Lord of your Jungle
Dear friends and not, of the stars; this coming week is the last of an eventful, to say the least, January 2021. I want to keep this as simple as possible; there is a Full Moon in Leo, the magnanimous Lion, this Thursday, January 28. Although Full Moons affect some of us about a week before and others, a week after, this specific one will be with us, coloring our endeavors for the three coming weeks and up to two years. How and why? Of course our life is what we make it, but holding on to the positive characteristics of this Moon, while dispensing the negative ones, will have a profound impact on our plans. Want the positive traits that will help you see your plans through?
Creativity, enthusiasm, faith and faithfulness, love for children, generosity, courage, a broad mind and emotional involvement. Want the negative ones, that will backfire in the long run? Arrogance, emotional abuse and control, intolerance, self righteousness, over dramatic and dogmatic behavior. Why? Because these are the anthropocentric signs of our time; in the next five weeks, a total of five planets in humanitarian Aquarius, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Saturn and Jupiter, will emphasize the importance of understanding the significance of the collective. Your business, life and aspirations, will thrive as you do. It is a big jungle out there, with room for all.