Enjoy astrological monthly tips
by Helen Kyriacopoulos -Timms
Life changes. Love life and you will love change.
“fire, earth and water need air for balance…”
4everbalance and the Holistic Wellness Program
The Sky and Zodiacs for the:
Month of July:
Pluto the great transformer sextiles
Neptune the great fertilizer.
May there always be wind in your sail.
JULY 2023
Saturn turned retrograde on June 18th. Time to regroup. Pluto reentered Capricorn one last time on June 12th to January 24, 2024. Transformation is afoot. |
An overview of July 2023.
In July ‘if you want clear answers, ask clear questions’.
4everbalance and the Holistic Wellness Program
July is a passionate, albeit explosive month, especially after the 22nd. Luckily it is graced with a Neptune-Pluto sextile! This means that if you imbue your passions with your creative skills and are willing to recreate you ‘mondus operandi’, the way you do things by letting go of old, self destructive patterns, the rewards can exceed your expectations. The three elements at play in this case are fire (passions), water (creativity) and earth (letting go). Air (communication), is the missing element here. Clear and precise communication becomes key, in order to successfully reach your end goal. Stay strong but avoid power games. Out of control behavior can result in indigestion or panic attacks.
How to maneuver through July 2023, aspects and dates.
The first week of July is still graced with the beautiful sextile between lucky Jupiter and solidifying Saturn, allowing our sensibility to come forward through empathy. This aspect is enhanced on the 1st with the Sun-Saturn trine and a Sun-Jupiter sextile. Translation? A business, a love connection or an ambitious plan can begin to bear fruit provided your heart and mind are in sync, which can help you deal with a love or money curve ball on the 2nd.
The Full Moon on July 3 asks you to raise the bar. Stop shortchanging yourself. This way your true value and true needs will be met on all levels. Lucky Jupiter and freedom loving Uranus, both in stable Taurus, are nearby, trine this moon and can help you stabilize your plans or desires, so remember to aim high but stay grounded! Mercury in sextile to Uranus on the 7th can also help you to promote your out of the box or anthropocentric idea, an endeavor through technology, especially one with global connections. On the 10th through creativity and altruism, you can also transform the way you conduct your business, relationships or your new image, as communicative Mercury trines Neptune and sextiles Pluto.
Mars enters practical, detail oriented and fussy Virgo on the 11th and not a moment too soon to help you ground the fiery and eruptive energy of the last 30 days… Not to mention the tension created between your emotional needs or expectations and how much reality you can handle, courtesy of the Mercury-Pluto opposition also on the 11th. An important note here; mind your words because an over-emotional or cruel behavior can come back and bite you hard on July 22-23. Luckily Neptune is nearby to help soften logic and nurture emotion. If you feel overwhelmed here (more so if you are a cardinal sign, namely an Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn) or have points to your chart here, spend the day with a trusted friend. Karma enters Aries on the 13th affecting mostly cardinal signs. Keep your Karma clean and rewards will follow suit!
On the 15th a positive energy boost can help you deal with an emotional or practical matter or get unexpected good news on a delayed project by the 20th. This is also a great day to meditate and reconnect with your emotional I.Q. and intuition. If you happen to deal with an extreme situation consult a specialist, as stomach, spinal, solar plexus or skin related irritations can affect your well being. Same applies for extreme sports, particularly on July 17/18; tensions run high here so mind your wording.
Is it July 21st already?? Oh, here comes the drama.. Mars opposes Saturn and the fight between practical and emotional needs is tested. Venus, the planet that rules over love, beauty, art and money, turns retrograde…(July 22 to September 4). Indigestion due to stress or digestive issues can be a clear sign of a need to strengthen you emotional fortress in order to keep your balance and successfully deal with love and money matters. Also take extra care if you work with beauty or are getting work done, are involved in an artistic project or work with children.
Did you ‘fly off’ the handle or were simply reckless on the 11th? If so, you are dealing with the effects of it on July 22-23 (the Sun opposes Pluto and Mercury squares Uranus). Karma tags along for the ride as well. Willing to set things right? Great, get to it, as the Sun squares Pluto and Karma on the 23rd and we have a stellium of planets (Sun, Venus, Mercury and Lilith) in passionate, creative and dramatic Leo on the 24th! A tip for finding balance here is to understand the difference between pride and a misplaced pride due to ego.
