Enjoy astrological monthly tips
by Helen Kyriacopoulos -Timms
Life changes. Love life and you will love change.
Good times, sense and sensibility.
4everbalance and the Holistic Wellness Program
The Sky and Zodiacs for the:
Months of July – August
Expansive, bountiful and restless Jupiter in illusive Pisces is retrograde. Define ‘Lucky’.
Stability seeking, rewarding and limitation setting Saturn in rebellious Aquarius, is retrograde! Define success.
Pluto, regeneration, the pursuit of the hidden truth and healing, is retrograde in ambitious Capricorn! Time to drop excess baggage.
Neptune is retrograde! It’s foggy out there, in the emotional and oceanic waters. Nautical, Crude Oil, Pharmaceutical and Plastics industry crisis.
Non conformist, freedom loving, unpredictable and comfort jolting Uranus, turns retrograde August 20. Rebel with a cause?
July and August 2021, are so interconnected, as if they are one long month; if there is a significant difference, it is that during most of July (until the 28th), we can tend to the dreams that have been fermenting during a long period of ‘vision crashing’ due to world events, whereas in August we bring thoroughness and sensibility into those creative aspirations, in order to realistically see them come to fruition, this coming October-December.
This July and August, we respectively experience two Full Moons in Aquarius! Time to wake up.
The past is gone,
today is now,
and tomorrow is a
figment of our
Aspects and dates for July – August 2021.
Please remember throughout JULY-AUGUST that Pluto, (power games) is retrograde and Saturn, also in retrograde motion, still squares Uranus (retrogrades August 20). The status quo continues to push us back, as it is emotionally disconnected from the injustices it creates and wants to maintain its stronghold, on a global scale.
If I can summarize July and August, I would say that this is a short break during tumultuous times, were we can take a break, a vacation if we are lucky and recharge our batteries. Hopefully, during this much needed break, we will also allow our hearts to recharge and emotionally re-connect to our surrounding environment. The web we can be caught in during July and August? One that is finely knitted by planned deceit, control and a disturbing belief of superiority.
Will this be a good summer in the northern hemisphere? Here is the two month nutshell version; there seems to be an interplay between the simple need to have fun and recharge, against the need to ‘let it all out’ and force the issue. Deceptive information seem to be the order of the day and nothing is as we are led to believe. This truth or what is happening behind closed doors, we will face this October and December. Take full advantage of the good days of both July and August. What is the point of going on holidays, if you do not plan to relax, unwind and recharge? This you ought to allow for yourself and others…so be considerate. Don’t nag and remember; the past is gone, today is now, and tomorrow is a figment of our imagination.
Note to all: if you remember anything from this read, adhere this to your mind. LET IT GO…! Let go anything and everything that is dated and does not serve your true needs. FREEDOM is our true oxygen but it commands responsibility. Through accountability it is much easier to let go of old baggage and belief systems that undermine your true value as a human being. Let go and enjoy a rejuvenating summer (northern hemisphere) or a productive winter (southern hemisphere).
Have a happy summer northern hemisphere and a productive winter southern hemisphere!
July 1-7: | August 1-7: |
If you are torn between work and family, your sense of duty and your need for freedom, this is not the time to force the issue, rather the time to clarify your thoughts and practical/emotional needs, as emphasized in June; “Go getter Mars in fiery Leo opposes stability and boundaries seeking Saturn in cool thinking Aquarius, June 28 to July 5. Take one for the team; just choose your team wisely. Think outside the box but don’t think you know it all.“ When we stop controlling a situation and allow for it to organically unfold, the right decision pops up right in front of us, and following it becomes almost effortless. Same applies if you are in a stifling relationship, business or family. A sudden event or unexpected news will carry this clear answer for you. Are you trying to heal old wounds? This is the time to get informed and allow a specialist to help you get oriented. Keep some time for yourself, allow art into your life and psyche, read your favorite book or write one. Drive safe, don’t over-eat, be over-emotional or too ‘cold’. If you are low on energy, besides hydration and nutrition, check your thyroid. In a nutshell, if you can keep the balance, to the best of your ability of course, you will be able to enjoy your holiday or put your affairs in some order and get ready for some well needed and deserved, time off. | What is interesting this August, is the fact that the same issues that occupied your mind and heart during the beginning of July, return the first week of August pressuring for solution or answers. Again, the key for balance here is communication and not succumbing to either tension or a tendency to be critical and caustic (an August trait, as opposed to July’s ‘whining’). If you don’t wish to ‘bruise’ this vacation, for many people, month, keep away from EXTREMES; extreme speech, actions or behaviors. If you are into extreme sports, take care of your spine and heart. “Listen to your heart” but filter your actions through logic. The overall tendency, on both a personal and global level, is to ‘Shock and Awe”. After all we have been through and are still dealing with (financially, psychologically, ethically), you can imagine what the end result can be , when different cells of people wish to arbitrarily shock and awe us (this includes the powers that be). In essence, if you are on holiday, just enjoy it. If you are not, give your life and loved ones, holiday moments. |
