![Helen Timms-Kyriacopoulos](https://i0.wp.com/4everbalance.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/IMG_E5558-844x1024.jpg?resize=844%2C1024&ssl=1)
Enjoy astrological monthly tips
by Elen Kyriacopoulos-Timms
The Sky and Zodiacs for the:
Month of July
Whether you are ‘splish splashing’ on the beach, pool or lake, exploring beautiful trails, on the northern hemisphere, or ‘swooshing’ through the ski slopes and ice-fishing in the southern hemisphere, July is not a boring month!
Before i go into details regarding our solar system’s planetary interactions and how they relate to us, let us very briefly introduce our planets in order of distance from the sun, closest to furthest, to the newcomers who are curious enough to visit but really have no clue about astrology and zodiac signs.
- Sun: center of our galaxy, associated with Leo, sign of creative force-Helios in ancient Greece, the god of light.
- Mercury: nearest to the sun and fastest moving, associated with Gemini and Virgo, signs of communication-Hermes in ancient Greece, messenger for the gods.
- Venus: next in line and second brightest star on our sky, associated with Taurus and Libra, signs of strength and beauty-Aphrodite in ancient Greece, goddess of love.
- Earth: following suit, the planet of life growth, associated only by element (earth) with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn- Gaia in ancient Greece, the primal mother earth goddess.
- Moon: the earth’s only natural satellite, associated with the sign of Cancer, sign of nurture- Artemis goddess of hunting and a healer of women.
- Mars: the red planet, associated with Aries, sign of assertion and drive –Aris in ancient Greece, god of war.
- Jupiter: the largest planet of our system radiates double the light it receives from the sun, associated with Sagittarius, sign of expansion and illumination- Zeus, in ancient Greece the god of gods.
- Saturn: next the ringed majestic planet of order, associated with Capricorn, sign of duty and dependability-in ancient Greece the god Pan, protector of woodlands and shepherds.
- Uranus: the gas giant, associated with Aquarius, the sign of innovation- Aquarius or beautiful Ganymede, the son of Trojan king Tros, was taken to Mount Olympus by Zeus to act as cup-carrier to the gods.
- Neptune: a striking blue giant, associated with Pisces, the sign of healing and illusion- in ancient Greece representing the fish into which Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed
- Pluto: the yellow dwarf planet or huge asteroid, associated with Scorpio, the intense truth-seeker- he was called on earth by Goddess Artemis to kill Orion who wanted to destroy all animals.
Ah, this month of July 2019, chased after, by June’s Mercury and Uranus aspects, an interesting interaction of these two restless energies and the rest of our solar system guaranteeing activity through mood swings, let us see how. At this point i would like to mention a not always familiar Mercury trait, its connection to health; in combination with unpredictable Uranus behavior, please drive carefully, yes more than regular, all month. Mercury entered fiery Leo on the 27 of June, and it will retrograde, at 4 degrees 27′ Leo, July 7, squared on the same day by Uranus. Time to let go of rigidity. ‘A bamboo that bends with the wind, does not break’, old Chinese proverb. Agreements, contracts, travel plans, are best to be organized prior to that, as transactions and communications will flow easier. When this is not possible, do double check bookings, the fine print on all contracts and keep handy copies of all important paperwork, passports and id’s. July 1st Mars, planet of drive and aggression enters Leo, so expect all things creative, dynamic and flamboyant to emerge. Along with a tendency to be boastful or highly argumentative. Which will serve no good purpose at all, since Mercury in its retrograde motion, returns to emotional and family oriented Cancer on July 19, (3 days after the Full Moon with a Partial Lunar Eclipse, described in detail below), where it will stay until it turns direct, in Cancer still, July 31st. We should do our best to be precise, no roaring, or in antithesis, whining, will do! On the same day Uranus*in Taurus semi sextiles Chiron in Aries, an aspect about evaluating our healing process. Whether you decide to go on a quest as part of a spiritual journey, physical, mental or psychological, it is all about self-improvement. And freedom.
