Enjoy astrological monthly tips
by Helen Kyriacopoulos-Timms
Life changes. Love life and you will love change.
“check the expiration date on a project, relationship, partnership, the lot. Is it past due? You know what to do“
4everbalance and the Holistic Wellness Program
The Sky and Zodiacs for the:
The month of May:
Roll with the punches in May; don’t punch.
MAY 2024
An overview of May 2024.
Welcome May, a month of major shifts and movement! Stalled plans get back on track and you get to jump back behind the wheel and hit the road, metaphorically and literally! Your wants and needs begin to manifest and a contract or agreement comes through, particularly if it is connected to real estate, investments or commerce. Travel gets a boost, intellectual pursuits, like finishing a degree or upgrading your knowledge in your field. You buy or sell a vehicle. An older or wiser person supports your dream. Unexpected, pleasant, surprises, pop up. Are you looking for the snag? True, there are points to look out for, like on May 1st, a day of moving forward, but with brewing explosive and impatient behavior. The unpredictable reigns. Avoid power games, abruptness and stubbornness, they can strike back like a boomerang. The last week of the month the mood lightens up and you are jumping from flower to flower, like a restless butterfly. Keep at it, my celestial friend!
Go after your dream during the Year Of the Wood Dragon! |
The Year of the Wood Dragon.
Every 60 years we are graced with the fertile and balanced presence of the wood Dragon! The Dragon is also known as the ”lung”, the breath, the life force and it rules over water, lakes, rivers, seas. If we separate the myth from the five elements (water, wood, fire, earth, metal), we can understand the importance of water and wood; one nourishes the other but wood (trees, plant life) also protects us from floods and land slides. The symbolism of a dragon is also used in topography, for example, we avoid building on ‘red dragons’, meaning hills where the soil is red, pure clay, as it is highly unstable. Whether you are interested in the practical aspect or the mythological representation, the Year of the Wood Dragon graces us with the following gifts.
Prosperity, confidence, resolve, good fortune, wisdom, nurture, love for nature and adventure, growth on a personal and collective level,, strengthening foundations, out of the box thinking, creativity, diplomacy, social grace and perseverance, are gifts that the wood dragon bestows upon us.
A cosmic rendezvous: Jupiter meets Uranus (2 to 6 degrees) until May 25th! |
May 2024.
In May, benefit in the pool of life, or as I like to call it, ‘The 4 Wealths”; spiritual, mental, emotional and financial! How? You cultivate all 4, of course!
Hello May! Although May 1st, is a day of moving forward, explosive and impatient behavior is present May 1-3. Avoid power games, abruptness and stubbornness, they can strike back like a boomerang. What we are willing to do for love and money, for better or worst, comes to light. With the communication channels back open, your thought process is sharp and speedy, so use the first May fortnight to promote you, your ideas or make a deal. On the 4th your desires can begin to manifest. A secret surfaces. Use this information wisely.
Wisely how, you ask? Definitely promote your agenda and push forward but proceed with one, steady, step at a time. New beginnings are afoot after the 7th, the kind that many have looked forward to for quite some time. Buying or selling property, cashing in on an investment, upgrading education or going on a long overdue trip. What you can do to fulfill your dream here, is to move ahead, not aggressively push ahead or dig your heels in the ground. Like a good Sunday roast takes its time to reach perfection, some things we can’t rush. In other words, be proactive, but trust the process.
On May 13-14, you can set a love or money connection on strong foundations, or an unexpected development on an original idea/project, bears fruit. The first two weeks of May have been quite fiery, so a mental shift on the 16th, helps slow down your thought process. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”: don’t be a bully on the 17-18th. Your plans may temporarily hit a brick wall on the 17/18th due to the previous hyperactivity: this can test your faith to your mental abilities, more so if you get caught in a web of power games and control. What to do? More listening, less talking; this can lead to a blessing or stroke of luck, on the evening of the 18th or morning of the 19th.
The mighty protector of earth and great benefice, lucky Jupiter brings prosperity to creative endeavors, out of the box and environmentally savvy, ideas until the 25th, Don’t waste a single moment or opportunity from bringing such endeavors or ideas to the world. You can be of great service to others and at the same time, greatly benefit in the pool of life, or as I like to call it, ‘The 4 Wealths”; spiritual, mental, emotional and financial!
On the 20th, the life giving Sun and expansive Jupiter share one more hug in the sign of Taurus; stability, endurance, sweetness, connection to reality, love for the small things in life and material safety get one more boost before Jupiter enters outgoing, intellectually and physically ambidextrous Gemini on the 26th, for an entire year!
Our battery charges up with enthusiasm for life after the 21st. On the 23rd a contract or deal gets signed or you enter a new reality. In some cases, you can transform your life, through inner resilience or financial power. The Full Moon also on the 23rd urges you to get out of your comfort zone, mentally and physically. Reconnect with this part of your life, but remember to trust the process; one stable step at a time. Love and money matters are uplifted, after the 24th and are positively transformed (or you transform through them) on the 25th… Pluto demands drastic, humanitarian oriented rebirth.