For the astrology aficionados, Mars, aggression and drive, opposes order seeking and foundation setting Saturn on July 1-2. The tension between the Saturn- Uranus (unconventional, freedom seeking and eccentric) square, is slightly softer but still causes enough disruptions all around us. A nurturing Sun squares an impatient Moon. Mercury, health, communication, mobility and intellectual strength, is direct in its intellectual offspring Gemini, so being open minded is key. Venus (love, money, art) is not well aspected to Saturn, in direct square on the 7th. The Moon conjuncts Uranus on July 4 and trines Pluto on the 5th. On the day the Sun sextiles Uranus and remains well aspected until the 22nd. Invention time! | For the astrology aficionados, on August 1st the Moon shocks us as it conjuncts Uranus, expect the unexpected. On the same day and into the 2nd, it does trine Pluto=healing. On the 2nd, Mercury and the Sun oppose Saturn and square Uranus (hot vs cold). On August 3rd Mercury squares Uranus, great ideas are not appreciated. Venus softens the ‘blow’ on August 3rd, it trines Uranus. Be kind to a loved one. The Sun squares Uranus on the 7th. The natives are restless. |
There is a New Moon on July 9, at 18 degrees 2′ Cancer. It affects us all, but mostly the cardinal sings, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn or people with points to your chart here**. Instead of giving in to tension and nagging, focus on nurturing your soul, mind, your practical and safety needs. Stay emotionally connected and apply these beautiful traits to your loved ones. Better yet, go outside your family and look at the whole planet as an extension of your own family. You will thrive, as this wave will carry you to December and well into the coming year.
There is a New Moon on August 8, at 16 degrees 14′ Leo. It affects us all, but mostly the fixed sings, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, or people with points to your chart here**. Instead of giving in to tension and egocentricity, focus on creativity. You may not be able to go on holiday, so bring the holiday mood home to your loved ones. Allow it to seep in and give your mind room to discover new ways to enrich your relationship to your children, the ‘child within’ you, your affairs of the heart and the power that comes through leading a magnanimous existence.
**when referring to ‘people with points to your chart here’, you may not be one of the above Sun signs but you may have enough ‘pieces’ of these signs in your birth chart and may even be equally blessed!
July 8-18: | August 8-22: |
We are deep into Cancer season (nurture, forming family or family like bonds, need to find emotional stability and practical safety, along of course with a tendency to cling on to feelings, ideas or people that are outdated, to say the least. We can benefit from a soft and courteous style of communicating, (you don’t want to be pompous here) indulge in romantic moments or allow a creative talent to surface. Our creativity and intuition are heightened, so listen to that sweet little voice inside you. A lot of marriage, partnership or cohabitation proposals will happen here. An unexpected but long time awaited baby news is on the agenda, biological and adopted. Go ahead and enjoy every moment. You are full of passion and want to spend and have fun. Enjoy but do not burn the bank (you will need a cushion end of August). Remember to be generous with those in need and give from your heart. A good deed never gets punished. Girls, have your gyno appointment before your vacation, Despite the good vibes, be extra careful behind the wheel, any wheel. | Hopefully with the New Moon on August 8, you chose creativity, warmth and generosity in balance, against inflexibility, coldness and rigidity. The affects of our choices significantly color the good or not so good times we can have during this time frame, especially if we are on holidays. If you are home you can successfully organize your affairs here, especially practical matters. A contract/agreement pending since March or June can be fulfilled here. This includes a divorce settlement or a company regrouping, more so if it is connected to marketing, management or the scholar field (be mindful on the 10th). If you are an artist, more so in the music industry, a great opportunity can present itself. You can heal an old family wound. Out of the box thinking and progressive approach are rewarded or set some strong roots. A democratic reform in the world justice and education system becomes painfully obvious. A dent here or the remaining of August can occur, if you choose to be unreasonably picky and judgmental. |
For the astrology aficionados, Mercury enters soft and sensitive Cancer July 12 and the female archetypal planet of love, art and money, Venus, conjuncts the male archetype, assertive Mars and on July 13 Mercury trines Neptune. Make love, babies, creative endeavors, happy times. The Sun trines creative, altruistic and intuitive Neptune on the 15th. Settle family drama before the 18th, when Pluto opposes the Sun. More happy times. | For the astrology aficionados, Venus squares Neptune August 10; look out for big money or love promises. Mercury enters its practical, sharp thinking and creative offspring, Virgo on July 12, making our thinking and minds more flexible (hopefully). Mars is well aspected to Uranus 15-22, innovation moves forward. Venus moves into its love child Libra on the 17th. Good for love and money opportunities. On the 19th Mars conjuncts Mercury, intellect is strong and digestive issues as well The Sun opposes Jupiter and Mercury trines Uranus on the 20th, a democratic reform in education and law is needed. |
The Full Moon occurs on July 24 at 1 degrees 26′ Aquarius. It can be a delicious Moon if we cultivate the balance between self respect and care to those that depend on us. It is a free thinking time and embracing the motto ‘if you love someone set them free’, will in fact set you free. It affects us all but mostly if you are born on the April-May, July-August, October-November, January-February cusp.