On July 2nd, a New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer at 10 degrees 38′, opposing Saturn* and Pluto, one way or another, through emotional outbursts or heated arguments, brings new beginnings for many family/societal units, luckily with a positive aspect from Uranus at 6 degrees, supporting our freedom to choose our family, its dynamics and shape formed by our true desire and deep need of what our family’s organic silhouette should be like, free from prejudice and judgement. Venus enters Cancer on July 3- July 27, so a financial boost can be expected for many through returns, partnership, old or new, even a family member. Planet of love, beauty and money, Venus, will do its best, personally and collectively, to apply its lovely characteristics throughout the land. Saturn opposes North Node July 4, so hopefully we will seek the balance between hard and soft, steely and overemotional, on both a personal and political level. Chiron retrogrades July 8, so a need for a personal and collective healing process becomes apparent. Those in the care industry should go the extra mile for our elders and immigrants. A civilization is reflected on how it treats children, animals, the elders and needy. Look out for a 6 degree Mars in Leo-Uranus* in Taurus combustible square on the 11-12 July, (depends on time zone), a few days before the Eclipse on the 16th.
The Full Moon with a Partial Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees 04′, in Capricorn on July 16, re-enforces all the above, as such an eclipse sheds more light on personal relationships, political behind the curtain events, the deeper root of our connection to our job, diet and exercise, as it is an enhanced Full Moon with effects lasting up to six months.
Therefore, this Lunar eclipse on the Cancer-Capricorn axle, will emphasize the polarity between warm and cold, soft and austere, overemotional and overmastered. Keeping, or not, the balance in such conditions will make or brake relationships. Viral infections can increase, especially on the southern hemisphere. The 18th Venus trines Neptune, remember the challenged members of our society, this includes animals, nature. The Sun, our life giving force, enters its natural environment in Leo on the 22nd, so be creative with your children, a project, your neighborhood, immediate and extending. Mars trines Jupiter* at 14 degrees on the 25th, so you could get things done, although, an otherwise positive, Venus conjunction an (Rx!) Mercury on the same day, forces us to be highly careful with our wording, in order to ensure success. Venus enters Leo July 27, so be magnanimous but not boastful. July 30th Uranus* squares the Sun, an ‘electrical storm‘ day, so drive safe, if you work with metal or electricity, please take all safety measures. July 31, the New Moon in Leo, at 8 degrees 37’can mark a point of new beginnings in your relationship with your children, your creative group. On the same day Mercury turns direct in Cancer, so perhaps save the break-up/make-up conversation as August rises.
End of month is about caring for the spine, neck, heart, diet and soul.
*Saturn retrogrades April 29 to Sept. 18 and Pluto retrogrades Apr. 24 to Oct. 3 , *Jupiter retrogrades April 10 to Aug. 11, *Neptune retrogrades June 21 to Nov. 27. Before we look at each Zodiac Sign for the month of May, please read the following important brief paragraph regarding retrogrades (Rx).
Does mentioning retrogrades-Rx- make you uneasy? Sure, the larger planets are currently on a retro-party mode!. Allow me however to share the following with you; during delays and what often seem like blockages, i find this to be the best window in time to clear my mind, reevaluate goals, stop and smell the roses and avoid traps! And when i am done being self absorbed and shift my focus to others and their needs, well then it becomes clear that no amount of obstacles can take away the value of a kind gesture, no matter the scale, so volunteer or give back what you can in any way you are able to!. Remember, balance is always key so do not overthink, instead try to adopt the notion that retrogrades, squares or oppositions can be challenging aspects to a degree but more often than not are blessings in disguise!!
Here are the twelve zodiac sings for the month of July. Get even more insight when you read both your sun sign and the one that corresponds to your ascendant. Enjoy!.
Happy July Aries! Are you wrapping up your affairs pending from, well 2010, regarding family, children and most importantly you? If you do not take care of yourself, you can not care for your loved ones, so hopefully you have
already asked for professional help where necessary and started putting your affairs in order, after the upheavals in March/April 2019 and some disruptions in May that spilled into June. Whether you wronged or were wronged, in July many of you receive a second chance, in love or work; make sure you really want this. If you do, do not blow it. July 1st, your ruling planet Mars enters you fiery cousin, Leo, so mid summer begins with a bang! Next day, July 2nd, a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer on 10 degree 38’shed a light on all family issues, especially for March born Aries, your need to nurture or be nurtured emerges, and marks a good time to find the balance in both giving and receiving, and avoid extremes, such as being overbearing or absent. July 3rd, Venus also enters Cancer; do try to allow your warm and fuzzy side to take over, so you can happily accept and not overlook, opportunities and consequently an increase on your cash flow. If possible, discuss new deals, contracts, make major purchases or changes, like a move to a new office/home/country, before the 7th, when Mercury in Leo, turns retrograde (Rx). From this position, if you can keep your ego at bay, you may still be able to finalize an agreement, before July 19, as it re-enters Cancer still in Rx, a more emotionally charged time frame until July 31, when it turns direct still in Cancer.