What happens under the surface collectively, under the surface of your own life and of course what happens under the planet’s ocean surface and to Neptune’s watery offspring? We find out, when Jupiter meets Pluto on May 26 and well into June. Also on May 26, Jupiter begins its year long journey through Gemini, boosting communication, commerce, travel, intellectual pursuits, education, contracts, agreements and zest for adventure, albeit a mental one. It will also highlight the areas where such matters require improvement. On the flip side, taking the easy way out, gossip, deceit and all types of entanglements can surface; avoiding power struggles will benefit you long term.
An evaluation and upgrade to educational systems and all children matters is also on the cosmic agenda. Siblings get a chance to mend fences and start over. Injustice, personal or collective, is rectified. An idea, agreement or health issue, gets stabilized on the 28th. The promising Jupiter-Pluto connection can give you access to wealth. Out of the box thinking or an egalitarian project, receives a reward or recognition through the wires, May 30 to June 1st.
Pluto demands drastic, humanitarian oriented rebirth. Jupiter meets Pluto well into June. This collaboration shows the world what happens under the surface and to Neptune’s watery offspring. Mother Earth takes her power back-her watery children included!
Pluto in anthropocentric Aquarius demands drastic, humanitarian oriented rebirth. Pluto also rules the shadows, what is hidden. On May 1st it illuminates those dark corners of our collective and personal soul, what we are willing to do for love and money, for better or worst.
Significant dates on May 2024.
- Expansive, lucky and bountiful Jupiter and innovative and unpredictable Uranus, both in earthy Taurus sextile creative and nebulous Neptune in its dreamy offspring, Pisces until May 20th.. With your feet on the ground and a pragmatic approach to life, you can watch your wildest dreams manifest! Collectively, we can begin to build on hope and hard work. Personally, you can begin to build on gratitude and hard work.
- May 1st. Venus squares Pluto and Mas enters its offspring Aries. Ahem…, don’t be aggressive with love and money?!
- May 3. Transformative and brooding Pluto turns retrograde. A little less pressure is welcomed.
- May 4. Mars sextiles Pluto. Your deeper wants can manifest. Make them good ones.
- May 7. The Sun sextiles Saturn. Fulfill your dreams with sobriety.
- May 7. The New Moon in Taurus occurs with a stellium (5 planets, Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus and Venus) in this sweet, stable, pragmatic and stubborn sign. It is well aspected, sextiled, by structural and rewarding Saturn. You can pursue your dreams by being proactive but trust the timely process.
- May 13-14. Venus sextiles Saturn. Love and money get a helping, firm hand.
- May 10-16. The Sun meets with Uranus, in conjunction on the 14th. An unconventional and original you gets a surprise.
- May 16. Mercury enters sweet, pragmatic and hardheaded Taurus. Our mental speed adopts these traits and slows down.
- May 17/18. Mercury squares Pluto. Don’t be a tyrant. Take care of your throat and lymphatic system.
- May 18. Venus conjuncts Uranus. What surprise arrives from the love and money front?!
- May 20. The Sun sextiles Neptune. A balance between emotion and practicality nurtures your dream.
- May 20. The Sun conjuncts Jupiter. Its a jack-pot day.
- May 21. The Sun enters, curious, enthusiastic, sharp witted and mischievous Gemini.
- May 23. The Sun sextiles Pluto. Time to heal..
- May 23. The Full Moon in Sagittarius flirts with Venus and Jupiter (in conjunction) and trined by Pluto and Neptune (by 3 degrees). Optimism, faith and a zest for life are back. Celebrate accordingly!
- May 23/24. Venus enters Gemini. Love is playful, intellectual and immature.
- May 25. Venus trines Pluto; wealth in love and money, through transformation.
- May 26. Jupiter enters curious and chatty Gemini until June 9, 2025! Time for movement, communication break troughs and pursuit of knowledge!
- May 28. Mercury sextiles Saturn. Grounded thinking makes dreams come true.
- May 30- June 1. Mercury conjuncts Uranus. Out of the box ideas are presented. Think things through but don’t hesitate to stand by your plan.
Here is the astral inside scoop on taking care of your body. Don’t forget to show some love to your head, throat, lymphatic and respiratory systems and emotional world. Avoid gossip, taking the easy way out, excessive consumption, and making promises you can’t keep. Get truly informed about earth grown products; clean soil and fair trade, are not just popular titles. Your life’s quality depends on them. Intellectual pursuits, volunteering, group activities, meditation, and contact with nature, can work wonders! Keep your temper in check, sense of humor, and love for life.
Earth and water have a strong presence until the 20th and in balance after. Fire is strong, out of bounds until the 20th, in balance after. Air is also present, stronger after the 20th. Wood is the element that can tame these conflicting energies (aggressive, controlling, nebulous or aloof). This means, in order to balance your drive and passions with emotion and logic, you will need the help of nature: decorate your space with flowers, or big green leaf plants, shift furniture around, a walk in the woods or better yet participate in reforestation activities and fire prevention exercises and tactics. Use caution at sea more so May 20 to June 20. Should you be more playful? Yes! Play games? No, no!
MAJOR PLANETS RETROGRADE: what’s in it for you?
