Enjoy astrological monthly tips
by Helen Kyriacopoulos-Timms
Life changes. Love life and you will love change.
“Use your power wisely. How about home or self improvement!“
4everbalance and the Holistic Wellness Program
The Sky and Zodiacs for the:
The month of March:
Get ready for home improvement; your home and our planet, our actual home.

MARCH 2025
An overview of March 2025.
Saturn is well aspected and sextiles Uranus all month. Cooperation between the conventional and the innovative, can deliver results.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 14th and the Solar Eclipse on the 29th are indeed powerful. How will this power be used? How will you use it?
March 2025 is a very compact and contradictory month. On the one hand there are promising days with potential for growth and prosperity in love, money, commerce, communication and expansion (see the dates further below) and on the other hand, there are those days that delay or block your efforts. Passion, love for adventure and change of direction alternate with obsession, recklessness, fanaticism and taking the easy way out. What to do? It is like playing any game. In order to win you need to know the rules, play when your turn comes and most importantly have fun with it! The rules in the game of March are simple, yet not necessarily easy to follow; a) Think deeply and trust your gut b) Save your energy and use it wisely after the 15th or 30th, depending on your chart c) Don’t trust everything you hear d) Investigate everything thoroughly. Everything (especially if health is concerned). This is the Year of the Wood Snake, so use its skills below and effectively slither through March.
In order to see your ambitious projects through use the wisdom that stems from the conventional and the prospects that stem from the innovative. This combination can deliver some serious results a April rolls in. Therefore during March, when it comes to love, hold on to that ring for now. When it comes to contracts, commerce and mobility, delays are imminent, so hold on to that contract. The need for love, money and sexual fulfillment is present and intense, so hold on to your horses! Embrace change, really do. Because a change of direction brings growth.
End of March we get to experience a once in our lifetime, last Venus and Mercury hug (conjunction) to Neptune in its natural watery realm in Pisces. Venus reenters, retrograde, romantic and nebulous Pisces and conjuncts Neptune one last time in our life time. Love and money may promise more than they can deliver at this point. Mercury reenters, retrograde, romantic and nebulous Pisces and conjuncts Neptune one last time in our life time. An idea, proposal or health matter may not be what it seems at this point. What about the collective? March 2025 reflects the culmination of events form March 2023 and will burst by or before 2029. Oppressive institutions collapse. Tune in to altruism.
Neptune enters Aries until March 2039. Vision, creativity, oppression and fanaticism are at the forefront.

The Year of the Green Wood Snake starts on February 3!
Every 60 years we are graced with the wise and ambitious presence of the green wood Snake! The Snake is also known as the ”little dragon”; it looks like a dragon but without wings. In mythology it dethroned the Dragon and fell from grace, so it is found on the earth. The zodiac snake belongs to the fire group and in 2025 it is a wood snake. If we separate the myth from the five elements (water, wood, fire, earth, metal) and examine the two (wood-fire) that correspond to this year’s snake, we can understand the important interaction between wood and fire; the wood (trees, plant life) nourishes the fire (hearth, food). Safety, hearth and home are at the forefront. Whether you are interested in the practical aspect or the mythological representation, the Year of the Green Wood Female Snake graces us with the following gifts.
Wisdom, resilience, passion, receptiveness, speed but also caution, effectiveness, ability to maneuver and strategize, eloquence, loyalty, intuition and ease at creating wealth, are gifts that the wood snake bestows upon us. The Snake’s challenging aspects bestow laziness, shyness, suspicion and wealth wastefulness.
Uranus is now direct. Assess what gives you practical safety. Use technology wisely. A.I. and space exploration issues resurface. |
Neptune enters Aries on March 30 to October 22, 2025. Vision, creativity, oppression and fanaticism are at the forefront, so stay connected to compassion and avoid power struggles. |
Structural SATURN entered altruistic Pisces on March 8, 2023 to May 24. 2025. It sextiles Uranus, during this journey. It is time for revolution of the mind, the soul, growth, fairness and fair trade. It can be an erratic connection but with Saturn direct you can regroup and set solid foundations. A sober revolution perhaps?
Transformative PLUTO entered humanitarian Aquarius on March 24, 2023, until 2044. On September 2 it reentered Capricorn one last time, until November 19. What was your life like then? Oppressive institutions collapse December 2024-November 2025. As do partnerships or relationships with weak foundations. Pluto is now in Aquarius for the next 20 years! This is a good time to regroup and heal.
Innovative URANUS turned retrograde on September 2 and continues through January 2025. Space exploration peeks. Sustainability, truths that hurt, sexual identity issues and knee jerk reaction to injustice, are some of the subjects on the global table. Technology: friend or faux?
Pluto demands drastic, humanitarian oriented rebirth for the next 20 years! Neptune, father of all watery bodies and creatures is direct. What happens under the surface will come to light. Mother Earth takes her power back-her watery children included!
Pluto returned to anthropocentric Aquarius on November 20 and will demand drastic, humanitarian oriented rebirth. Pluto also rules the shadows, what is hidden. It illuminates those dark corners of our collective and personal soul, what we are willing to do for love and money, for better or worst. Pluto marked the end of an oppressive era and currently gives us the opportunity to assess all of the above. With Uranus also in retrograde motion, we learn how to handle curve balls.
par. 2 Significant dates and aspects on March 2025.