The Full Moon occurs on August 22 at 29 degrees 37′ Aquarius. It can be a delicious Moon if we cultivate the balance between self respect and care to those that depend on us. It is a free thinking time and embracing the motto ‘if you love someone set them free’, will in fact set you free. It affects us all but mostly if you are born on the May-June, August-September, November-December, February-March, cusp.
July 19-31: | August 23-31: |
We are deep into Cancer season (nurture, forming family or family like bonds, need to find emotional stability and practical safety, along of course with a tendency to cling on to feelings, ideas or people that are outdated, to say the least. We can benefit from a soft and courteous style of communicating, (you don’t want to be pompous here) indulge in romantic moments or allow a creative talent to surface. Our creativity and intuition are heightened, so listen to that sweet little voice inside you. A lot of marriage, partnership or cohabitation proposals will happen here. An unexpected but long time awaited baby news is on the agenda, biological and adopted. Go ahead and enjoy every moment. You are full of passion and want to spend and have fun. Enjoy but do not burn the bank (you will need a cushion end of August). Remember to be generous with those in need and give from your heart. A good deed never gets punished. For a recurring health issue, like a cyst, get a second opinion. Girls, have your gyno appointment before your vacation, Despite the good vibes, be extra careful behind the wheel, any wheel. | We are entering Virgo season (practicality, flexibility in thinking and communication, unassuming creativity and a love for order). These are all attributes we can all benefit from, not just to enjoy the last days of summer but to enter a productive Fall. Stick to the tried but true! Big promises and rich quick scams, are, you guessed it, scams! There is a strong, escapist tendency the last two weeks of the month, and letting go, relaxing and doing fun things that elevate our physical and emotional self, are what the doctor orders. So do not fret if you did not have a chance to take a trip somewhere, there are still good times here or an unexpected invite, that you should take full advantage of. There is a need to let go of old axioms and any thought, job, institution or person that holds us back. Redefining and comprehending the value of freedom becomes crucial and will affect us long term, both personally and collectively. When free, we have the energy to focus and help manifest our dreams into reality. Plus, we are in a good mood and are more likely to be generous, anthropocentric and non controlling. The downside here is if we choose to be unreasonably picky and judgmental. This is a good time for an overall detox. Look out for misinformation or deceit on the 25th or substance abuse. |
For the astrology aficionados, Venus enters practical, creative and intellectual Virgo on the 22nd and on the 23rd the Sun enters magnanimous, life educing Leo. Combine above skills for maximum performance. Mercury sextiles Uranus 21-22=innovation and opposes Pluto on the 25/26th (heal wounds with family instead of pouring salt on them). Mercury trines Neptune 24/25 and creativity plants the seed. On the 28th Mercury enters passionate Leo ;look out for ego and flattery. On the 29th Jupiter re-enters Aquarius and on the 30th Mars cools off in grounded Virgo. | For the astrology aficionados, the Sun enters practical, creative and intellectual Virgo on the 23rd. On the 25th Venus trines Saturn=stability with love and money but Mercury squares illusive Neptune; dreams do come true but they need a reality connection. Luckily it trines Pluto on the 26th=good news for health/old wounds or settling pending debts. |
Astro Tip for the Mutable zodiac family (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces or people with points to your charts here); the North Node (Karmic evolution) is Retrograde all month (except on July 2-6, and 18-20 and on August 1-2 and 16 ) at 6-10 degrees Gemini. Collect good Karma, and do not take the easy way out, especially if you are a political leader with your Sun/Ascendant or points to your chart here, on Gemini/Pisces primarily.
Before your read your zodiac sign, read below.
Our newcomers will find here a brief, yet vital introduction to our planets, in order of distance from the sun, closest to furthest. You may be curious enough to visit, but have no clue about astrology and zodiac signs.
- Sun: center of our galaxy, associated with Leo, sign of creative force-Helios in ancient Greece, the god of light.
- Mercury: nearest to the sun and fastest moving, associated with Gemini and Virgo, signs of communication-Hermes in ancient Greece, messenger for the gods.
- Venus: next in line and second brightest star on our sky, associated with Taurus and Libra, signs of strength and beauty-Aphrodite in ancient Greece, goddess of love.
- Earth: following suit, the planet of life growth, associated only by element (earth) with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn- Gaia in ancient Greece, the primal mother earth goddess.