During May, Pluto, the ruler of transformation, deep feelings, under the surface events, power games and great wealth, turns retrograde. This is a good time to go over such matters, regroup, and heal wounds. Do keep in mind that retrogrades can also give us a chance to gather our thoughts and energy. You can review a proposal, organize overdue paperwork, end a troubled friendship, affair, or business partnership, and begin anew. Normally, delays can be frustrating, but in many cases, these delays are actually blessings in disguise.
Astro-highlight for May 2024: Taskmaster, tenacious, hard work rewarding, albeit limiting, Saturn, is activated by innovative, humanitarian and unpredictable Uranus, in earthy and fixed Taurus. Stay excited about an innovative idea or project but work on in thoroughly. Share, don’t impose your belief system. Have you been patient, worked hard, consistently, and kept an open mind to changes? You are slowly coming out of the woods and depending on your chart, your hard work begins to pay off, as April ends. You probably are exhausted, like an athlete is, a few meters before the finish line. Keep plugging along, and don’t give up now, your finish line is in front of you, on May 26th or 30th, depending on your chart!
The New and Full Moon οn May 2024.
There is a New Moon at 18 degrees 02′ Taurus on the 7th. This Moon is sextiled by Saturn in Pisces, balancing the tangible and intangible.
It affects us all but mostly the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) and people with points to your chart here. You are directly affected by this New Moon, if your birthday is May 2-12, August 4-14, November 5-15, February 2-12.
Welcome to a world where the need to resiliently pursue our dreams and passions, is emphasized. The New Moon in Taurus occurs with a stellium (5 planets, Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus and Venus) in this sweet, stable, pragmatic and stubborn sign. It is well aspected, sextiled, by structural and rewarding Saturn. You can pursue your dreams by being proactive but trust the timely process. Get ready for a pleasant and exciting journey, especially if you deal in real estate, investments, art and spiritual pursuits.
How to maximize the benefits of your endeavors and set a flourishing new course? There are opportunities here, provided you keep an open mind, stay connected to reality and balance between the tangible and intangible world.. Pursue your dreams without being dictatorial or take the easy way out and long-term success is yours to keep. Appreciate the small things in life and remember to stop and smell the roses.
There is a Full Moon at 2 degrees 55′ Sagittarius on the 23rd. This adventurous Moon flirts with Venus and Jupiter (conjunct) and is trined by Pluto and Neptune (by 3 degrees)!
It affects us all but mostly the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), the last degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo Scorpio, Aquarius), and people with points to your chart here. You are directly affected by this Full Moon, if your birthday is May 17–27, August 19-29, November 18-28, February 15-25,
Ah, this adventurous, optimistic and impatient full moon, where desires and dreams are ready to manifest, through adventurous fetes, transformation and serendipity.. It’s like having a cosmic ‘carte blanche’, a clearance to boldly take your physical or mental self, where you haven’t dared before., Satisfying the senses is also prominent, so care is needed to avoid excess. An evaluation and upgrade to educational systems and all children matters is also on the cosmic agenda.
Pluto’s presence in this specific occasion, goes beyond its usual shadow self and in cooperation with altruistic and dreamy Neptune in Pisces, gives you access to great wealth, whether it be financial, spiritual or in a love connection. Travel and growth of your higher self, are also available pools to tap into and grow through. Enjoy this fortuitous and justice seeking moon and allow it to work its magic!
Astro Tip for the Cardinal zodiac family (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, or people with points to your charts here); the North Node (Karmic evolution) at 14-15 degrees Aries (birthday April 3-4 and South Node (inherited DNA) 14-15degrees Libra (October 5-6). Collect good Karma, understand that limits can be a blessing in disguise: remember how you were treated in the past and don’t fall for the same act again or if you were the one who faltered, making amends is recommended (the truth excavator Pluto is now retrograde). Do not be dictatorial, especially if you are a political leader with your Sun/Ascendant or points on Aries/Cancer and Libra/Capricorn.
FAQ: ‘I don’t know anything about planets, let alone astrology. Can I have some easy, basic information?’
Sure, before you read your zodiac sign, you may enjoy the read below!
Structural SATURN entered altruistic Pisces on March 8, 2023 to May 24. 2025. It sextiles Uranus, during this journey. It is time for revolution of the mind, the soul, growth, fairness and fair trade. It can be an erratic energy, so hopefully the human kind, will choose to work smart, over the next 20 years, not hard.
Transformative PLUTO entered humanitarian Aquarius on March 24, 2023, until 2044. On September 2 it reenters Capricorn one last time, until November 19. On May 3rd, it turns retrograde. Oppressive institutions collapse. As do partnerships or relationships with weak foundations. This is a good time to regroup and heal.
Uranus turned direct on January 29. Space exploration peeks. Sustainability, truths that hurt, sexual identity issues and knee jerk reaction to injustice, are some of the subjects on the global table. Technology: friend or faux?
Are you a newcomer? Welcome! You can find here a brief, yet vital introduction to our planets, in order of distance from the sun, closest to furthest. You may be curious enough to visit but have no clue about astrology and zodiac signs.
- Sun: center of our galaxy, associated with Leo, a sign of creative force, Helios in ancient Greece, the god of light.
- Mercury: nearest to the sun and fastest moving, associated with Gemini and Virgo, signs of communication, known in ancient Greece as Hermes, messenger to the gods.
- Venus: next in line and second brightest star in our sky, associated with Taurus and Libra, signs of strength and beauty- Aphrodite in ancient Greece, goddess of love.