- Transformative, penetrating and large sums of money conductor, Pluto entered anthropocentric, freedom loving and eccentric Aquarius on November 20th for the nest 20 years! Uranus is well aspected to Neptune by 4-5 degrees and Saturn is well aspected to Mars all month in trine 24-31. Uranus and Saturn are well aspected all month and in sextile 20-27th and 28-31st! Stability and growth of long term endeavors is favored. Nurturing our practical needs is recommended, obsessing over them is not. Use technology to expand and help your dreams come true but don’t be used by it. Out of the box creative endeavors can lead to a successful path. Collectively, we need to put our money where our mouth is, regarding global fairness and restoration. Personally, you can begin to build on gratitude through esoteric restructure and physical improvement.
- March 1. Mars trines the Sun. Action time is here! Look out for over the top behavior.
- March 2. Mercury conjuncts Neptune in dreamy Pisces. Creativity is favored but love and money are paused as Venus turns retrograde in Aries. Hold on to that ring for now.
- March 3. The Sun squares Jupiter. Not the day for expansion or grand gestures.
- March 6. Mercury sextiles Pluto. Think deeply and trust your gut.
- March 8-9. The Sun trines Mars. Growth potential and positive activity is present but stay grounded.
- March 12. Mercury and Venus conjunct in go getter and passionate Aries. Enjoy but easy does it with love and money….
- March 13. The Sun conjuncts Saturn. Save your energy and use it wisely after the 15th.
- March 14. Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Please read more below!
- March 15. The Sun sextiles Uranus. Important and exciting changes are afoot.
- March 16. Mercury turns retrograde in Aries. Communication, commerce and mobility delays are imminent.
- March 20. The Sun conjuncts Neptune. Creativity but also nebulous conditions are highlighted.
- March 20-27. Saturn is well aspected to Uranus. The cooperation between the conventional and the innovative, can deliver results.
- March 21. The Sun enters fiery, go getter and reckless Aries.
- March 22. Venus sextiles Pluto. The need for love, money and sexual fulfillment is present. Easy does it.
- March 23. There is a Sun-Venus-Mercury (retrograde) conjunction, well aspected to Pluto! Your thought process is sharp, your passion and gut feeling heightened but the information is unclear.
- March 24. The Sun sextiles Pluto. Change of direction and growth.
- March 25. The Sun conjuncts Mercury retrograde in Pisces. Tune in an altruistic and higher frequency but don’t trust everything you hear.
- March 26. Mercury sextiles Pluto. Investigate everything thoroughly. Everything. Discuss an idea or health matter but don’t act on it just yet.
- March 28. Venus reenters retrograde romantic and nebulous Pisces and conjuncts Neptune one last time in our life time. Love and money may promise more than they can deliver at this point.
- March 28-31. Saturn sextiles Uranus. Cooperation between the conventional and the innovative, can deliver results.
- March 29. There is a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in passionate Aries. Please read below for details!
- March 30. Mercury reenters retrograde romantic and nebulous Pisces and conjuncts Neptune one last time in our life time. An idea or health matter may not be what it seems at this point.
- March 31. Neptune enters Aries until March 2039. Vision, creativity and fanaticism are at the forefront.
par. 3 The New and Full Moon οn March 2025.
There is a New Moon/partial Solar Eclipse at 09 degrees 00′ Aries on the 29th. This Moon is audacious, motivational and careless. The Saturn-Uranus sextile beams at Mars, Aries’ ruler but Mercury by proxy retrograde muddles the waters. Don’t confuse your self worth with your net worth.
It affects us all but mostly the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and people with points to your chart here. You are directly affected by this New Moon, if your birthday is March 24-April 3, June 24-July 4, September 24-October 4, December 25-January 4.
With the New Moon in Aries you are ready to boldly go where no one has gone before! With communication guru near by in a dizzy spell (retrograde) the momentum may be great but the path is not clear. Yet. As with any New Moon the opportunity for new beginnings and long term security is possible but growth can not be based on desire alone. Don’t be a pushover.
Here is a pertinent question for yourself before you embark on your next project: What has happened to your plans every time you act on impulse and are crass? The events of the last 6 months culminated by March and will develop by October. There are opportunities here to move forward but avoid being overbearing!
With Mercury poking at the moon and Karma near by, keep the faith on, the rose colored glasses off and double check everything! Reset your global awareness compass, there is a collective storm coming. Set boundaries, avoid being overconfident and pursue your dreams with focus and clarity! Appreciate those that support you and remember to practice daily gratitude!
There is a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 23 degrees 27′ Virgo on the 14th. The Full Moon in fastidious, creative and critical Virgo opposes Saturn (1 degree) and North Node-Karma- conjunct Neptune (4 degrees). Creativity is favored but stay grounded.
It affects us all but mostly the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) and people with points to your chart here. You are directly affected by this New Moon, if your birthday is June 7-17, September 9-19, December 9-19, March 8-18.
Ah, this creative and irritable full moon, where desires and dreams can jump out of the drawing board and manifest, provided you remain diligent and emotionally sober! Karma is present. Lessons learned are lessons earned! The Lunar Eclipse, as always, puts everything under the microscope.