- Moon: the earth’s only natural satellite, associated with the sign of Cancer, sign of nurture- Artemis goddess of hunting and a healer of women.
- Mars: the red planet, associated with Aries, sign of assertion and drive –Aris in ancient Greece, god of war.
- Jupiter: the largest planet of our system radiates double the light it receives from the sun, associated with Sagittarius, sign of expansion and illumination- Zeus, in ancient Greece the god of gods.
- Saturn: next the ringed majestic planet of order, associated with Capricorn, sign of duty and dependability-in ancient Greece the god Pan, protector of woodlands and shepherds.
- Uranus: the gas giant, associated with Aquarius, the sign of innovation- Aquarius or beautiful Ganymede, the son of Trojan king Tros, was taken to Mount Olympus by Zeus to act as cup-carrier to the gods.
- Neptune: a striking blue giant, associated with Pisces, the sign of healing and illusion- in ancient Greece representing the fish into which Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed
- Pluto: the yellow dwarf planet or huge asteroid, associated with Scorpio, the intense truth-seeker. He was called on earth by Goddess Artemis to kill Orion, who wanted to destroy all animals.
You may notice occasionally, astrological dates can seem to be one (1) day off, (for example a planet enters a sign on the 12/13). This occurs because calculations are based on Tropical Midnight Ephemeris, Time Zone EDT (04 west). Add or subtract hours, based on your Time Zone.
Here are the twelve zodiac sings for the month of June. Get even more insight when you read both your Sun sign and the one that corresponds to your Ascendant. Emphasis is put, among all other aspects, in the importance of Mars and Venus transits, two personal planets, that rule some of our primary, earthy needs.
12 Gods of Olympus,
12 Archetypes,
12 Zodiac sings.
Happy July Aries! | Happy August Aries! |
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars, your ruler. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of creativity until the 29th and daily routine after. Venus is in your creativity zone until the 21st and routine after. | Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars, your ruler. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of routine. Venus is in your routine zone until the 16th and marriage after. |
July | August |
You are the first zodiac sign dear Aries, you are the love child of Aris ((Mars, your ruler), god of war and you hate loosing. So you want to PUSH; everything and everyone either to move forward or out of your way; the New Moon does square your Sun. Don”t. Why? Not because I write so, but because you want to keep a good job or achieve success in a new project, after the 29th, you want your children to like you (have a heart to heart from the heart!) and a happy end result in your marriage; yes, you are getting proposed to, after or around August 16. You have been through a lot, don’t loose your head now (more so July 12-27). Do whatever it takes (exercise, meditate) to stay mentally collected and you will enjoy so much more this summer. Take care of your arms and head. | The rewards (in friendships, love, money, work) from keeping your cool in July, pop their little heads up in small doses the first two weeks of August,around the 8th (the New Moon trines your Sun and offers new beginnings), more clearly after the 17th, as Venus arrives on your marriage/partnership zone bearing gifts. Stay busy and have no time for family drama, yours or your partner’s, especially if it involves money. Keep a hidden sum for yourself, for a rainy day. Despite your restless energy, you can be very organized; stay this way and you will be ale to share beautiful moments with a loved one, have your daily routine on track, which in turn will benefit your relationships, pocket and most importantly your health and well being. Consistency re-enters your life, slow but sure. |
Happy July Taurus! | Happy August Taurus! |
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of family until the 29th and love affairs after. Venus (your ruler) is in your zone of creative endeavors, until the 21st and love affairs after. | Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of love affairs. Venus (your ruler) is in your zone of love affairs until the 16th and routine after. |
July | August |
You are the second zodiac sign dear Taurus, you are the love child of the goddess of love, money and art Aphrodite (Venus, your ruler) and you hate inconsistency. Not much about the first part of July is consistent, whether this is family issues or simply put, people keeping their word. Your work can be therapeutic, swimming or a walk in nature, can give you a sense of stability. Still you can receive some good news or put an important plan back on the drawing board before the 11th; the New Moon does sextile your Sun. Staying flexible is not your strong point but it is what must be done in order for you to maintain balance, especially on the 18th, as Mars opposes Pluto. With astro-mum Venus trine your Sun after the 21st, creativity, children and love affairs, is where you tap in for fun. Things heat up. | Both Mars and Venus, the male and female archetypes are active in your area of love affairs, children and creativity. Although the first week of the month is filled with passion and tension, as both coexist (the New Moon still highlights family issues), you will have fun moments with loved ones or a new lover/partner. You probably showed constraint to flattery from a number of suitors. You are one for quality over quantity and this is what stands at your front door. You are also favored in the professional arena after the 17th, with tangible proof in your bank account. Saturn and the Full Moon have a say in it too and accolades follow. Have you been timid with public speech? A relevant seminar will boost you self esteem. You got this! You upgrade your looks/work image, health and enjoy a rather prosperous end to your summer. |
Astro tip for Bulls; Uranus jolts you into unexpected outbursts. May 5 Tauruses, do not succumb to erratic behavior. Eliminate toxic habits/presence from your life.