At the same time on the 16th, a Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, so look out for hidden agendas from a friend you thought you can trust. The end of the month finds you again in the center of attention, as a fun loving and creative mode abounds with Sun on the 22nd and Venus on the 27th entering Leo. July 31st a New Moon, also in Leo, gives a beautiful ending to your month, along with a great hint of a truly fun August to follow. Remember the good times when Jupiter opposed your sun in 2016? Either a return from that past or your return can mark a great new beginning. This time around, use *Saturn’s stabilizing force to keep what is true. There is a hidden Chiron Rx in 5 degrees 56′ Aries, so healing wounds can be the key to a life do-over in July, especially for March born Rams.
Happy July Taurus!
Have you been able to keep your mind and temper flexible through June, and started to absorb the importance of standing on your own feet? It has indeed been a bit hectic for order loving bulls, especially
those born in April, after the upheavals in March/April 2019 and the disruptions in May that spilled into June. Despite the delays, in July you are still favored by the stars, in both love and work. Especially, the latter, will be rewarding all your hard work and persistence. July 1st, Mars enters fiery Leo, so mid summer begins with a bang! Some of you may have unexpectedly encountered an exotic, at least very interesting, new acquaintance first week of June. If so, stay open minded but cautious because the next day, July 2nd, a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer on 10 degree 38’shed a light on all personal, family and friends issues, guided by the tension spilling in from the second June fortnight. True colors are sure to emerge. July 3rd, your ruling planet Venus also enters friendly and nurturing Cancer until the 27th; do try to allow your warm and fuzzy side to take over, however this, by no means insinuates that you become a pawn in other people’s power struggles, even if this is your own family. An increase on your cash flow is possible, yet do not overindulge, you may need the extra money to boost a new business, house maintenance or project. If possible, discuss new deals, contracts, make major purchases or changes, like a move to a new office/home/country, before the 7th, when Mercury in Leo, turns retrograde (Rx).
Do not point the finger or ‘see red‘, as from this Mercury position, you may still be able to finalize an agreement, before July 19, as it re-enters Cancer still in Rx, a more emotionally charged time frame until July 31, when it turns direct still in Cancer. At the same time on the 16th, a Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, brings forth hidden agendas, possibly from a friend you thought you can trust, events that carry from the July 11 combustible Mars square Uranus. The end of the month finds you in a position to control even a most unpleasant situation, and set the stage for you, to enjoy the fun loving and creative mood that abounds with Sun on the 22nd and Venus on the 27th entering Leo. July 31st a New Moon, also in Leo, gives a beautiful ending to your month, along with a great hint of a truly fun August to follow. Jupiter continues to help you prosper from your 8th solar house of power, sex and money. A return from your past can mark a great new beginning, the decision on which way this will go, is up to you. Use, friendly to your sign, *Saturn in Capricorn’s stabilizing force to keep what is true. There is a hidden Chiron Rx in 5 degrees 56′ Aries, so healing wounds can be the key to a life do-over in July, especially regarding a past/returning love interest/blood relative.
Happy July Twins! Did you enjoy your birthday month? Many of you had the opportunity to put a new project back on track, refresh a partnership or finally put the past to rest. It has been a long ride since
Christmas 2014 and along with some of the disruptions in May that spilled into June, in July many of you receive a second chance with work or to piece together a broken family; make sure you really want this. Flakiness is your enemy all month. July 1st, Mars prompts you into action, particularly the first half of the month, as it enters fiery Leo. Next day, July 2nd, a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer on 10 degree 38’shed a light on your second solar house regarding property, stability, all family issues, with emphasis on your children. Curb your need to ‘transfer’ information, commonly know as gossip, as this will certainly backfire, results will be apparent after the 7th, with your ruling planet Mercury retrograde. July 3rd, Venus enters Cancer, again your 2nd Solar house. If possible, discuss new deals, contracts, make major purchases or changes, like a move to a new office/home/country, before the 7th, when Mercury in Leo, turns retrograde (Rx). From this position, if you can keep your feet on the ground and not allow an ongoing Neptune* square your Sun to confuse you, particularly after the 21st, as it turns retrograde; you may still be able to finalize an agreement, before July 19, as it re-enters Cancer still in Rx, a more emotionally charged time frame until July 31, when it turns direct still in Cancer. At the same time on the 16th, a Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, emphasizes the need to balance the polarity between feeling overemotional, your most unnatural state, and lack of substance on your part, against too much control and rigidity.