Here are a couple of pertinent questions for yourself as you embark on your next adventure: what drives you? do you act on confidence or insecurity and how has this worked for you? Your current choices can set the pace for the next 20 years, so choose wisely. Leading with your heart and utilizing your surplus of nervous energy is your compass!
With all these planets in tension, apply this potent energy productively. If you are a leader, lead by example. If you are part of a team, play fair.. What can ruin your dream? Being judgemental. Do balance emotion and logic. Enjoy this fastidious moon and allow it to work its magic!
par. 4 HEALTH
Here is the astral inside scoop on taking care of your body. Don’t forget to show some love to your digestive system, wrists, ankles and liver. Avoid being too self-indulgent, pushy and judgemental. Stay away from addictive people, substances, including your alcohol intake. Get truly informed about earth grown products; clean soil and fair trade. They are not just popular titles. Your life’s quality depends on them. Accessing your inner balance through cycling, homeopathy or transformative practices, like kundalini yoga and tai chi, can work wonders! Embrace change that connects you to your purpose and helps you manage your impulses. Keep crass and aggressive behavior in check, your sense of humor and love for life intact.
Water (emotions) is the strongest element this month so staying grounded is imperative. Fire (passions and desires) follows suit while Air (your intellect) and Earth, (growth and grounding) are present but diminished. A remedy, like a vibrant, healthy money plant in a red clay pot can enhance emotional balance and prosperity, (please consult a licensed expert). Eat organic foods and adopt a daily physical activity. Should you remain self propelled? Yes! Self indulgent? No, no!
par. 6 MAJOR PLANETS RETROGRADE: what’s in it for you?
Any retrogrades during March?! Most definitely. Venus is retrograde March 2 to April 12 and Mercury is retrograde March 16 to April 7.
What does this all mean and what to do? This is a good time to re-evaluate your approach towards love, money even beauty. What makes your life truly beautiful? Is your specific connection to money liberating or oppressive? The retrograde phase may feel like limbo, so turn it around by using it to upgrade your living situation, knowledge, adopt out of the grid work out routines and balance your emotional, material and spiritual needs. Be creative, giving but not emotionally pushy. Retrograde phases give us a chance to gather our thoughts and energy. You can review a proposal, adopt a new work out routine, end a troubled friendship, affair, or business partnership, and begin anew. Normally, delays due to retrogrades can be frustrating, but in many cases, these delays are actually blessings in disguise!
par. 7 Astro-highlight for March 2025: Neptune, Saturn and Uranus join forces! Altruistic, creative and nebulous Neptune sextiles (nourishes) innovative, humanitarian and unpredictable Uranus, in earthy and fixed Taurus. Stay excited about an innovative idea or project and promote it after March 31, depending on your chart. Ambitions of humanitarian direction can bear fruit and manifest! Use technology wisely and be blessed with spiritual and material wealth. Share, don’t impose your belief system. Have you been patient, worked hard, consistently, and kept an open mind to changes? You are slowly coming out of the woods and depending on your chart, your hard work begins to pay off. You probably are exhausted, like an athlete is, a few meters before the finish line. Don’t give up now, your finish line is in front of you, after March 30 or April 8 depending on your chart!
par. 8 KARMA
Karmic Astro Tip for the Mutable zodiac family (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces or people with points to your charts here); the North Node (Karmic evolution) at 27 degrees Pisces (birthday March 18 and South Node (inherited DNA) 27 degrees Virgo (birthday September 20). Collect good Karma, understand that limits can be a blessing in disguise: remember how you were treated in the past and don’t fall for the same act again or if you were the one who faltered, making amends is recommended (the truth excavator Pluto is now direct in justice seeking Aquarius). Do not be dictatorial, especially if you are a political leader with your Sun/Ascendant or points on Pisces/Gemini and Virgo/Sagittarius.
FAQ: ‘I don’t know anything about planets, let alone astrology. Can I have some easy, basic information?’
Sure, before you read your zodiac sign below, you may enjoy the following read!
Are you a newcomer? Welcome! You can find below a brief, yet vital introduction to our planets, in order of distance from the sun, closest to furthest. You may be curious enough to visit but have no clue about astrology and zodiac signs.
- Sun: center of our galaxy, associated with Leo, a sign of creative force, Helios in ancient Greece, the god of light.
- Mercury: nearest to the sun and fastest moving, associated with Gemini and Virgo, signs of communication, known in ancient Greece as Hermes, messenger to the gods.
- Venus: next in line and second brightest star in our sky, associated with Taurus and Libra, signs of strength and beauty- Aphrodite in ancient Greece, goddess of love.
- Earth: following suit, the planet of life growth, associated only by element (earth) with Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn- Gaia in ancient Greece, the primal mother earth goddess.
- Moon: the earth’s only natural satellite, associated with the sign of Cancer, a sign of nurture- Artemis goddess of hunting and a healer of women.
- Mars: the red planet, associated with Aries, a sign of assertion and drive –Aris in ancient Greece, god of war.
- Jupiter: the largest planet of our system radiates double the light it receives from the sun, associated with Sagittarius, a sign of expansion and illumination- Zeus, in ancient Greece the god of gods.
- Saturn: next the ringed majestic planet of order, associated with Capricorn, a sign of duty and dependability, in ancient Greece the god Pan, was a protector of woodlands and shepherds.