Happy July Gemini! | Happy August Gemini! |
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of communication until the 29th and family after. Venus transits your house of communication until the 21st and family after. | Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of family. Venus transits your house of family until the 16 and creativity after. |
July | August |
You are the third zodiac sign dear Gemini, the duality that understands both sides, like your father Hermes, messenger to the gods (Mercury, your ruler). Last month the New Moon in your sign urged to get organized, eat light and face some truths regarding your life’s direction and overall attitude. The new you will serve you well, as both Mars and Venus, the male and female archetypes, are active in your area of communication, your natural house of intellectual contact and mobility. Use the first week of July to prepare a presentation, contract, whether this regards property or you personal life, meditate and drive safely. The New Moon on the 9th marks a more productive period regarding the above matters, better promote them after this date (9-21), as family affairs will require your full attention after the 22nd. Note; if you are not sure about a person or practical matter, allow the time frame July 24 to August 22 (two Full Moons that trine your Sun) to guide you. No rush. | Both Mars and Venus, the male and female archetypes are active in your area of family, so guess what will occupy a lot of your energy, at least in the beginning of the month. This is actually good timing, because the stars (New Moon on the 8th and Full Moon on the 22nd, Venus after the 16th, Neptune retrograde gives you clear vision and lucky Jupiter since July 29) conspire in your favor romantically and practically. If you plans need a little ‘twinging’ during the first August week or family issues absorb your energy, do not fret (this can upset your respiratory system). The rest of the month things just fall into place. Enjoy every beautiful moment, short or long trips and a romantic adventure. Good news regarding an investment or a financial boost, even indirectly, will add to your joy. You can roll your sleeves back up in September. |
Go ahead,
make a wish!
Have a Prosperous and Happy Birthday Cancer after June 21!
Happy birthday Cancer! | Happy August Cancer! |
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of property until the 29 and communication after. Venus is in your house of earnings until the 21st and mobility after. | Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of communication. Venus is in your house of mobility until the 16 and family after. |
July | August |
You are the fourth zodiac sign dear Cancer, intuitive and magnetic like your mother Selini (the Moon, your ruler). Getting swayed by your moods is your quick sand until the beautiful New Moon on July 9 in your sign (birthday July 5-13). Make more than one wish, so be careful what you wish for, you will get it! Emphasis is put on your financial stability and safety matters. Simply put, don’t burn a hole in your wallet the first week of July. Do the bare minimum, like pay only what is necessary. July 12-27 you receive encouraging financial news, just mind your stomach/digestive track. Between your good money management and a business investment paying off or a decent cash injection connected to other people’s money, you will not only have your practical affairs in order by the 21st, but you can finally get ready for a very well deserved, fun time. The second half of July and August are all about you being mobile, physically and mentally. | Both Mars and Venus, the male and female archetypes are active in your area of communication. There is no stopping you now! Do take care of driving or overindulging the first week of the month, or until the 9th, depending on you chart; don’t burn last month’s good fortune all in one blow! It’s all about balance, so instead of trying to ‘squeeze’ good times within a timetable, stay flexible, and allow every day to take you to a different journey. Get out of your comfort zone and explore new places, cultures and in general allow the new in your life, especially after the 10th. This happy, carefree biorhythm will bring out your inner child. This makes for happy times with new friends or old friends that you appreciate, even with some family, you can rekindle an emotional connection and share a fun trip down memory lane, especially after the 16th. Meditate by the water. Inhale the future, exhale the past. |
Go ahead,
make a wish!
Have a Prosperous and Happy Birthday Leo!
