Happy New Year!
Usually, when a year ends and a new one begins, looking back at the previous year, gives us enough information to make a presentation for the near future. In this case, looking back at the last 12 years is imperative but can overwhelm. As an overload of information can be just that, I chose to make a simple and hopefully easy to understand presentation of the year 2021, with the astrological aspects in parenthesis, for the astrology aficionados. Enjoy!
Until January 6 we are directly experiencing on a personal and collective level, the ramifications caused due to how the Covid situation was handled or not (Mars-aggression and physical condition- in fiery Aries, forming eruptive squares with Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn, plus nebulous Neptune-hospitals-being exactly that). January 7 to March 4, is a good time frame to put pending, practical affairs in order (be alert to the Mercurial mess in communication January 31 to February 20 and back up your systems and files). The secret here, to get the best results possible is to push forward, one calculated step at a time but continue to keep the lines of communication open. Being meticulous, focused and kind will pay off. Being stubborn and dictator like, will not (unpredictable Uranus in fixed Taurus turns direct January 15). March 4 to April 23, communication and being diplomatic are prerequisites in any agreement/contract, which of course includes marriage and cohabitation, not just legal and business transactions. Finalizing a divorce or settlement? If you are dealing with banks, property or business seizures, insurance claims, make sure you are not cheated out of your rights. Consulting or hiring the right people for the job may cost initially but saves you grief and money in the long run. There are also several non profit organizations that help with legal advice or professionals that offer pro-bono services. At the same time if you are working in any organization that takes advantage of people during their time of trouble and need, you may feel like taking the easy way out, but this is not recommended. You may be now in a position of power but Karmic pay back is a ‘cinch’! (Mars travels through communicative Gemini where evolution of Karma is currently active and the major planets-Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune- are in relative sync).
April 24 to June 11 is an emotionally charged time frame and family issues connected to both old wounds and financial control, more so with an older fαmily member, are prominent. Fragile, handle with care. (Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto- Pluto is Rx-retrograde April 28 to October 7). The key here for successful endeavors is to keep the balance between our needs and wants, synchronized with altruism and fairness. A scandal in the medical field or the navigation-nautical trade industry, can surface. (Neptune, Rx-retrogrades June 26 to December 1-sea trade, hospitals, pharmaceuticals- is home-bound in Pisces, Saturn, Rx-retrogrades May 24 to October 11 and Jupiter enters altruistic Pisces May 14 to July 29, and is Rx June 29 to October 18). During the summer of 2021 I suggest a degree of restraint. Whether you are visiting a popular tourist destination or you live in one, balance in our expectations, is key. A holiday destination does not include a free card to run wild and unload all our pent up energy on locals or other visitors; we are tourists not conquerors. This is someone’s home, after all. On the other hand, misrepresenting services, double bookings or trying to overcharge guests to cover recent financial loss, will guarantee you no business next year, even if it is a covid free one. More so if you are an online booking business, operating out of a large scale platform. Same applies to car rental companies. With Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto Rx-retrograde from August to October, I would be flexible regarding my holiday destination this year, choose a more down to earth location but plan it ahead. For a more mainstream location I would double check my reservations during January-February and then again three months before arrival date. How does the year 2021 end?
It could end exactly like this year will, it could be better or it could be worst. What can determine the end result lies in the choices we make. The year 2020 was not a good one for most. The prevailing statements that have reached my frequency are ‘I have emerged a better person”’, ‘cant wait for this horrible year to be over’, ‘I just want my life to go back to normal’ and my favorite (not) ‘are we going to make money this year or not’. The source of our frustration is legitimate. The fact that those who lost their loved ones, could not even be present for a little bit of comfort, strikes a cord in my heart. The question that emerges here is this; would you want to go through this again? If you answered yes, no need to keep reading. If you answered no, then how can you and the rest of us, prevent this from happening again? Ask the right questions. To get the right answers. Then, you will know what to do. And what not to do. Here is one question; was 2020 a bad year for everyone?
Look up under the Astrology segment, for analysis on the month of January and the month ahead for each zodiac sign, on December 27. Have your best Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Just think of all those that can not. Happy Holidays to all.