- Uranus: the gas giant, associated with Aquarius, the sign of innovation- Aquarius or beautiful Ganymede, the son of Trojan king Tros, was taken to Mount Olympus by Zeus to act as cup-carrier to the gods.
- Neptune: a striking blue giant, associated with Pisces, the sign of healing and illusion- in ancient Greece representing the fish into which Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed
- Pluto: the yellow dwarf planet or huge asteroid, associated with Scorpio, the intense truth-seeker. He was called on earth by Goddess Artemis to kill Orion, who wanted to destroy all animals.
FAQ; Should I read both my Sun sign and the one that corresponds to my Ascendant?
Yes, get even more insight when you read both your Sun sign and the one that corresponds to your Ascendant!
FAQ; Why do I often notice dates that seem to be a day off, like 12/13 etc?
You may notice occasionally, that astrological dates can seem to be one (1) day off, (for example a planet enters a sign on the 12/13). This occurs because calculations are based on Tropical Midnight Ephemeris, Time Zone EDT (04 west). Add or subtract hours, based on your Time Zone.
FAQ: Why focus on Mars and Venus on the zodiac signs below?
Emphasis is put, among all other aspects, in the importance of Mars and Venus transits, two personal planets, that rule some of our primary, earthy needs.

Happy March Aries!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars, your ruler. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, your ruler, is direct in your family zone all month! Venus turns retrograde in your zone of the self on the 2nd and reenters your introspection zone on the 28th!
Dear Ram, the celestial go getter! Finally, the time is here and now for you to put important issues to rest, like your home energy, possible relocation/move, children, finances, a love affair or a creative/educational project! You self esteem gets a boost but be extra cautious with extra expenses, an inheritance, investment or rushing a love connection during March particularly around the 14th or the New Moon in your sign on the 29th (check par. 3). Your future vision is promising but your current vision is unclear. Best tip for March? Tap into the qualities in the segment below, given to you by the wood snake, like your sharpened intuition, stay vigilant with due diligence and regular but not strenuous exercise and get ready for a new life chapter and fun times as April progresses! Communication guru Mercury is also retrograde in your sign so avoid signatures.
NEPTUNE Astro tip for Aries: Neptune enters Aries on March 30th until October 22 (settles on January 2026) and enhances creativity, spirituality and introspection in your zone of fundamental restart! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
The Year of the Wood Snake! What does it hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most assertive or aggressive star child, the Wood Snake can bestow upon you wisdom, eloquence and intuition. These are qualities you need to balance your forceful personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an very important goal after April 7!
Aries in 2025! What to keep from 2024? Your improved communication skills, bountiful energy and maturity that stems form your intense transformation (2008-2023). What to look forward to in 2025? A major boost in mobility, travel, contracts, and a connection to a newer, broader and more supportive social network. Happy New Year my go-getter celestial friend!
PLUTO, the transformative and large sums of money alchemist, entered Aquarius on November 20th, for the next 20 years of your life! Your hard work (2008-2023) and alchemy pays off between October 2024- April 2025. What’s in it for you? Dear Aries, your professional rewards go beyond money and connect you to a whole other world and social network!
JUPITER Astro tip for Aries: Jupiter brings abundance, luck, and opportunities in your zone of communication matters until June 2025! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
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Happy March Taurus!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is direct in your communication zone all month! Venus, your ruler, turns retrograde in your zone of introspection on the 2nd and reenters your social networks zone on the 28th! Note: Venus, your ruler, is retrograde all month.
Dear, magnificent child of Aphrodite (Venus). About time an agreement, sale, move or contract comes through! Of course when your astro-mum Aphrodite wants to have a heart to heart about love, money and your social circle, you want to pause and listen. In essence, you may have been too giving on the above mentioned parts of your life. Perhaps it is time for you to learn from your recent social let down, effectively shift through your friends and enemies from now on and avoid being duped in the future. Expect the positive unexpected from a love connection or a creative endeavor around the 14th (cash in after the 31st). Best tip for March? Take care of your overall well being, tap into the qualities in the segment below, given to you by the wood snake and watch how your passions reward you with acknowledgement and wealth as April develops.
NEPTUNE Astro tip for Taurus: Neptune enters Aries on March 30th until October 22 (settles on January 2026) and enhances creativity, spirituality and introspection in your completion zone. Time to find your tribe! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
What does the year of the Wood Snake hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most steadfast or stubborn star child, the Wood Snake can bestow upon you receptiveness, passion and ease at creating wealth. These are qualities you need, to navigate the insecure part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal after April 7!
Taurus in 2025! What to keep from 2024? Your strengthened self esteem, emotional growth and life upgrade that stems form your intense transformation (2008-2023). What to look forward to in 2025? A major boost in your bank account, real estate or investment benefits and professional rebirth. Happy New Year my steadfast celestial friend!
PLUTO, the transformative and large sums of money alchemist, entered Aquarius on November 20th, for the next 20 years of your life! Your hard work (2008-2023) and alchemy pays off between October 2024- April 2025. What’s in it for you? Your professional success story has a global appeal and only the limits that you set, so learn to trust your abilities!
JUPITER Astro tip for Taurus: Jupiter brings abundance, luck, and opportunities in your zone of financial matters until June 2025! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Don’t miss the Membership Content Grand Sale at 59% off!