- Earth: following suit, the planet of life growth, associated only by element (earth) with Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn- Gaia in ancient Greece, the primal mother earth goddess.
- Moon: the earth’s only natural satellite, associated with the sign of Cancer, a sign of nurture- Artemis goddess of hunting and a healer of women.
- Mars: the red planet, associated with Aries, a sign of assertion and drive –Aris in ancient Greece, god of war.
- Jupiter: the largest planet of our system radiates double the light it receives from the sun, associated with Sagittarius, a sign of expansion and illumination- Zeus, in ancient Greece the god of gods.
- Saturn: next the ringed majestic planet of order, associated with Capricorn, a sign of duty and dependability, in ancient Greece the god Pan, was a protector of woodlands and shepherds.
- Uranus: the gas giant, associated with Aquarius, the sign of innovation- Aquarius or beautiful Ganymede, the son of Trojan king Tros, was taken to Mount Olympus by Zeus to act as cup-carrier to the gods.
- Neptune: a striking blue giant, associated with Pisces, the sign of healing and illusion- in ancient Greece representing the fish into which Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed
- Pluto: the yellow dwarf planet or huge asteroid, associated with Scorpio, the intense truth-seeker. He was called on earth by Goddess Artemis to kill Orion, who wanted to destroy all animals.
You may notice occasionally, that astrological dates can seem to be one (1) day off, (for example a planet enters a sign on the 12/13). This occurs because calculations are based on Tropical Midnight Ephemeris, Time Zone EDT (04 west). Add or subtract hours, based on your Time Zone.
FAQ; Should I read both my Sun sign and the one that corresponds to my Ascendant?
Get even more insight when you read both your Sun sign and the one that corresponds to your Ascendant.
FAQ: Why focus on Mars and Venus?
Emphasis is put, among all other aspects, in the importance of Mars and Venus transits, two personal planets, that rule some of our primary, earthy needs.
Happy May Aries!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars, your ruler. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, your ruler, is in your zone of self worth all month! Venus is in your zone of net worth until the 23rd and communication matters after!
Dear Ram, the celestial go getter! May is here, ready to give you back a lot of what your birthday month either took away from you or forgot to deliver on time! A ‘want” or ‘need’ can manifest on the 4th.You have the green light all month to push (not shove please!) your wants and plans forward, get a boost in your finances after the 8th or around the 23rd! Your health is back on track, but do adopt a workout routine and check your thyroid or lymphatic system before the 16th, if you haven’t already. A new love connection is made through your social network. You are quite the energizer bunny! As always, don’t let all this energy and accomplishments go to your head. Organizing a trip, servicing your car, making a new deal or contract, is on the agenda for you. Lucky Jupiter adds extra boost regarding such matters for an entire year, so do take advantage of this opportunity! Yes, you will have the money you need to take care of your affairs, but do prioritize.
What does the year of the Wood Dragon hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most assertive or aggressive star child, the Wood Dragon can bestow upon you social grace, diplomacy and nurture. These are qualities you need to balance your forceful personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an very important goal, around April or after June!
Aries in 2024! Do focus on your financial stability in the first six months of the year broaden your horizons and account, for the remainder of the year. Your wheeling and dealing skills get a boost! A new 20-year cycle begins, where you can build stronger foundations within your social networks. How to make the most of 2024? Work on your communication skills: combine your powerful abilities, and team up with a pro, for maximum benefits, my go-getter celestial friend!
Important dates
May 1, 4, 7, 17/18, 21, 25, 26, 31
PS*: for further insight, please glance at the all-important New and Full Moon in the main article above.
Astro tip for Aries: Jupiter brings abundance, luck, and opportunities in your zone of finance until May 2024 and all communication matters after! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Go ahead, make
a wish!
Have a Prosperous and Happy Birthday Taurus!
Happy birthday month Taurus!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of introspection! Venus, your ruler, is in your zone of self esteem until the 23rd and finances after!
Dear, magnificent child of Aphrodite (Venus). The great benefice Jupiter brought you luck and opportunities, from May 2023 until May 23, 2024! With its sift into your zone of finances for another year, use all your acquired experiences, knowledge and wisdom, to cash in! Avoid power games on the 1st and protect a love or money prospect. The New Moon* in your sign on the 7th opens a new portal to a new life for many May Taureans or allows many April Tauruses to mend old wounds and move forward. An opportunity pops up and helps you set firm foundations with love and money on the 13/14th or 18th but be mindful of undercurrent power games, (particularly in regards to an inheritance or tax matter) yours or others’. Meditation and nutritious foods will, help you recharge and protect your sensitive throat and lymphatic system before the 17th, and allow your nurtured self esteem, to bring you closer to a professional accomplishment, a new love connection, or both, end of the month. Why not, it’s your birthday month after all!
What does the year of the Wood Dragon hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most steadfast or stubborn star child, the Wood Dragon can bestow upon you confidence, out of the box thinking and prosperity. These are qualities you need, to navigate the insecure part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal, around May or after June!