On July 29 Mercury enters its communicative and flexible earthy offspring Virgo. What a relief, at least communication is infused with some sensibility. Focus and attention to detail are prominent and so is a propensity to be picky or caustic.
Structural SATURN entered altruistic Pisces on March 8, 2023 to May 24. 2025. It is retrograde until November and sextiles Uranus, during this journey. It is revolution time; revolution of the mind, the soul, growth and fair treatment, including fair trade. It can be erratic energy, so hopefully the human kind, will choose to work smart, over the next 20 years, not hard.
Transformative PLUTO entered humanitarian Aquarius on March 24, 2023, until 2044. On June 12 it reenters Capricorn one last time. Oppressive institutions collapse. As do partnerships or relationships with weak foundations. Sustainability, truths that hurt, sexual identity issues and knee jerk reaction to injustice, are some of the subjects on the global table. Technology: friend or faux?
Uranus is direct. Space exploration peeks. Stay connected to and aware of, our Earth’s needs.
In July wrap up contracts, agreements and personal matters, before the 22nd.
There is a Full Moon at 11 degrees 18′ Capricorn on July 3rd.
The moon is beautifully trined by Jupiter but is opposed by Mercury in emotional Cancer. Try not to jump to conclusions.
It affects us all but mostly the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) and people with points to your chart here. You are directly affected by this Full Moon, if your birthday is March 26-April 5, June 27-July 7, September 26-October 6 and December 27-January 6.
In order to harvest the positive influence from such a moon and take advantage of fertile opportunities for all types of expansion, you need to find and keep the balance, between emotion and logic. You have the chance to promote an idea or come to an agreement that surfaces around the 3rd before July 21st. Ambition is favored and so is setting the bar high but not arrogance or trumping over others to get ahead.
Issues with women in your life, a mother/mother figure and connection or lack thereof with your country, can emerge. In some cases this would involve emotional dependency, control or its polar opposite, emotional absence even harshness. Consult an expert, no need to fumble through this alone. Take care of your skin, knees and bones. Look for alternative hair treatments.
There is a New Moon at 24 degrees 55′ Cancer, on the 17th.
This Moon is trined (by 3 degrees) by Creative and nebulous Neptune, opposed by Pluto retrograde, squared by South Node (Karma) and sextiled by revolutionary Uranus.
It affects us all, but mostly the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) or if you have points to your chart here. You are directly affected by this New Moon, if your birthday is April 8-18, July 10-20, October 11-21 and January 9-19.
A new moon in sentimental Cancer offers opportunities to start fresh in a new country, job, pursue mental or physical adventures (Neptune), promote an out of the box idea (Uranus), tap into your creativity, create a new family (on a personal or global scale) or renew your relationship to family. Serendipitous karmic connections can occur. Financial opportunities, heightened intuition or the chance to re-balance your emotions is also present. What can hinder your progress in the above mentioned matters? Using emotional blackmail to control others or succumbing to it, maintaining an unhealthy connection to the past and refusing to cut the umbilical cord (Pluto). Nagging will not help either!
New, exciting beginnings are afoot!
Balance emotions and logic!
Astro-highlight for July 2023: Task master, tenacious, hard work rewarding, albeit limiting, Saturn, is now retrograde. This motion gives you a chance to regroup, should you think it necessary. Have you been patient, worked hard, consistently and kept an open mind to changes? You are slowly coming out of the woods and depending on your chart, your hard work begins to pay off, as July rolls in. You probably are exhausted, like an athlete is, a few meters before the finish line. Keep plugging along, don’t give up now, your finish line is in front of you, July 11, 20 or 29, 2023, depending on your chart!