Happy March Gemini!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is direct in your financial zone all month! Venus turns retrograde in your zone of social networks on the 2nd and reenters your professional accolades zone on the 28th! Note: Mercury your ruler, is retrograde all month.
Oh, you witty Twins! Finally you can put financial issues in order, for the most part anyway! Of course when your astro-dad Hermes wants to have a heart to heart about social behavior and connections half the month and your professional code the rest, you want to pause and listen. In essence, you may have been too flexible or not clear enough regarding such matters. Family pressure around the 14th can drain you so make sure you adopt a daily health routine and take care of your respiratory system. Avoid power games around the 23rd and 26th. Be smart with your wallet and heart all month. Best tip for March? Tap into the qualities in the segment below, given to you by the wood snake, continue practicing self-improvement that can lead to profound wisdom and your newfound skill of knowing when to move swiftly and when not to, as April unfolds.
NEPTUNE Astro tip for Gemini: Neptune enters Aries on March 30th until October 22 (settles on January 2026) and enhances creativity, spirituality and introspection in your social networks zone. Time to rewrite the book! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
What does the year of the Wood Snake hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most ambidextrous or deceitful star child, the Wood Snake can bestow upon you speed but also caution, effectiveness and loyalty. These are qualities you need to balance the nervous part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal after April 7!
Gemini in 2025! What to keep from 2024? Your improved mental skills, applied empathy and self esteem growth that stems form your intense transformation (2008-2023). What to look forward to in 2025? Physical and mental adventure, broader horizons and financial opportunities. Happy New Year my intellectual celestial friend!
PLUTO, the transformative and large sums of money alchemist, entered Aquarius on November 20th, for the next 20 years of your life! Your hard work (2008-2023) and alchemy pays off between October 2024- April 2025. You have the opportunity to expand on all levels but stay grounded!
JUPITER Astro tip for Gemini: Lucky Jupiter brings auspicious conditions until June 2025! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Don’t miss the Membership Content Grand Sale at 59% off!

Happy March Cancer!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is direct in your self assertion zone all month! Venus turns retrograde in your zone of professional accolades on the 2nd and reenters your expansion zone on the 28th!
Hello sensitive moon child! Finally you can do the jitterbug dance! Your self esteem is back on track as you watch your expansion zone (travel, creation, education, matters of home and hearth) slowly but surely fall into place around March 31 or April 8, depending on your chart. Do continue with due diligence and patience as professional affairs take front stage (an ungrateful boos needs to be put in their place) and temporarily put the above mentioned matters on the side but not inactive. Make a deal around the 14th (commerce or large ticket sale) but try not to sign anything before April 7. Best tip for March? Tap into the qualities in the segment below, given to you by the wood snake, like your enhanced ability to maneuver and strategize on March 14-16, roll your seaweed sleeves up, get your claws out and show them how its’ done! Remember the karmic gift you unwrap around July!
NEPTUNE Astro tip for Cancer: Neptune enters Aries on March 30th until October 22 (settles on January 2026) and enhances creativity, spirituality and introspection in your professional zone. Time to upgrade your net worth! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
What does the year of the Wood Snake hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered either the most caring or self absorbed star child, the Wood Snake can bestow upon you passion, wisdom and ability to maneuver and strategize. These are qualities you need to tackle the timid part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal after April 7!
Cancer in 2025! What to keep from 2024? Your improved survival skills, uncanny instinct and inner power that stems form your intense transformation (2008-2023). What to look forward to in 2025? You restore stability and your life’s order through other people’s money, benefit from an investment, inheritance and a marriage/partnership. Your inner growth leads to a Happy New Year my tender celestial friend!
PLUTO, the transformative and large sums of money alchemist, entered Aquarius on November 20th, for the next 20 years of your life! Your hard work (2008-2023) and alchemy pays off between October 2024- April 2025. Your hard work pays off abundantly from an investment, inheritance, bank settlement, marriage or other peoples money!
JUPITER Astro tip for Cancer: Expansive and lucky Jupiter fertilizes your ground until May 2025! A new adventure and 12 year life cycle is afoot after June, 2025! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Don’t miss the Membership Content Grand Sale at 59% off!

Happy March Leo!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is direct in your introspection zone all month! Venus turns retrograde in your zone of expansion on the 2nd and reenters your investment zone on the 28th!
Hey there, my majestic feline friend! About time all that introspective work pays off, don’t you agree?! You get your ‘mojo’ back and after the end of the month or April 8, depending on your chart, contracts/agreements deliver tangible results and your audience is dazzled by you. What to do between March 2 to 29? Dust off your organizer, carve out some fun moments, albeit small ones for yourself, invest in a personal assistant and follow a strict budget. Developments in your personal and business partnership zone March 21-26 offer new possibilities and beginnings after the 30th. Best tip for March? Tap into the qualities in the segment below, given to you by the wood snake and avoid extremes. Please remember that everything you have been through since October and have worked so hard for will be coming together after April. Jealousy is your Achilles tendon.
NEPTUNE Astro tip for Leo: Neptune enters Aries on March 30th until October 22 (settles on January 2026) and enhances creativity, spirituality and introspection in your expansion zone. Time to explore! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
What does the year of the Wood Snake hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most passionate or autocratic star child, the Wood Snake can bestow upon you wisdom, eloquence and speed but also caution. These are qualities you need to tackle the egocentric part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal after April 7!