Taurus in 2024! Lucky Jupiter turned direct on December 30th in your sign and sprinkled opportunities all over your path until May 2024! Your hard work and self-improvement boost your self-esteem and it all manifests with financial blessings in the second half of 2024! A new 20-year cycle begins, as good ol’ Pluto supports all those positive professional changes you’ve been dreaming of. How to make the most of 2024? Use the lessons learned (fewer fixations perhaps?!), as lessons earned for maximum benefits, my steadfast celestial friend!
Important dates
May 1, 3, 4, 7, 13-14, 16, 17/18, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30-31
PS*: for further insight, please glance at the all-important New* and Full Moon in the main article above.
Astro tip for Bulls; Uranus in your sign, can jolt you into unexpected outbursts. (May 12-14 Tauruses). Eliminate toxicity from your life. The lessons from the eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio arena, until October 2023, asked you to make good use of the lessons you have acquired and opportunities that are coming your way, until May 2025!. Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Happy May Gemini!
Happy birthday after may 21st!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of social networks! Venus is in your zone of introspection until the 23rd and self esteem after!
Oh, you witty Twins! You have been waiting for an auspicious new chapter to begin for about a year now, and after May 23rd you can rejoice! Major star players, take you under their wings, like abundant Jupiter and loving, financially gifting Venus and the life giving Sun, after the 21st, Not to mention the full moon on the 23rd in your partnerships sector. What to do meanwhile? The mayhem caused by your ruler, Mercury in communications and mobility is over and you popularity, amongst other aspects of your life,, is on the rise. However, what is understandable, is you feeling a bit reclusive or nostalgic, around the 7th. This is a great time to start Life Coaching or any type of consulting and let go of past habits or burdens that no longer serve you. Use the first three weeks of the month to adopt a new health regime that can strengthen your respiratory, immune or nervous system, like Kundalini yoga and successfully handle a long overdue project. Avoid, at all costs, shady situations or people. Get ready for your great new beginnings!
What does the year of the Wood Dragon hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most ambidextrous or deceitful star child, the Wood Dragon can bestow upon you wisdom, strong foundations and growth. These are qualities you need to balance the nervous part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal, after May 24!
Gemini in 2024! Focus on self-empowerment, through Life Coaching or any consulting method, in the first six months of the year, and get ready to travel and broaden your horizons, for the remainder of the year or 20 years! During this new 20-year cycle, you can rebuild your reality through new and improved mental skills, where empathy will play an important part. How to make the most of 2024? Do take a look in the mirror, accept what you can not change but do make amends when possible. After May 2024, you move forward, my intellectual celestial friend!
Important dates
May 1, 3, 4, 7-8, 16, 17/18, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30-31
PS: for further insight, please glance at the all-important New and Full Moon in the main article above.
Extra tip; Neptune and Saturn square your Sun and ‘pops bubbles’. Stay away from gossip. Saturn squares your Sun but activates your professional zone. Lucky Jupiter enters your sign on May 23, 2024 and brings auspicious conditions until May 2025! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Happy May Cancer!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of professional accolades! Venus is in your zone of social networks until the 23rd and introspection after!
Hello sensitive moon child! May is a month you can truly welcome, as it brings opportunities or accolades from the professional arena. Delayed contracts, projects or a renewed professional environment, are jumping out of the drawing board and manifest! You are enjoying good times within your social network, particularly during the first three weeks of the month. In order to get the most out of the stellar timings, avoid power games due to an impulsive or explosive surrounding environment, on the 1st and 17/18th. During May you have the opportunity to complete an important transaction and set the foundations for a new life cycle. Why and how? A fertile cooperation between luck and creativity (Jupiter sextile Neptune) until the 23rd, helps you with important matters, particularly if you are in the pharmaceutical, real estate or investment industry. Specifically, your due diligence rewards you, on May 28 or May 30 to June 1st, depending on your chart.
What does the year of the Wood Dragon hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered either the most caring or self absorbed star child, the Wood Dragon can bestow upon you prosperity, love for adventure and confidence. These are qualities you need to tackle the timid part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal, in March or July!
Cancer in 2024! Welcome 2024, with 4 major astro league players on your side, Jupiter and Uranus in sextile and Neptune, Saturn in trine! A new and improved social network is in store for you, one that brings both opportunities and fun, in the first six months of the year, while you can prepare for an investment, inheritance, or other people’s money, pay off, the remainder of the year or 20 years! During this new 20-year cycle, you can rebuild your reality through your tenacity and good fortune. How to make the most of 2024? Trust your gut’, take care of your gut (literally), and create strong bonds, by being less self-absorbed. After May 2024, you move forward, my tender celestial friend!
Important dates
May 1, 4, 8, 13-14, 16, 17/18, 19, 23, 25, 28, 30-31
PS*: for further insight, please glance at the all-important New and Full Moon in the main article above.
Astro – tip for 2024: Expansive and lucky Jupiter sextiles your Sun until May 2024! Be assertive but not careless, you are blessed with professional success through your social network! A new adventure is afoot after May 23, 2024! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Happy May Leo!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of expansion! Venus is in your zone of professional accolades until the 23rd and social networks after!