The end of the month finds you in a mood for spending on a new home renewal, self improvement seminars or learning a new musical instrument, as a fun loving and creative mode abounds with the Sun on the 22nd and Venus on the 27th, entering Leo. July 31st a New Moon, also in Leo, gives a beautiful ending to your month, making you irresistible. Remember the really good and really challenging times when Jupiter transited your sun in 2012-13? An honest self-evaluation is strongly suggested, as this same issues want you to deliver closure where it is due. *Saturn’s stabilizing force will bring recognition to the dedicated. There is a hidden Chiron Rx in 5 degrees 56′ Aries, so healing wounds can be the key to a life do-over in July. If you work or use your hands a lot, make sure to rest them too.
Happy Birthday Cancer, child of summer! Wow! What a ride June has been, right?! I can safely say that both June and July Cancers have had a minimum of disruptions and many had to deal with health issues, that luckily are either over or at least under control for
most, thanks to a partial Jupiter* protection. Hopefully your hypochondriac side led you to getting professional help, especially for psychological issues, such as extreme mood swings. With your health in check, you will be able to begin a long due process, of putting your affairs in order, especially after the upheavals in March/April 2019 and some disruptions in May that spilled into June. Most of you will finally get the chance to claim your stake, share what troubles your soul since, well, the time you were born. Yes, this is definitely your moment; to best claim what is rightfully yours, get the respect you deserve or on a different level, achieve a high degree of self awareness on how controlling, or in some cases, how exhaustively demanding you have been with yourself and others. July 1st, Mars enters fiery and creative Leo. Next day, July 2nd, a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer on 10 degree 38′, shed a light on all family issues, especially for end of June-beginning of July born Cancers, that underline your need to nurture or be nurtured, and mark a good time to find the balance in both giving and receiving, and avoid being swayed by extreme moods. July 3rd, Venus, (yupi!) also enters Cancer, and as you experience an unexpected increase on your cash flow, try not to overspend. You will get your chance again towards the end of the month! Avoid discussions with loved ones on the 9th, when Mercury Rx conjuncts Mars. On the same day be very cautious with any purchases, small or large, as they may not correspond to the quality they claim to possess. If possible, discuss new deals, contracts, make major purchases or changes, before Mercury in Leo, turns retrograde (Rx) on the 7th. Provided you kept an eye on all details, with Saturn* and Pluto opposing your sun and keeping a watchful eye, you may still be able to finalize an agreement, before July 19, as it re-enters Cancer still in Rx, a more emotionally charged time frame until July 31, when it turns direct still in Cancer.
At the same time on the 16th, a Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, pinpoint the urgent need to balance overemotional against icy-cold, and the devastating results such polarity can cause to your life. It could come in the shape of unsettling news regarding a loved one that simply left you out to dry; you should have a pretty good idea of what this will be about beforehand and around the 11th, when an overcharged Mars squares Uranus*. Keep in mind that part of it’s pain is deeply rooted in your childhood. The end of the month finds you again in the center of attention, as a fun loving and creative mode abounds, with Sun on the 22nd and Venus on the 27th entering Leo. In between, take care on the Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus on the 25th, actions need to be stronger that words regarding new acquaintances. July 31st a New Moon, also in Leo, gives a beautiful ending to your month, along with a great hint of a fun August to follow. Either a return from that past or your return to the past, can mark a great new beginning. This time around, use *Saturn’s stabilizing force to keep what is true. There is a hidden Chiron Rx in 5 degrees 56′ Aries, so healing wounds can be the key to a life do-over in July.
Birthday Tip; Does no one understand you? Do you…? Again happy birthday and enjoy the new you!