Astro Tip for the Fixed zodiac family (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, or people with points to your charts here); the North Node (Karmic evolution) at 01 degrees Taurus (birthday April 21 and South Node (inherited DNA) 01 degrees Scorpio (October 23) until July 14 and enters Aries/Libra after. Saturn is at an uncomfortable angle in retrograde motion and is here to reward, or not. Collect good Karma, understand that limits can be a blessing in disguise: remember how you were treated in the past and don’t fall for the same act again (the truth excavator Pluto is now retrograde). Do not be dictatorial, especially if you are a political leader with your Sun/Ascendant or points on Leo/Scorpio and Taurus/Aquarius or Aries/Cancer and Libra/Capricorn.
FAQ: ‘I don’t know anything about planets, let alone astrology. Can I have some easy, basic information?’
Sure, before your read your zodiac sign, you may enjoy the read below!
Our newcomers will find here a brief, yet vital introduction to our planets, in order of distance from the sun, closest to furthest. You may be curious enough to visit, but have no clue about astrology and zodiac signs.
- Sun: center of our galaxy, associated with Leo, sign of creative force-Helios in ancient Greece, the god of light.
- Mercury: nearest to the sun and fastest moving, associated with Gemini and Virgo, signs of communication-Hermes in ancient Greece, messenger to the gods.
- Venus: next in line and second brightest star on our sky, associated with Taurus and Libra, signs of strength and beauty-Aphrodite in ancient Greece, goddess of love.
- Earth: following suit, the planet of life growth, associated only by element (earth) with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn- Gaia in ancient Greece, the primal mother earth goddess.
- Moon: the earth’s only natural satellite, associated with the sign of Cancer, sign of nurture- Artemis goddess of hunting and a healer of women.
- Mars: the red planet, associated with Aries, sign of assertion and drive –Aris in ancient Greece, god of war.
- Jupiter: the largest planet of our system radiates double the light it receives from the sun, associated with Sagittarius, sign of expansion and illumination- Zeus, in ancient Greece the god of gods.
- Saturn: next the ringed majestic planet of order, associated with Capricorn, sign of duty and dependability-in ancient Greece the god Pan, protector of woodlands and shepherds.
- Uranus: the gas giant, associated with Aquarius, the sign of innovation- Aquarius or beautiful Ganymede, the son of Trojan king Tros, was taken to Mount Olympus by Zeus to act as cup-carrier to the gods.
- Neptune: a striking blue giant, associated with Pisces, the sign of healing and illusion- in ancient Greece representing the fish into which Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed
- Pluto: the yellow dwarf planet or huge asteroid, associated with Scorpio, the intense truth-seeker. He was called on earth by Goddess Artemis to kill Orion, who wanted to destroy all animals.
You may notice occasionally, astrological dates can seem to be one (1) day off, (for example a planet enters a sign on the 12/13). This occurs because calculations are based on Tropical Midnight Ephemeris, Time Zone EDT (04 west). Add or subtract hours, based on your Time Zone.
Here are the twelve zodiac sings for the month of JULY
FAQ; Should I read both my Sun sign and the one that corresponds to my Ascendant?
Get even more insight when you read both your Sun sign and the one that corresponds to your Ascendant.
FAQ: Why focus on Mars and Venus?
Emphasis is put, among all other aspects, in the importance of Mars and Venus transits, two personal planets, that rule some of our primary, earthy needs.
Happy July Aries!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars, your ruler. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, your ruler, is in your zone of creativity until the 10th and due diligence after! Venus is in your zone of creativity all month but turns retrograde on the 22nd!
Dear passionate Aries, your ruler Mars continues to positively activate your zone of creativity, children and love affairs until the 10th and you are able to put related matters in order but do try your best to not jump to conclusions around the 3rd. The full moon energy brings professional matters to the surface and some of you are torn between work and family. You can also be recognized for a job well done but stay grounded. A creative idea that emerges on the 7th or 10th can go a long way but needs fine tuning until the beginning of September, unless otherwise indicated by your chart. The North Node (Karma) enters your sign on the 13th, so build a good one for the coming year. The pay off will be worth it. The planet that rules over love and money, Venus, moves ‘backwards’ after the 22nd and the stars above are quite ‘confused’. Promises are hard to keep so focus on work, your well being and hold back on overspending.