Hey there, my majestic feline friend! Now that the communication drama has subsided, there is no stopping you, after May 3rd, most pressure is off and you have lift off! Travel, foreign contacts, upgrading your education or skills, becoming a member in a new team, implementing changes in both your professional and family environment, you are on fire! Care is needed on May 1st and 17/18, with eruptive behavior, yours or others’. Negativity could affect the prosperous potential you share with a new business or life, partner. During the first fortnight you will have the chance and energy to make amends or put a proposal back on the table, important issues that have been delayed or believed to be in detriment. Your hard work pays off, with rewards, in your financial and social status. A health issue, perhaps spine or solar plexus related, is managed. Your creative force explodes, in a good way. Enjoy, you have earned it all.
What does the year of the Wood Dragon hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most passionate or autocratic star child, the Wood Dragon can bestow upon you patience, out of the box thinking and growth. These are qualities you need to tackle the egocentric part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal, in May or June!
Leo in 2024! Professional advancement/improvement is in store for you, in the first six months of the year, while you can prepare for a total transformation in your one-to-one partnerships, for the remainder of the year or 20 years! During this new 20-year cycle, you can rebuild your reality through your generosity and acquired sense of fairness. A Life Coach or consultant can help you develop this part of yourself. How to make the most of 2024? Develop your social skills by lessening the need to always be on center stage and creating new, strong social networks. After May 2024, you move forward, my brave celestial friend!
Important dates
May 1, 3, 4, 7, 13-14, 16, 17/18, 20, 23, 25
PS*: for further insight, please glance at the all-important New and Full Moon in the main article above.
Astro – tip for 2024: Expansive and lucky Jupiter activates your professional achievements zone until May 2024 and your social network after! Be assertive but not careless, with new endeavors! A new adventure is afoot! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis
Happy May Virgo!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of investments! Venus is in your zone of expansion until the 23rd and professional accolades after!
Hello my dear fastidious queen or king! You inherited the following from April: “A cancelled trip, was just postponed for a much more fun and auspicious May!.” The mere fact that your ruler, Mercury is now direct, gives you back your momentum and you are ready to travel, expand your mind (a seminar), your body (try again for baby), move or pursue a creative project that you had to postpone. With Saturn steadily across your Sun, remember to be mature regarding a marriage or business partnership. Mature behavior includes abstaining from being caustic or judgmental with a loved one, on the 1st, 17/18th or May 22-26. Why miss out on a pleasant surprise from love or money on the 20th or 23rd? Be patient with an elder or family member. Roll your sleeves up, and get ready to tackle an investment matter, other people’s money, a sexual issue and of course focus on a new or improved career potential and your standing in the community. Put your best self, not just foot, forward!
What does the year of the Wood Dragon hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most organized or judgemental star child, the Wood Dragon can bestow upon you wisdom, nurture and social . These are qualities you need to tackle the nit-picky part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal, in July!
Virgo in 2024! Expansion on all levels is in store for you, in the first six months of the year, while you can prepare for professional accolades and a total transformation in your daily routine, for the remainder of the year or 20 years! During this new 20-year cycle, you can rebuild your reality through your unmatched organizational skills. A Life Coach or consultant can help you maintain stability. How to make the most of 2024? Develop a healthier daily routine, perhaps through a new hobby, that lessens your caustic side and augments your intellect. After May 2024, you move forward, my intellectual celestial friend!
Important dates
May 1, 4, 7, 13-14, 16, 17/18, 20, 23-25, 26, 28, 30-31
PS: for further insight, please glance at the all-important New and Full Moon in the main article above.
Astro-highlight for 2024: Expansive and lucky Jupiter will help you expand in all aspects of your life until May 2024 and stimulate your professional zone after! Be assertive but not careless! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Happy May Libra!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of due partnerships! Venus, your ruler, is in your zone of investments until the 23rd and expansion after!
Hey there aerialist, Aphrodite’s offspring! May carries a touch of April for you: “Your ruler Venus helps iron the creases after the end of the month..” Ironed creases and no more spinning, in regards to a business or personal partnership, colors the first days of May. It may not be easy or simple, to enjoy your time with a loved one or partner, if you are dealing with financial issues, mortgages or inheritance. Do your best to stay grounded on the 1st and the 17/18th. Why? Because, as the month progresses, piece by piece, the parts of your life that seem to have been lost in last months shuffle, begin to come together. Watch how these issues begin to find solutions, after May 7. Your astro-mum Venus, begins to deliver pleasant developments around the 13th, 18th, with a notable opportunity on the creative front, on the 23rd. With three planets, (including lucky Jupiter in your expansion zone for the next year), you catch the wave again, and the sky will be your limit!
What does the year of the Wood Dragon hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most diplomatic or superficial star child, the Wood Dragon can bestow upon you wisdom, confidence and nurture. These are qualities you need to tackle the shy part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal, in June or July!
Libra in 2024! Investments and transformation on all levels are in store for you, in the first six months of the year, while you can prepare for expansion on all levels,, for the remainder of the year or 20 years! During this new 20-year cycle, you can rebuild your reality through your unmatched creative and diplomatic skills. A Life Coach or consultant can help you maintain focus. How to make the most of 2024? Positively develop the impulsive aspect of your personality and enjoy a healthier, happier family or love life. After May 2024, you move forward, my graceful celestial friend!
Important dates
May 1, 4, 8,13-14, 17/18, 19-20, 23, 24, 25, 26
PS*: for further insight, please glance at the all-important New and Full Moon in the main article above.
