort and glitz, and committed himself in alerting us to the serious battle, between human “serial killers’ and their innocent victims, endangered animals. Please visit his site www.aarongekoski.com for additional, very important information.
What alerted me to this journalist’s penetrating work? One of his striking, award winning photos, the boxing Orangutan, from the Wild Life Collection. Aaron is the founder of Raise the Red Flag, a global and on-going campaign to end cruel Wildlife Tourism. These animals suffer through torture, in order to be trained to perform in the tourist shows for us. It is like the circus for the insane.. Part of this story is also connected to the global, illegal, endangered species trade. These animals are forcibly taken out of their natural habitats, to be used and abused by us, humans. They are primarily sourced out of Asia and some from Africa.
I wonder; the people that come in contact with the animals, as they beat them until they bleed, (part of the ‘training’), could they also contract a disease from them? Is it a coincidence that viruses like SARS, or the current CORONAVIRUS, come from Asia, the largest center of illegal animal trafficking?
According to the official ECDC site, (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control), COVID-19, the 2019 novel coronavirus, is now named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), while the disease associated with it, is referred to as COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2, was identified in China at the end of 2019 and is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans.
Where do Coronaviruses come from?
Coronaviruses are viruses that circulate among animals but some of them are also known to affect humans. After they have infected animals, they can eventually be transmitted to humans.
At the end of the day, you may not care about ethical trading, you may think global warming is a hoax, or that animals are there to serve us; in this case you definitely care about You. In which case you can visit a platform, like Raise the Red Flag, and inform yourself on which Wildlife Tourism Parks and Venues abuse the animals. To protect yourself.

orangutan is
a member of
the biological

…including all
great apes
and humans.
Aaron Gekoski also designed and launched a platform in partnership with Born Free Foundation. Did you know what ‘canned lion hunting’ is? I did not. Now i do. It is a modern day version of the ancient roman Colosseum. Only in our progressive, civilized time, captive-bred lion cubs, on the false premise that they will be released into the wild as part of a lion conservation initiative, are transferred to canned hunting facilities, to be shot by paying trophy hunters. Their bones and other body parts are sold into illegal international trade.
BORN FREE: Organization against Lion Farming & Canned Hunting

of his Jungle.
of our Jungle.
We lead a precarious existence. Do you want to exist or to you want to live? In Wikipedia, life is defined as “a characteristic that distinguishes physical entities that have biological process, from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased or because they never had such functions and are classified as inanimate”. Were is our anima (rational soul, life), when we accept cruelty and torture to other living creatures? Are we then without soul? If so, by definition, we do not live and are not living beings.

Last two months eyes were on…

Who’s heart is not bleeding for Australia, its people and all living beings. An unprecedented catastrophe on all levels, not just for the country but the entire globe.
This gut wrenching event turns our focus to all the firefighters and volunteers worldwide, who fight selflessly to save and protect our planet and all life forms on it.
The indomitable spirit of the Australian people will prevail. This is an amazing nation with a big, pluralistic heart.

nations that
can help and
are watching
this, will do

…and this
country can
go back to
I leave you all with the following words of ancient aboriginal words of wisdom.

“We are all
visitors to this
time, this
place. We are
just passing
through. Our
purpose here
is to observe,
to learn, to
grow, to love
and then we
return home”.
This is an oldie but goodie. It seems highly appropriate with everything that is happening in Australia, Brazil, the world, to pay attention to its prophetic words. Try Not to be a ‘taker’, (January monthly tips). Enjoy.