Important dates
July 3, 7, 10/11, 17, 22-23, 29
Astro tip for Aries: Jupiter brings abundance, luck and opportunities in your zone of finance after May 16! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy July Taurus!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of family until the 10th and creativity after! Venus, your ruler, is in your zone of family all month but turns retrograde on the 22nd!
Dear child of Aphrodite (Venus, our great benefice Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion in your sign for the next year will help you build your self esteem by teaching you through new experiences, the art and benefits of letting go of the past. Pluto trines your sign one last time until January 2024 and in sextile to Neptune during July, you have a chance on the 7th or 10th to begin fertilizing endeavors you have worked hard on for a while. The full moon on the 3rd is a good indication of what your pay off will be. Use the first 3 weeks of the month to settle family matters, arrange a move, an online course or a trip. Although Mars favors you after the 11th, particularly with a love affair, children and creativity and an agreement on the 29th, your ruler Venus turns retrograde on the 22nd until the end of August. Be careful with your wallet and heart.
Important dates
July 3, 7, 10, 11, 15, 17/18, 20, 24, 29
Astro tip for Bulls; Uranus in your sign, can jolt you into unexpected outbursts. (May 11-12 Tauruses). Eliminate toxicity from your life. The eclipses continue on the Taurus-Scorpio arena, until October 2023, so make good use of the lessons you have acquired and opportunities that are coming your way. Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy July Gemini!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of communication until the 10th and family after! Venus, is in your zone of communication all month but turns retrograde on the 22nd!
Dear Twin, child of Mercury, The new Saturn position in Pisces is big news indeed for your sign, as it settles in your solar professional zone. During July it is in retrograde motion; this can mean a relief for some or a need to regroup for others, depending on your chart. Use the first three weeks of the month to take care of contracts, agreements or a communication issue you are dealing wit, especially if it is related to loans, an inheritance or an investment around the 3rd. Mars squares your Sun after the 11th and you can be mentally challenged by a contract/deal, a business or personal partnership on July 21, 24, or also due to Venus retrograde after the 22nd.. Stay grounded as stress can affect your digestive or nervous system. Plan a spa day with a good friend but don’t blow your budget. You will be glad you didn’t during August.3, 7, 11, 17/18, 21, 24, 29.
Important dates
July 3, 7, 11, 17/18, 21, 24, 29
Extra tip; Neptune squares your Sun and ‘pops bubbles’. Stay away from gossip. Saturn squares your Sun but activates your professional zone. Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Go ahead, make
a wish!
Have a Prosperous and Happy Birthday Cancer!
Happy Birthday month Cancer!
Happy Birthday Leo after the 23rd!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of finances until the 10th and communication after! Venus is in your zone of finances all month but turns retrograde on the 22nd!
Dear Cancer, child of the majestic moon you are naturally in sync with life’s ebb and flow and during July this current is connected to the money flow and communication matters, including commerce and contracts. Your attention is diverted to a personal or business partnership around the 3rd. Whether you stay or go, choose wisely, ie, what’s best for you and enjoy new beginnings after the 17th. Saturn trines your Sun and in retrograde motion during July, either gives you room to regroup financially or rethink an important decision you need to make before November. There could be a temporary obstacle, depending on your chart but Mars, you new best friend after July 11 and well into August, can help you overcome a blockage on July 22-23 and make an important financial deal or decision on the 29th.
Important dates
July 3, 10-12, 17, 20, 22-23, 29
Astro – tip for 2023: Expansive and lucky Jupiter sextiles your Sun after May 16, 2023! Be assertive but not careless, you are blessed with professional success through your social network! A new adventure is afoot! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy July Leo!
Happy birthday Leo after July 23!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of self esteem until the 10th and finances after! Venus is in your zone of self esteem all month but turns retrograde on the 22nd!
Regal Leo, child of life giving Sun, use the first 10 days of the month to pursue your endeavors as your physical battery is fully charged and the time frame July 11 to 21 (with communicative Mercury also in your sign until the 28th) to wrap up a deal, financial venture or an important personal matter. If you didn’t control your generous nature so far, now is the time to begin. Mind your spine and solar plexus. Although the position of the love and money influencer planet, Venus, has favored you for a while, its retrograde phase that begins on July 22nd and lasts all of August along with the square to Jupiter, implies that money can go out just as quickly as it will come in, particularly if you insist on surrounding yourself with superficial flatterers. A steady pace, careful choices on how you spend your cash and emotions, is they key to overcoming possible delays or obstacles.
