Juneteenth – A Day dedicated to Freedom
155 years ago, on June 19th, General Gordon Granger, announced in Galveston, Texas that all people held as slaves, were free. To break the actual metal chains, that bound a person to slavery in order to free them, is a condition we can all understand. Why, in that case, is this gesture not enough to secure their freedom? Racism still plagues, not just the United States of America but the entire planet. Perhaps, the root of the need to control and enslave people, hides in the emotional chains that keep us attached to self-destructive tendencies, due to an extreme level of insecurity. Insecurities that plague us from childhood. Let them go. Set yourself free. Then, we can all enjoy, true freedom.
4everbalance.com and the Holistic Wellness Program
Two yeas ago, I uploaded this article and find it now, more pertinent than ever. Between the
lock downs, wars, destruction of our natural world, I had to pause and think of the word ‘slave’. Not its origin (when the Slav-ic nations were enslaved by the Muslims of Spain 9th c. AD) or what it represents physically, this is easy to understand. I looked to the ancient Greek origin of the word slave, ‘doulos’. One of the many words that compose the word ‘doulos’ is the word ‘dyee’, meaning misery.
Misery: what a powerful, disturbing word indeed, one that makes me understand, how equally disturbing (and incomprehensible to me), slavery can be, not just physically but more so emotionally and mentally. Just because we can now travel, are we really free? Or are we just ‘permitted’ to live? When a war or any injustice breaks out, in your country or personal life, how free are you really, to defend and protect yourself? We are born free but don’t seem to live free. Is it because our freedom is taken away or do we give it away? Why would we? Because we are taught this. We are taught, in our respective environment, to give our freedom away. Why? Due to fear and insecurity. Maybe it is time to rewire our brains and get our strength back. Do your own research, find the method or specialist, that appeals to you and drop all the heavy, toxic and useless baggage. Free your mind. Free yourself. The rest will follow.