Happy birthday Leo after July 23! | Happy birthday Leo until August 22! |
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of self until the 29 and property after. Venus is in your house of self until the 21st and property after. | Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of financial stability. Venus is in your house of property until the 16 and mobility after. |
July | August |
You are the fifth sign dear Leo, the offspring of the life giving Helios (Sun). You are life’s creative force and you can be fixed in your beliefs. In July you are not expected to alter your belief system, but take advantage of introspection (July 12-27). Recent changes in your work or family environment, perhaps even a relocation, gave you a lot to think about. Work will be therapeutic for you, especially the first ten days of the month, when a surrounding tendency towards exaggeration, can throw a lot of people off track; don’t get into fights, particularly others’ squabbles. Mind extreme sports and your spine around the 9th. Your hard work and controlled temper are already serving you well. At work the higher ups are watching your progress and at home you have a strong support system. If you are a July born Leo, you may still be transitioning but a bonus or a lucky event during a short trip or via news from abroad, will lift your spirits around the 24th or soon after. | Both Mars and Venus, the male and female archetypes are active in your area of financial stability, safety and property. Here, New Moon on August 8, at 16 degrees 14′ Leo (birthday August 7 and 3-11) you have a chance to put related matters to order, even in part. You can get back to practical matters after the 27th, so enjoy every moment. Don’t force the issue, and remember, the days before our birthday always are a little blue, but just like birth, the light follows. So depending on your birthday, give yourself room to breathe, move, with short breaks and trips with friends or loved ones. Creativity is your strong point, so express it. Single? (but not without a fun club of course!) After the 16th, chances are through an unexpected event, you make a very promising, new acquaintance. This time around, try not to ‘razzle and dazzle’ him/her; rather let actions speak for you and them. |
Happy July Virgo! | Happy August and happy birthday after the 23rd dear Virgo! |
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of introspection until the 29 and self after. Venus is in your house of introspection until the 21st and self after. | Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of well being. Venus is in your house of self until the 16 and property after. |
July | August |
You are the sixth sign of the zodiac dear Virgo, daughter of Zeus and lover of communication. If June and part of July are about regrouping, (the quote from last months sums it up, “…use the time frame June 27 to July 12 or 22 (depending on your chart) to organize work, your finances (investment, property) spend some quality time with yourself and enjoy love, a vacation or new hobby after.”), July after the 9th and part of August are about self improvement, inside and out, a boost to your finances, more so after the 21st and good news from the love front, that will probably manifest next month. In July, have fun with your new hobby, use work as therapy or just pamper yourself and have fun with a good friend. With Neptune retrograde, it becomes clear that your personal life needs to stay exactly that, at least for now. | Both Mars and Venus, the male and female archetypes are active in your area of self improvement and well being. Mars conjuncts your Sun all month, meaning your battery is charging right up! You must not ‘overheat’ though and become sarcastic or too irritable; you don’t want to loose someone special or the sum of your hard work. If you are on holiday, you ought to take it easy and simply enjoy the time off; if you are still working, keep a steady pace and make sure you enjoy time off with friends or love ones (especially the first 8 days of the month). The days that follow carry good news from the money and love front, more so after the 16th. If you are in media or the arts, you can be putting together a new proposal or project that will bear fruits after the Full Moon on the 22nd. Its your birthday, no doubt! |
Happy July Libra! | Happy August Libra! |
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of social networks until the 29 and introspection after. Venus is in your house of social networks until the 21st and introspection after. | Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of introspection. Venus is in your zone of introspection until the 16 and well being after. |
July | August |
You are the seventh sign Libra, a true child of Venus with love for love, art and money. ‘Love and marriage/partnerships’, is usually your favorite pass time but this month, focusing on getting your ‘swagger’ back, and finding your infamous balance and moments of pleasure through your social networks, will serve you best. Having a good time is great but breaking the bank, especially until the 9th is not recommended. If you loose control, with spending or with you temper (July 12-27), you will do yourself a great injustice. Same applies for work, as any out of control behavior can cost you a promotion, business opportunity through a partnership, that could have long term benefits and prosper after August 16. Keep you temper, keep your allies. The Full Moon on the 22nd trines your Sun, joined by expansive and lucky Jupiter on the 29th. Here you get to see a glimpse of the rewards of your balanced attitude, that will blossom by next month’s Full Moon, on August 22. An artistic talent or contact with art, will benefit you in more ways than you imagine; a new, beneficial network can emerge. | Both Mars and Venus, the male and female archetypes are active in your area of introspection and your ruler, Venus until the 16th; it conjuncts your Sun and highlights self improvement and well being after. Use the first week of the month for introspection, meditation and dropping old baggage, whether you are on holiday or home. You are a social butterfly and very popular, during and after the 8th, with an old and new social network competing for your attention, even more so after the 16th. So have fun but conserve your energy the first week, because your popularity will not allow for too much relaxation. You love it! Be picky, with a plethora of choices, why would you not be? Same applies for a new business project, expansion or partnership offer, around or after the 22nd. Single?? Not for long. |
Happy July Scorpio! | Happy August Scorpio! |
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of achievements until the 29 and social networks after. Venus is in your house of achievements until the 21st and social networks after. | Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of social networks. Venus is in your zone of social networks until the 16 and introspection after. |
July | August |
You are the eighth zodiac sign dear Scorpio, a child of transformative Pluto and the ultimate truth seeker. This month is all about your achievements, being rewarded for them, popular and admired by an improved social network. What can put a dent in your story the first 8 days of the month, is, you guessed it, pending family/sibling drama connected to deep wounds. If you hold the toxins in you can infect yourself (literally, with a urinary track infection), if you let it all out, you can infect those close by. What to do? Only the best that you can, and walk away from drama. A trusted friend form your very strong social network, will be provide you with a tangible solution around the 24th. Thus you can enjoy the great news from abroad or a foreign contact, expanding a business, your studies, your family (a new baby) (July 12-27). | Both Mars and Venus, the male and female archetypes are active in your area of social networks, Venus until the 16th; it highlights the need for introspection after. Use the first week of the month to tidy up those family matters, a work situation and be on the move after the 12th. Whether you take short trips or go on holiday, you are magnetic and your social network is dazzled by your presence. Guess what your strong point is? Your sense of humor. After the 16th, news on the love or money front ease the tension from the beginning of the month. Here you can build strong business and personal relationships, that are in for the long haul. What family matters were not dealt with around July 24, return after August 22 or 26. Before pulling the ‘stinger’ out, take a break, go sailing, do what helps you breathe and think. A little introspection goes a long way. |
(*)Uranus opposes your Sun (birthday November 5-6). In direct motion the unexpected is something you can handle. As you do not like surprises, do your homework on issues you do not want to be blindsided by. Or accept that we can not control everything.