Important dates
July 3, 11-21, 17/18, 22-23, 29
Astro – tip for 2023: Expansive and lucky Jupiter activates your professional achievements zone after May 16, 2023! Be assertive but not careless, with new endeavors! A new adventure is afoot! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis
Happy July Virgo!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of introspection until the 10th and self esteem after! Venus is in your zone of introspection all month but turns retrograde on the 22nd!
Dear Virgo, child of chatty Mercury. Although you can benefit around July 3 in the creative, children or love affair department, you still feel a bit ‘left out’ or like you don’t get what you need. Introspection is also useful for self evaluation; consider the possibility that it is not so simple to please you. Mars boosts your self esteem after the 10th and your communication or health zone after the 28th, with your astro-dad Mercury in your sign. Due to the Saturn-Mars (health and physical condition)_opposition on the 21st and the retrograde motion of love and money planet Venus in your introspection zone after the 22nd, be alert to financial or emotional stress that can at times be self imposed due to a propensity for perfection. Your nervous or digestive system can be affected. Still, Jupiter and Uranus trine your sign; any pleasant surprise from your expansion zone is possible.
Important dates
July 3, 7, 10, 15, 17/18, 21, 24, 28
Astro-highlight of 2023: Expansive and lucky Jupiter will help you expand in all aspects of your life after May 16! Be assertive but not careless! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy July Libra!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of social networks until the 10th and introspection after! Venus is in your zone of social networks all month but turns retrograde on the 22nd!
Dear aerialist, child of Aphrodite (Venus). The first three weeks of July are undoubtedly filled with socializing, connections and professional achievements, particularly around the 3rd, although you may find yourself caught between family and work. You social networks can be that connection or safety net that can help boost your finances as Mars gives your social circle the energy necessary until the 10th. Afterwards the planet of action activates your zone of introspection while Venus continues to bring love and cash through your networks until the 21st. This means that you have the opportunity to go over the fine lines of your relationships, personally and professionally. For some Libras those old social networks will be under the microscope as well. Where do those boundaries need to be? If such decisions fluster you on the 13th (when Karma enters Aries/Libra), or 23-24, a Life Coach or specialist can help alleviate the weight.
Important dates
July 3, 7, 12, 13, 21-24
Astro-highlight of 2023: Expansive and lucky Jupiter activated your investment, transformation, sexuality and inheritance zone after May 16! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy July Scorpio!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of achievements until the 10th and social networks after! Venus is in your zone of achievements but turns retrograde after!
Dear child of transformative Pluto, the month of July is an oxymoron for you as it holds both the productive and unproductive ends of the same story. Translation? Use all the opportunities of the first three weeks but do not push or enforce your views after the 22nd. Your can receive accolades or a cash infusion for a job well done by July 10 or make a fresh start around the 19th but due to the Venus retrograde until September 4, put things off when possible. Work with a specialist if necessary. During July Saturn (trines your sign in retrograde motion), gives you the opportunity to go over details or regroup regarding fertility, creativity, children and love affairs but best sign contracts or close a deal before July 21. Protect your heart and wallet.
Important dates
July 2, 3, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17/18, 20, 23-24, 29
Astro tip for Scorpio: Uranus opposes your Sun (birthday November 12-13). You break free on September! You do not like surprises, so do your homework. Or accept that we can not control everything. Jupiter has activated your partnerships until May 2023! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy July Sagittarius!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of expansion until the 10th and professional accolades after! Venus is in your zone of expansion but turns retrograde on the 22nd!