Leo in 2025! What to keep from 2024? The value of due diligence and the blessings that come when you follow your magnanimous heart, an awareness that stems form your intense transformation (2008-2023). What to look forward to in 2025? You restore stability in your personal and business partnerships and benefit from a supportive social network emotionally and financially. Happy New Year my regal celestial friend!
PLUTO, the transformative and large sums of money alchemist, entered Aquarius on November 20th, for the next 20 years of your life! Your hard work (2008-2023) and alchemy pays off between October 2024- April 2025. Your balanced one on one personal and professional partnerships can transform your life!
JUPITER Astro tip for Leo: Expansive and lucky Jupiter activates your social network until June 2025! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Don’t miss the Membership Content Grand Sale at 59% off!

Happy March Virgo!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is direct in your social network zone all month! Venus turns retrograde in your zone of investments on the 2nd and reenters your partnership zone on the 28th!
Hello my dear fastidious queen or king! March is a milestone month for you. All the issues you have been working so hard on since November, like a marriage or business partnership, your financial obligations, mortgage, loan or other people’s money, are still on the table but now you have support from your revamped social network. How? The full moon in your sign on the 14th (more on par. 3) puts your affairs under a magnifying glass, so you can look for any cracks or even red flags. A person or group from your social network can help you maintain your clarity to an extent (your ruler Mercury is retrograde March 16 to April 7), keep notes (don’t judge) and by September you will know the future of a partnership or endeavor. Best tip for March? Tap into the qualities in the segment below, given to you by the wood snake and trust your intuition. Eat light foods.
NEPTUNE Astro tip for Virgo: Neptune enters Aries on March 30th until October 22 (settles on January 2026), pauses on opposing your Sun and enhances creativity, spirituality and introspection in your investment zone. Time to shuffle the money deck! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
What does the year of the Wood Snake hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most organized or judgemental star child, the Wood Snake can bestow upon you passion, intuition and effectiveness. These are qualities you need to tackle the nit-picky part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal after April 7!
Virgo in 2025! What to keep from 2024? Expansion on all levels, professional accolades and a total transformation in your daily routine that stems form your intense transformation (2008-2023). What to look forward to in 2025? You can rebuild your reality through your unmatched organizational skills. A Life Coach or consultant can help you maintain stability. Happy New Year my fastidious celestial friend!
PLUTO, the transformative and large sums of money alchemist, entered Aquarius on November 20th, for the next 20 years of your life! Your hard work (2008-2023) and alchemy pays off between October 2024- April 2025. Two of your top characteristics, meticulousness and due diligence, can be key in transforming your life!
JUPITER Astro tip for Virgo: Expansive and lucky Jupiter will stimulate your professional zone until June 2025! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
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Happy March Libra!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is direct in your zone of professional accolades all month! Venus turns retrograde in your zone of partnerships on the 2nd and reenters your due diligence zone on the 28th! Note: Venus, your ruler, is retrograde all month.
Hello aerialist, Aphrodite’s offspring! You more than deserve the professional accolades coming your way and although March can indicate what follows in April/May, it is not the month to invest heavily on a personal or business partnership. Rather observe and take notes. Your astro-mum Aphrodite wants to have a heart to heart about love, money, a life or business partner and you want to pause and listen. In essence, you may have been too giving or too demanding.. Either way, you will need to identify the balance point. After the Eclipse on the 29th you will know. Best tip for March? Tap into the qualities in the segment below, given to you by the wood snake, continue with due diligence and avoid sugars. Walks in nature are tremendously beneficial. You can cultivate your ease at creating wealth and benefit around April or June, depending on your chart.
NEPTUNE Astro tip for Libra: Neptune enters Aries on March 30th until October 22 (settles on January 2026), opposes your Sun and enhances creativity, spirituality and introspection in your partnerships zone. Time for reshuffling of the partnerships! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
What does the year of the Wood Snake hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most diplomatic or superficial star child, the Wood Snake can bestow upon you resilience, intuition and ease at creating wealth. These are qualities you need to tackle the shy part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal after April 7!
Libra in 2025! What to keep from 2024? Your ability to rebuild your reality through your unmatched creative and diplomatic skills, that stems form your intense transformation (2008-2023). What to look forward to in 2025? Prepare for expansion on all levels and transformation in your personal affairs, creative endeavors, children matters and home. Happy New Year my graceful celestial friend!
PLUTO, the transformative and large sums of money alchemist, entered Aquarius on November 20th, for the next 20 years of your life! Your hard work (2008-2023) and alchemy pays off between October 2024- April 2025. With your diplomatic skills up and your tantrums toned down, you can benefit immensely in all creative and creation life matters!
JUPITER Astro tip for Libra: Expansive and lucky Jupiter activated your expansion and open horizons zone until June 2025! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
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Happy March Scorpio!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is direct in your expansion zone all month! Venus turns retrograde in your zone of due diligence on the 2nd and reenters your creativity zone on the 28th!