Astro-highlight of 2024: Expansive and lucky Jupiter activated your investment, transformation, sexuality, and inheritance zone until May 2024 and expansion after! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Happy May Scorpio!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of due diligence! Venus is in your zone of partnerships until the 23rd and investments after!
Hey there aerialist, Aphrodite’s offspring! May carries a touch of April for you: “Your ruler Venus helps iron the creases after the end of the month..” Ironed creases and no more spinning, in regards to a business or personal partnership, colors the first days of May. It may not be easy or simple, to enjoy your time with a loved one or partner, if you are dealing with financial issues, mortgages or inheritance. Do your best to stay grounded on the 1st and the 17/18th. Why? Because, as the month progresses, piece by piece, the parts of your life that seem to have been lost in last months shuffle, begin to come together. Watch how these issues begin to find solutions, after May 7. Your astro-mum Venus, begins to deliver pleasant developments around the 13th, 18th, with a notable opportunity on the creative front, on the 23rd. With three planets, (including lucky Jupiter in your expansion zone for the next year), you catch the wave again, and the sky will be your limit!
What does the year of the Wood Dragon hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most sensitive or vengeful star child, the Wood Dragon can bestow upon you nurture, stability and wisdom. These are qualities you need to tackle the self-destructive part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal, end of March or July!
Scorpio in 2024! One-on-one partnerships and transformation on all levels are in store for you, in the first six months of the year, while you can prepare for investment/inheritance and professional developments, for the remainder of the year or 20 years! During this new 20-year cycle, you can rebuild your reality through your unmatched penetrating and investigative skills. A Life Coach or consultant can help you maintain emotional stability. How to make the most of 2024? Take the lid off your box of compassion and enjoy a healthier, happier you. After May 2024, you move forward, my sensitive celestial friend!
Important dates
May 1, 4, 7, 13-14, 16, 17/18, 18, 20, 24, 2, 28, 30-31
PS*: for further insight, please glance at the all-important New* and Full Moon in the main article above.
Astro tip for Scorpio: Uranus retrograde until January 27 opposes your Sun (birthday November 14-16). You do not like surprises, so do your homework. Or accept that we can not control everything. Jupiter has activated your partnerships until May 2024 and other people’s money after! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Happy May Sagittarius!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of creativity! Venus is in your zone of due diligence until the 23rd and partnerships after!
My dear, brilliant Archer, you are the center of attention, wheeling and dealing, traveling, expanding your horizons, and relishing the rewards from all your hard work. Continue with due diligence, particularly the first three weeks of the month. Through many trials and error, you now know the importance of staying focused and organized. Be very patient with a love or money connection on the 1st. After May 3, you get a serious boost in communications and contracts. Your wants can manifest on the 4th. Steer clear from flaring tempers and power games on the 17/18th. The stars of vitality, love and money, nuzzle across your Sun after the 21st, along with the full moon* in your sign on the 24th. Your astro-dad Jupiter, has many blessings coming your way after the 26th, and for an entire year, as he positions himself across your Sun. You focus on a marriage or partnership. Things are looking up for you, my stellar friend.
What does the year of the Wood Dragon hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most brilliant or arrogant star child, the Wood Dragon can bestow upon you diplomacy, wisdom and prosperity. These are qualities you need to tackle the unhinged part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal, in May or end of June!
Sagittarius in 2024! The importance of an organized daily routine is highlighted for you, in the first six months of the year, while you can prepare for one-on-one partnerships and transformation on a large scale in contracts and agreements, the remainder of the year or 20 years! During this new 20-year cycle, you can rebuild your reality through your unsurpassed brilliance and sharp decision-making. A Life Coach or consultant can help you maintain focus. How to make the most of 2024? Don’t let all the upcoming success go to your head. After May 2024, you move forward, my sharp-shooting celestial friend!
Important dates
May 1, 3, 4, 7, 17/18, 20, 21-23, 25
PS: for further insight, please glance at the all-important New and Full Moon* in the main article above.
Astro-highlight for 2024: Expansive and lucky Jupiter, your astro-dad activated your due diligence and daily routine zone until May 2024 and one one-on-one partnerships after! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis
Happy May Capricorn!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of family! Venus is in your zone of creativity until the 23rd and due diligence after!
Oh majestic goat of epic achievements! The April suggestion follows you into May: “Become allergic to power games“. The need to stay kind and balanced will be clear on May 1st. Why? Sure, family can hold you back at times, but May is a month where you can greatly benefit from a professional arrangement and make new beginnings after the 7th with a creative endeavor, your children or a love affair. Contract and agreements, regarding high ticket sales, are also favored. Having kept your impulse at bay, love and money can reward you on the 13-14th, 18th or 20th; you can set solid foundations in such matters. Be exceptionally kind to your child(ren) on the 17/18th. Get organized, roll your sleeves up and continue with due diligence but do enjoy some fun moments, as the mood lightens up, after May 21st.. Your social network can pleasantly surprise you end of the month.
What does the year of the Wood Dragon hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most ambitious or harsh star child, the Wood Dragon can bestow upon you nurture, love for nature and adventure, and growth. These are qualities you need to tackle the overbearing part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal, end of May or July!