Dear Archer, child of abundant Jupiter, Mars continues to set a very dynamic tempo in your zone of expansion in all levels until July 10; passion abounds! The full moon in your finances on the 3rd is trined by your astro-dad Jupiter infusing your endeavors with fortune but is opposed by Mercury in emotional Cancer. Try not to jump to conclusions. Be very cautious with a contract/agreement on the 17/18th; if it seems too good to be true or not well checked it can cause you frustration or cost you dearly on the 21st. Venus, planet of love, beauty, art and money also favors you with expansion but better use the opportunities given to you before the 20th. Venus turns retrograde for the rest of the summer, so there can be confusion or even deception in your partnerships during this time.
Important dates
July 3, 11, 12, 17/18, 21, 24, 29
Astro-highlight of 2023: Expansive and lucky Jupiter, your astro-dad activated your due diligence and daily routine zone after May 16! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis
Happy July Capricorn!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of investments until the 10th and expansion after! Venus is in your zone of investments but turns retrograde on the 22nd!
Dear Goat, you are a had working, true child of Saturn. Your father planet is retrograde during July giving you a chance to regroup regarding a fertile, creative, children or love affair issue. Penetrating Pluto returned in your sign until January 24, 2024 (birthday January 19-21). Time to fully clean out your closet, whatever this means for you. The full moon in your sign on the 3rd asks you to raise the bar, bring quality into your life and get your self worth back. A Life Coach or consultant can help you cut necessary ties that bind by the 17th and allow your renewed strength to come through as September arrives. Meanwhile, take advantage of every opportunity before July 22nd to balance out finances and personal affairs. Be cautious with your heart and wallet on July 21 and the rest of the summer.
Important dates
July 3, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17/18, 21, 29
Astro-highlight of 2023: Expansive and lucky Jupiter entered your creativity and love affair zone on May 16. You upgrade this part of your life! Saturn freed you from money restraints! Pluto allows the brand new you to shine as the year ends! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy July Aquarius!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of partnerships until the 10th and investments after! Venus is in your zone of partnerships until the 22nd but turns retrograde after!
Dear Aquarius, child of unpredictable Uranus; marriage, business partnerships and all pairings are the highlight of your month. The full moon on the 3rd will put you in an introspective mode, a useful one I dare say whether you are involved in a passionate affair, an endeavor or want to get out of one. Going within will greatly benefit you both financially and emotionally, especially when your sense of stability is concerned. Mercury is also connected to health and after the 12th adopt a healthy daily routine in order to make the most an unexpected development on the 15th. Some of you may also deal with an investment, mortgage or inheritance after the 11th. Consult with experts and do what you can to wrap things up before the 21st. You may need the rest of the summer to regroup and put them in order as September rolls in.
Important dates
July 3, 7, 12, 15, 17/18, 24
Extra tip: Lucky Jupiter entered your family, parents and country zone on May 16, 2023! You begin to rebuild it all! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
Happy July Pisces!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, is in your zone of due diligence until the 10th and partnerships after! Venus is in your zone of due diligence but turns retrograde on the 22nd!
Dear Pisces, sensitive child of Poseidon (Neptune). Structure loving Saturn entered your sign on March 7 for 3 years. It is time for a sensible and mature approach to everything and until July 10th this regards primarily your ability to focus through due diligence and maintain a balanced, daily healthy routine. Your popularity increases on the 3rd and an idea can be proved prosperous on July 10, 15 or 20 depending on your chart.. This can directly affect a marriage or business partnership; a fair approach on your end before the 21st can help you maintain balance in those partnerships. With the planet of action and physical strength, Mars, across your Sun after the 11th and love and money ruler, Venus, in retrograde motion after the 22nd, take a step back and regroup.
Important dates
July 3, 7, 10, 11, 17/18, 20, 21, 29
Astro-highlight of 2023: Expansive and lucky Jupiter activated your communication, contracts and mobility zone after May 16! Time to get organized under Saturn’s watchful eye. Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in depth, analysis!
2023 Retrogrades for Outer Planets.
*Saturn retrogrades June 18 to November 5 in Pisces, Pluto* retrogrades May 2 to June 11 (in Aquarius), June 12 to October 11 in Capricorn, Jupiter* retrogrades September 5 to December 31 in Taurus, Neptune* retrogrades July 1 to December 6 in Pisces and Uranus* retrogrades August 29 to January 29, 2024, in Taurus.
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Einstein