Hello sensitive child of Pluto! It’s about time you reconnect with your overseas contacts, travel, move or finish that degree! Of course due to the retrograde motion of love and money goddess Aphrodite (Venus) and communication guru Hermes (Mercury) it might be preferable to handle such matters in stride until April 8 and avoid signing anything before. Your children, a love affair or creative endeavor may use up your battery, so take small breaks throughout the month. Due diligence and spending time by the water can work wonders. Avoid mixing business with pleasure. Instead opt for a new hobby (sailing, research). Show your liver love, eat organic. Best tip for March? Tap into the qualities in the segment below, given to you by the wood snake, like eloquence and benefit around April or June (depending on your chart) and master ease at creating wealth
NEPTUNE Astro tip for Scorpio: Neptune enters Aries on March 30th until October 22 (settles on January 2026), and enhances creativity, spirituality and introspection in your due diligence zone. Time to trust order, method and holistic living! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
What does the year of the Wood Snake hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most sensitive or vengeful star child, the Wood Snake can bestow upon you eloquence, loyalty and ease at creating wealth. These are qualities you need to tackle the self-destructive part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal after April 7!
Scorpio in 2025! What to keep from 2024? You can rebuild your reality through your unmatched penetrating and investigative skills that stems form your intense transformation (2008-2023). A Life Coach or consultant can help you maintain emotional stability. What to look forward to in 2025? You restore stability and your life’s order through an investment, inheritance and professional developments. Happy New Year my sensitive celestial friend!
PLUTO, the transformative and large sums of money alchemist, entered Aquarius on November 20th, for the next 20 years of your life! Your hard work (2008-2023) and alchemy pays off between October 2024- April 2025. You can bring your home and family to a safe and abundant environment by listening to your heart.
JUPITER Astro tip for Scorpio: Expansive and lucky Jupiter has activated your investments and other people’s money zone until June 2025!! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
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Happy March Sagittarius!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is direct in your investment zone all month! Venus turns retrograde in your zone of creativity on the 2nd and reenters your family zone on the 28th!
My dear, brilliant Archer. About time you received your overdue pay back from investments or other people’s money (tax return, mortgage)! You rightfully want to use your energy on the professional front March 1-7. By focusing on work you can simultaneously handle the delayed investment returns. March may be a month where some investment related obstacles are removed, but at the same time unresolved matters regarding children, family, a love affair or a creative endeavor are back. Perhaps these matters were complicated, ignored or glossed over. Either way, you are not meant to sign anything until April 8 and take love and money promises with a grain of salt. Use the time frame March 2-28 to come up with a plan and stick to it. Best tip for March? Tap into the qualities in the segment below, given to you by the wood snake, and benefit through speed but also caution and eloquence.
NEPTUNE Astro tip for Sagittarius: Neptune enters Aries on March 30th until October 22 (settles on January 2026), and enhances creativity, spirituality and introspection in your creative zone. Time to create! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
What does the year of the Wood Snake hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most brilliant or arrogant star child, the Wood Snake can bestow upon you receptiveness, speed but also caution and eloquence. These are qualities you need to tackle the unhinged part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal after April 7!
Sagittarius in 2025! What to keep from 2024? The importance of an organized daily routine and ability to focus that stems form your intense transformation (2008-2023). What to look forward to in 2025? You can rebuild your reality and benefit from transformation on a large scale in contracts and agreements, through your unsurpassed brilliance and sharp decision-making. A Life Coach or consultant can help you maintain focus. Happy New Year my sharp-shooting celestial friend!
PLUTO, the transformative and large sums of money alchemist, entered Aquarius on November 20th, for the next 20 years of your life! Your hard work (2008-2023) and alchemy pays off between October 2024- April 2025. You thrive through you transformed communication skills and become a master at it!
JUPITER Astro tip for Sagittarius: Expansive and lucky Jupiter, your astro-dad activated your one one-on-one partnerships until June 2025! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Don’t miss the Membership Content Grand Sale at 59% off!

Happy March Capricorn!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is direct in your partnership zone all month! Venus turns retrograde in your zone of family on the 2nd and reenters your creative zone on the 28th!
Oh majestic goat of epic achievements! Finally, there is light in the tunnel of your personal and professional partnerships. March is an intense month with Mars across your Sun activating those partnerships; there is light in the tunnel but your not out of it yet. Avoid signatures after the 14th, information may be incomplete or the family pressures you. Are those family matters back on the table? Yes, either you didn’t have time to settle them or you had difficulty in setting boundaries. Some of you will question the place you call home: is this where you belong? Explore your options and observe until April 7. End of the month your focus shifts on a child’s issue or adding a new family member. Best tip for March? Tap into the qualities in the segment below, given to you by the wood snake and know that your emotional growth grants you over time ease at creating wealth.
NEPTUNE Astro tip for Capricorn: Neptune enters Aries on March 30th until October 22 (settles on January 2026), and enhances creativity, spirituality and introspection in your family zone. Time to create the family you need! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
What does the year of the Wood Snake hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most ambitious or harsh star child, the Wood Snake can bestow upon you wisdom, passion and ease at creating wealth. These are qualities you need to tackle the overbearing part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal after April 7!
Capricorn in 2025! What to keep from 2024? Your improved creative skills, emotional growth and awareness that stems form your intense transformation (2008-2023). What to look forward to in 2025? You restore stability and your life’s order through due diligence, a healthy daily routine, and financial stability. A Life Coach or consultant can help you maintain an emotional connection. Happy New Year my majestic celestial friend!