Happy July Sagittarius! | Happy August Sagittarius! |
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of expansion until the 29 and achievements after. Venus is in your house of expansion until the 21st and achievements after. | Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of achievements. Venus is in your zone of achievements until the 16 and social networks after. |
July | August |
You are the ninth sign dear Sagittarius, the zodiac explorer, like the true child of Zeus (Jupiter) would be. During July, there is a planetary conspiracy by Mars, Venus and after the 22nd, the Sun, all in your fiery and creative cousin, Leo, trine your Sun. This prosperous group brings growth in affairs of the heart, money, helps you with travel or a prosperous relocation and recognition of your accomplishments. Who or what can put a dent during such fertile times for you? A delay in your plans or an unexpected expense during the first week of the month. Do not fret, this deal or upheaval is temporary, and the good news or a generous offer around or after the 9th, helps you put your ducks back in a row, especially with regard to an investment or property matter (July 12-27). On the 29th, your ruler Jupiter begins to sextile your Sun again, until December. Events unfold not at the speed that you want but on track. | Both Mars and Venus, the male and female archetypes are active in your area of achievements, Venus until the 16th; it highlights your social network and social consciousness after. Use the first week of the month to finish wrapping up pending issues from the end of July. Stay focused, as disruptions can tangle up your mind until or around the 8th, with Mars and Venus enhancing your ambitions but square to your Sun (energy). The New Moon trines your Sun after the 8th, you can enjoy new beginnings. Venus sextiles your Sun and makes you even more popular after the 16th. You attract the right people at the right moment, around or after the 22nd, Enjoy a new car but don’t push the pedal to the metal. Through your new contacts, you move or redirect your target. Aim and shoot. Bulls eye. |
Astro tip; Your ruler, Jupiter, squares your Sun to July 28. It brings you luck (more caution during the retrograde to July 28) and enables the healing process. Stay centered, truthful, fair to yourself and others and build on new, positive Karma, as the nodes (Karmic evolution) are in your axle, Gemini/Sagittarius, in the year to follow.
Happy July Capricorn! | Happy August Capricorn! |
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of secrets until the 29 and expansion after. Venus is in your house of secrets until the 21st and expansion after. | Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of expansion. Venus is in your zone of expansion until the 16 and achievements after. |
July | August |
You are the tenth zodiac sign dear Capricorn, with an innate drive for success and structure, a true offspring of Kronos (Saturn) and often exhaust yourself in this process. I will keep this simple for you; this July keep it under wraps! Keep your opinions to yourself, keep your secrets secret, safe keep important information regarding a project that you want to jump start in August. All this secretive atmosphere is necessary, so you can quietly but surely built upon an existing venue or start one from scratch, especially the first 10 days of the month, ‘mum’s the word’. July 12-27, you receive news that need filtering, especially if they are connected to family and finances. Your impulsive nature will not serve you well here. Take care of your skin and knees., so if you are on vacation use sun block. A bicycle ride, no matter were you are, even in a stationary bike, will do wonders for your body and mind. Your clear thinking will take your business ventures and your relationships to the next level after July 22 or 30, depending on your chart. | Both Mars and Venus, the male and female archetypes are active in your area of expansion, Venus until the 16th; it highlights your ambitions and achievements here, after. Again dear Capricorn, your complicated life, is very clear astrologically speaking; the first 10 days of August, although you are mobile, mentally and physically, some of you have a pleasant surprise or visit from overseas, in person or through technology, all the pressure from keeping your secrets secret during July, has taken a toll on your ‘battery’. How to quickly charge up, without loosing your patience with others? Do things that you like and surround yourself with people you like. Take a break after the 10th or 16th; you are on holidays or should take some time off work (ha ha!). If you allow events to unfold organically, all your hard work will begin to pay off, as good news you receive on or after the 17th, regarding money or the pending venue, put the spark back in your eyes. So don’t be a party downer, you will feel bad for not having taken in relaxing moments, worrying about something that comes through for you by next month. Breathe. |
“on June 24 at 3 degrees 28′ Capricorn (birthday December 22-28). It can be a delicious Moon if you filter your words but do not allow family/partnership drama, connected to deep wounds. to override your future progress. Have you given your power away?? This Full Moon illuminates the importance of getting that power back, without loosing your dignity.” Adhere this highlight from June 2021, to your consciousness, as the effects of this full moon walk parallel toy you for the rest of the year.