Capricorn in 2024! The importance of expressing creativity is highlighted for you, in the first six months of the year, while you can prepare for due diligence, a healthy daily routine, and financial stability for the remainder of the year or 20 years! During this new 20-year cycle, you can rebuild your reality through sensible financial choices. A Life Coach or consultant can help you maintain an emotional connection. How to make the most of 2024? Set a healthy family foundation. After May 2024, you move forward, my rock-climbing celestial friend!
Important dates
May 1, 4, 7, 13-14, 16, 17/18, 20, 28, 30-31
PS*: for further insight, please glance at the all-important New and Full Moon in the main article above.
Astro-highlight of 2024: Expansive and lucky Jupiter entered your creativity and love affair zone until May 2024 and due diligence after! You upgrade this part of your life! Saturn freed you from money restraints! Pluto allows the brand-new you to shine as the year begins! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Happy May Aquarius!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of communication! Venus is in your zone of family until the 23rd and creativity after!
You funky H2O carrier, you! Whether you want to deliver a speech in front of your fan base, sign a contract or promote one of your usual, out of bounds ideas, May is the month to do it. Transformation is the name of the game for you, and revamping your image or space, is also favored but do stay away from intrigue or power games on the 1st and choose your words wisely, more so with family, on the 17/1th.. Pressure you felt last month is lifted on the 3rd and you are now in a position to put pending family or home matters in order, after May 7. You can set solid foundations on a project or a new love connection on the 13th and get an energy boost on the 14th. Your ruling planet, Uranus is just as unpredictable as you are, so who knows what it will deliver from the love or money front on the 18th! After May 21st, the planetary alignments set a lighter mood and faster pace, just up your ally! Your career sector is highlighted on the 24th.
What does the year of the Wood Dragon hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most humanitarian or erratic star child, the Wood Dragon can bestow upon you nurture, strong foundations, and growth. These are qualities you need to tackle the detached part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal, in May or June!
Aquarius in 2024! The importance of family balance is highlighted for you, in the first six months of the year, while you can prepare for creative endeavors, a love affair, growth, and reinventing yourself, for the remainder of the year or 20 years! During this new 20-year cycle, you can rebuild your reality through your powerful transformation. A Life Coach or consultant can help you maintain a strong self-esteem. How to make the most of 2024? Set a healthy family foundation. After May 2024, you move forward, my nectar carrier celestial friend!
Important dates
May 1, 4, 7, 13-14, 18, 23-25, 26, 30-31
PS*: for further insight, please glance at the all-important New and Full Moon in the main article above.
Extra tip: Lucky Jupiter entered your family, parents, and country zone until May 16, 2024, and creativity after! Transformative Pluto reentered your sign on January 21, 2024, for the next 20 years!! You begin to rebuild it all! Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
Happy May Pisces!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of finances! Venus is in your zone of communication until the 23rd and family after!
My dear offspring of Poseidon! You are quite mobile the first three weeks of the month, Things are coming together for you, and you finances are back on track. This will and should put you in a great mood, but don’t loose control on the 1st or blow the budget! Last month’s pressure is lifted and a financially savvy plan or contract is back on the table on the 4th. A proposal or idea can open gates with great possibilities after the 7th, more so in real estate, investment, pharmaceutical or creative endeavors, like the beauty industry. Maturity will he;p you set solid foundations in a love or money situation on the 13-14th. Don’t ink the waters or play power games on the 17/18th. Love can hit you like lighting on the 18th! Your astro-dad sends you waves of creativity on the 20th, take full advantage of the opportunities rising from the deep. A short trip around the 24th brings you joy and your focus shifts on family affairs after..
What does the year of the Wood Dragon hold for you? Although you are traditionally considered the most altruistic or nebulous star child, the Wood Dragon can bestow upon you strong foundations, confidence and growth. These are qualities you need to tackle the sneaky part of your personality. Keep them in balance and achieve an important goal, March or May!
Pisces in 2024! The importance of clear and transparent communication is highlighted for you, in the first six months of the year, while you can prepare to expand on your family zone, for the remainder of the year or 20 years! During this new 20-year cycle, you can rebuild your reality through connection and appreciation for what is solid. A Life Coach or consultant can help you cultivate strong self-esteem. How to make the most of 2024? Cultivate your communication abilities. After May 2024, you move forward, my elusive celestial friend!
Important dates
May 1, 4, 7, 13-14, 17/18, 18, 20, 24, 28-31
PS: for further insight, please glance at the all-important New and Full Moon in the main article above.
Astro-highlight of 2024: Expansive and lucky Jupiter activated your communication, contracts, and mobility zone until May 2024 and family after! Time to get organized under Saturn’s watchful eye. Why not become a member and enjoy a more detailed, in-depth, analysis?
2024 Retrogrades for Outer Planets.
*Saturn retrogrades June 30 to November 15 in Pisces, Pluto* retrogrades May 3 to September 1 (in Aquarius), September 2 to October 12 in Capricorn, Jupiter* retrogrades October 10 to February 5, 2025 in Gemini, Neptune* retrogrades July 3 to December 7 in Pisces and Uranus* retrogrades September 2 to January 31, 2025, in Taurus.
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts, and his feelings as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Einstein