Lunar Occultation
We just experienced a beautiful Full Moon in Pisces, on September 2nd. By September 6, it is still in fiery Aries, not Full but still buoyant. As we know, its orbit around Earth is not circular, rather elliptical; basically, more egg shaped that circle. On September 6, at 12:46 a.m. EDT – 04:46 a.m. GMT, in South Europe, America and West Africa, you will be able to observe the Lunar Occultation of Mars. In essence, as seen from Earth, the Moon will pass in front of Mars and hide it from view. In astrology an occultation has the impact of an eclipse. In itself, not as powerful, but in combination with
surrounding planetary aspects, it exudes the same Plutonian characteristics as an eclipse would. Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, is about what is hidden, transformation through regeneration and passions. Mars, planet of action, is currently placed in its offspring, the fiery Aries. As the Moon casts its shadow on Mars, we can not help but wonder, what lies beneath the ‘curtain’; what power games are taking place? With our world in turmoil unlike any we have experienced thus far, is there really an invisible war happening right now? What does it regard and who benefits from it? This are questions connected to areas of events that are perhaps hidden for now. When they do come to light, as this is the natural law of things, what areas of our lives will be illuminated and what actions? Furthermore, what are we, as one people, willing to do about these truths? It remains to be seen, as we are in the Age of Aquarius and Saturn enters altruistic Aquarius on December 17, 2020. The Universe wants fairness and balance on this planet to be restored.