PS; your ruler Saturn does not conjunct (drain) your Sun (battery) anymore but is retrograde (delays) in July-August. Use the retrograde phase to prepare for your future. Please look back at the general aspects and dates analysis of July, August and October 2020. For most Capricorn’s, the New Moon in your sign on January 13, the Full Moon February 27 and the Full Moon March 28, and even more so JUNE’S Full Moon, are a life’s milestone (like July 2008).
Happy July Aquarius! | Happy August Aquarius! |
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of partnerships until the 29 and secrets after. Venus is in your house of partnerships until the 21st and secrets after. | Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of secrets. Venus is in your zone of secrets until the 16 and expansion after. |
July | August |
You are the eleventh sign dear Aquarius, lover of freedom and unpredictability, a true offspring of Ouranos (Uranus) , the ‘sky’ in the Greek language; the sky is the limit! You have been through so much since November 2015, so I hope you find this general information useful; therefore, I shall keep it very simple. Marriage and business partnerships, or a business venue with a life partner are on your mind. You are limited in movement (yikes!) and everything moves at the speed of a lava lamp! It needs to stay this way until July 11. For your long term benefit. Collect information and keep everything under wraps. Be secretive, careful and secretive. You will thank me after August 16. It is all about the correct information, as information is power. This is how you get your power back! You may know nothing about Astrology but I am confident you will understand this; there is a Full Moon in Aquarius July 22 (birthday January-February 3), emphasizing all the above; and another in your sign in August. Yep, it’s all about you. You are almost free. | Both Mars and Venus, the male and female archetypes are active in your area of secrets, Venus until the 16th; it highlights your need to move forward and expand after. Here it is dear cup bearer to the Gods, you have been waiting for the cage to open up, you hardly believe it is true. Again, here is the simplest analysis I can offer; continue to be secretive and collect information until August 9 and 15. On, or soon after the 16th, your world changes; you are out and about, falling in love, marrying, having a baby, expanding a new business, you feel unstoppable and of course charm your way through just about anything. There is the second Full Moon in your sign August 22 (birthday February 4-18). Do you sense a ‘snag’ here? Bravo, your gut feeling protects you from taking a leap August 23-September 13 (birthday January-February 3) or a leap September 13-23 (birthday February 4-18). There was no safety net… Stay tuned, happiness is literally just around the corner. |
Happy July Pisces! | Happy August Pisces! |
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of daily routine until the 29 and partnerships after. Venus is in your house of daily routine until the 21st and partnerships after. | Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of partnerships. Venus is in your zone of partnerships until the 16 and social secrets after. |
July | August |
You are the twelfth sign dear Pisces, altruistic and evasive, a true offspring of Poseidon (Neptune), god of the seas. This July you can not wait to escape, as escaping and escapism, along with anything connected to water, are your favorite pass times. I will also keep this simple for you; whether you live in the northern or southern hemisphere, you want to go on vacation, now! The good news is you will, but not before you organize your desk, paperwork or anything connected to your daily routine. This includes a healthy diet, to keep your digestive track balanced, especially the first 11 days of the month. You need to be close to home base (July 12-29, a fruitful time frame) to handle important information and paperwork that will secure your income for years to come, so get to it. Enjoy the song by Frank Sinatra, “love and marriage, love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage”; this is what it will be about into next month. | Both Mars and Venus, the male and female archetypes are active in your area of marriage and business partnerships, Venus until the 16th; it highlights your investments, inheritance and secrets after. Use the first week of the month to finish wrapping up pending issues from the end of July. Stay focused, as disruptions can tangle up your mind until or around the 8th, with Mars and Venus enhancing your partnerships but oppose your Sun (energy). Now that is out of the way, enjoy a new romance or rekindle an existing one and sing the song by Bobbi Darin, “splish splash, I was taking a bath”. After August 23, besides your focus to permanent relationships, those ending inheritance or investment matters are back on the tale. You slither in secret. Good for you. You are wheeling and dealing behind the scenes. That is how its done. Keep at it and shh h…. |
2021 Retrogrades for Outer Planets.
*Saturn retrogrades May 24 to October 10 in Aquarius, Pluto* retrogrades April 28 to October 7 in Capricorn, Jupiter* retrogrades June 21 to July 28 in Pisces and continues in Rx motion in Aquarius until October 18, Neptune* retrogrades June 26 to December 1 in Pisces and Uranus* retrogrades August 20 to January 18, 2022 in Taurus.
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Einstein