Mastering the Divine
When you hear or read the words, spirituality, connecting to the divine, unconditional love and altruism, what do you really think? Do you think of a balanced world, were we may not all be the same but we are all equal? Do you think of this being utopic, unrealistic, downright ‘hocus pocus”? The great news here is that it does not matter what any of us think; what matters is what we feel and how we can, realistically, pull ourselves out of this ‘divine’ mess our world is in, where one part seems to exist to use tremendous energy in being unhappy and making everyone else, who wants to be happy, unhappy too! How can we, quickly, achieve this?
Love people, love. Before you think ”not another love speech, the hippies tried it in the 70’s and look where that got them’, what type of love do you think I am referring to??? The kind that makes you like yourself. Enough to were you do not have to fit your beautiful round self to fit anybody’s and everybody’s stiff, square hole!
March is a month dedicated, astrologically speaking as well, to show us the way to love. How often do you see happy (connected to their own divinity) people, going out there to make other’s suffer?! Never. After tomorrow, March, through planetary aspects, will show us how finding and mastering the divine within us, is all we need to do, in order for the world to begin to shift towards what it can be; fair and with room for all. Harmony and humanitarian values combine on the 3rd (Venus sextiles Uranus), Mars enters lighthearted and intellectual Gemini on the 3/4th and activates the North/South Nodes in Gemini/Sagittarius, notably, the Karma. Here we are, in a karmic way, required to allow others to freely express themselves, respect each other’s beliefs and all connect to our higher mind. The higher mind allows for freedom of expression without causing harm to another. Intellectual skills are added to the expansive, higher mind, (Mercury conjuncts Jupiter); it is like a mental, high frequency orchestra, that soothes the soul, just like music does. The abundant Piscean, altruistic energy colors this celestial orchestra with heartfelt concern about those who suffer. Jump on this train people, as it is the one heading home.