What is Feng Shui / Kan Yu?
Regarding Feng Shui, its origin, importance and application
In ancient China Feng Shui masters shared the privilege of an all around education that included all sciences, theories and philosophies of their time and used it to create balanced structures withing healthy environments in order to ensure prosperity and longevity. This is why this vast amount of important knowledge and Feng Shui practices were strictly (punishable by death if disobeyed) reserved only for the emperor and royal court. It is therefore a great joy to live in more democratic times were all of us have access to this knowledge and system that can improve our life and living environment significantly.
“In ancient Greece the architect that took on designing and constructing a building, should have been knowledgeable in geometry, history, philosophy, music, medicine and furthermore to be knowledgeable in astronomy, meteorology, geology, knowledge that covers a wide spectrum of sciences. Only in such manner he could see a construction in its totality and as part of a whole in balance with natural laws”. segment from Haris Tzouras report from Lapis Philosophorum on Ecodynami the ‘Greek Feng Shui’.
What did the ancients know that helped them create the foundation of our civilization, as we know it today? How lucky are we, to still have access to this information. How can we use it to better the quality of life, for all living creatures on this beautiful planet, our only home?
It was a great pleasure for me to discover this pyramid of knowledge and mentality encompassed in the courses and teachings of The American Feng Shui Institute founded by Master Alfred Sang , as it has been proven through numerous actual case studies. As an AFSI graduate i adhere strictly to the technical knowledge and philosophy of my school and apply equally my enthusiasm and professionalism in each and every case i work on.