PLUTO, the transformative and large sums of money alchemist, entered Aquarius on November 20th, for the next 20 years of your life! Your hard work (2008-2023) and alchemy pays off between October 2024- April 2025. You have the opportunity to transform and manifest significant financial growth while maintaining your humanitarian connection!
JUPITER Astro tip for Capricorn: Expansive and lucky Jupiter entered your due diligence zone until June 2025! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Don’t miss the Membership Content Grand Sale at 59% off!

Happy March Aquarius!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is direct in your due diligence zone all month! Venus turns retrograde in your zone of creation on the 2nd and reenters your financial zone on the 28th!
You funky H2O carrier, you! Translation for “Mars is direct in your due diligence zone all month!”? Why recognition and rewards for a job well done will finally reach you. Of course during the Eclipses, settle an investment issue by the 14th, mind your manners, health and don’t sign anything after. An issue regarding a child, love affair or creative endeavor needs your attention. Time to set boundaries and keep at it my celestial friend. Money you are owed or a financial boost you have been waiting for a while, can begin to unfold after the 28th. If anyone tries to tail end negotiate on the 29th, decline and stick to your guns. Best tip for March? Tap into the qualities in the segment below, given to you by the wood snake, strategical slither through the Eclipse points on the 14th and 29th and remember that resilience will connect you to your wealth creating skills.
NEPTUNE Astro tip for Aquarius: Neptune enters Aries on March 30th until October 22 (settles on January 2026), and enhances creativity, spirituality and introspection in your communication zone. Time to share your genius with the world! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
What does the year of the Wood Snake hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most humanitarian or erratic star child, the Wood Snake can bestow upon you resilience, passion and ease at creating wealth. These are qualities you need to tackle the detached part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal after April 7!
Aquarius in 2025! What to keep from 2024? Your understanding of the importance of balancing family and you time that stems form your intense transformation (2008-2023). What to look forward to in 2025? You restore stability and your life’s order through creative endeavors, a love affair, growth, and reinventing yourself. Happy New Year my eccentric celestial friend!
PLUTO, the transformative and large sums of money alchemist, entered Aquarius on November 20th, for the next 20 years of your life! Your hard work (2008-2023) and alchemy pays off between October 2024- April 2025. With Pluto in your sign you have an amazing opportunity to drop dead weight, transform and live your best life!
JUPITER Astro tip for Aquarius: Lucky Jupiter entered your love affairs, children, home and creativity zone until June 2025! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Don’t miss the Membership Content Grand Sale at 59% off!

Go ahead, make a wish!
Have a Prosperous and Happy Birthday Pisces!

Happy March Pisces!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is direct in your creative zone all month! Venus turns retrograde in your zone of finances on the 2nd and reenters your self esteem zone on the 28th!
My dear offspring of Poseidon! Finally, all the pending matters regarding a child, love affair or creative endeavor is back on track in March. Good news indeed. However, this is a milestone month for you, with a full moon/Lunar Eclipse across your Sun on the 14th, and retrogrades in love, money, communications and mobility, you need to be alert and focus on such issues. How to navigate successfully through this disruptive month? Get organized, back up your data or plan a trip before the 15th. Be cautious with investing in love and money until April 12. Stay away from addictive substances or habits and sign up for a self enhancing Life Coaching program! Best tip for March? Tap into the qualities in the segment below, given to you by the wood snake, have faith in your resilience and effectiveness and enjoy new beginnings as your birthday month progresses!
NEPTUNE Astro tip for Pisces: Neptune, your ruling planet, enters Aries on March 30th until October 22 (settles on January 2026), and enhances creativity, spirituality and introspection in your financial zone. Time to connect to money in a healthy way! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
What does the year of the Wood Snake hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most altruistic or nebulous star child, the Wood Snake can bestow upon you resilience, effectiveness and ability to maneuver and strategize. These are qualities you need to tackle the sneaky part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal after April 7!
Pisces in 2025! What to keep from 2024? Your improved assertion and transparent communication skills, and inner power that stems form your intense transformation (2008-2023). What to look forward to in 2025? You restore stability and your life’s order through healthy family ties and appreciation for what is solid. Happy New Year my nebulous celestial friend!
PLUTO, the transformative and large sums of money alchemist, entered Aquarius on November 20th, for the next 20 years of your life! Your hard work (2008-2023) and alchemy pays off between October 2024- April 2025. You can tap into your ability to go within, adjust and transform a new reality for yourself!
JUPITER Astro tip for Pisces: Lucky Jupiter entered your home, country and family until June 2025! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Don’t miss the Membership Content Grand Sale at 59% off!
2025 Retrogrades for Outer Planets.
*Saturn retrogrades July 14 to September 1st in Aries and until November 27 in Pisces, Pluto* retrogrades May 5 to October 13 in Aquarius, Jupiter* retrogrades October 10, 2024 to February 5, 2025 in Gemini and on December 1st, 2025 to March 10, 2026 in Cancer, Neptune* retrogrades July 5 to October 22 in Aries and October 22 to December 11 in Pisces and Uranus* retrogrades until January 30, 2025 and then on September 7 to November 7 in Gemini and November 8 to February 3, 2026, in Taurus.

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and his feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Einstein
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