Happy July Leo! Allow me to start by saying, easy tiger! There is fun in enjoying the forbidden fruit surely, but let us exercise a bit of caution at the dawn of your birthday, shall we?! A great number of Leos, especially male, found themselves
emotionally exposed after a sudden loss or separation, and their creativity that flourishes significantly through daily contact with their children, was threatened due to disruptions from October 2012 and March 2019, that spilled into June. As a result, carelessly seeking excitement through unsuitable energies to mask the pain is pointless, especially with someone in another relationship or an easy pray. July 1st, fiery Mars enters Leo, so mid summer begins with a bang! Drive safe. Next day, July 2nd, a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer on 10 degree 38’shed a light on all family issues, especially for those born in July, and with an unpredictable Uranus* square, disruptions, stress related health issues or a tendency for isolation, puts a damp on your plans and force. July 3rd, Venus also enters Cancer; being emotionally connected is divine, being overemotional however will not do you justice, particularly when you need others to clearly get your message. If possible, discuss new deals, contracts, make major purchases or changes, like restructuring an office/home/organization, before the 7th, when Mercury in your sign, turns retrograde (Rx). A Mercury conjunct Mars on 6 degree Leo on the 9th and a Mars square Uranus* on the 11th, do not leave room for flexibility on either side.
From this position, if you can keep your ego at bay, you may still be able to finalize an agreement, before July 19, as it re-enters Cancer still in Retrograde (Rx), a more emotionally charged time frame until July 31, when it turns direct still in Cancer. At the same time on the 16th, a Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, heightens your inner tension, felt by your loved ones and your physical self. Instead of giving in, play a favorite sport or join a play, and accept that through Mars activating your Sun and you exercising your patience throughout the first fortnight, efforts on your behalf pay off after the 25, and a Jupiter* trine, will help you see your needs and goals through. There is a hidden Chiron Rx in 5 degrees 56′ Aries, so healing wounds can be the key to a life do-over in July, so take care of your Solar Plexus naval chakra, by not overindulging and letting go. The end of the month finds you in the center of attention, as a fun loving and creative mode abounds with Sun on the 22nd and Venus on the 27th entering Leo. Be patient with love, after July 31st the New Moon, also in Leo, will reward you handsomely as your birthday month of August progresses.
Happy July Virgo! You most certainly have come a long way, keeping a steady pace, working your way through new projects, old goals, motherhood or a separation. Traditionally not a huge fan of summer, you may change your mind this July though. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is
in fact in Retrograde motion most of the month, enabling communication ‘faux pas’ and you so dislike lack of organization, more than most. Consider the following however, disruptions make way for great discoveries!
July 1st, Mars enters fiery Leo, so mid summer makes an entrance! Next day, July 2nd, a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer on 10 degree 38’shed a light on all family and friends issues, giving you the chance to tap into your nit-picking ability to sort through them once and for all, letting go of all toxic presence from your life. This will do wonders for your sensitive intellect and your digestive track! Not to mention a new love interest, job offer, network. July 3rd, Venus enters your friendly Cancer; do try to allow your warm and fuzzy side to take over, the new love interest is paying close attention. As is a potential employer/group, evaluating your communication and work ethic skills you before extending an offer. Surround yourself with tried and trusted friends, who will form a wonderful web and support system around you, ensuring fun getaways, even short ones, were you can be yourself and recoup. Many Virgos do not like holidays, however, this is a balanced way for you to escape.
If possible, discuss new deals, contracts, before the 7th, when Mercury in Leo, turns retrograde (Rx). From this position, if you can keep your insecurities at bay, you may still be able to finalize an agreement, before July 19, as it re-enters Cancer still in Rx, a more emotionally charged time frame until July 31, when it turns direct still in Cancer. No sarcasm or judgement necessary from your end, thank you! At the same time on the 16th, a Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, highlights your positive work skills, dependability, commitment, analytical skills and whether you want this or not, your are illuminated! There is a hidden Chiron Rx in 5 degrees 56′ Aries, so healing wounds can be the key to a life do-over in July. At the same time frame Pluto* is trying to play its behind the scenes power games, on the 14th through a Sun opposition and the 21st through a Venus opposition; this translates to ‘wounds from the past need no scratching, none whatsoever’. Bury it. Once and for all. It is over.
Happy July Libra! Have you found yourself in the position of constantly juggling family, children, social obligations and work, since end of May? Fall 2016, was marked by the once every twelve year solar Jupiter transit, and since then you found
yourself experiencing either a total life restructuring or new beginnings through relocation, changes carrying effects that have lasted until recently. These changes have had, for the most part, a positive end result, but many came through challenging events. The last three years have been, in essence, a lesson in getting organized and learning the importance of self control. Along with the disadvantages of superficiality. Keeping your impulsive side in check secures your emotional mental and financial well-being. July 1st, Mars enters fiery Leo, do-over anybody? Next day, July 2nd, a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer on 10 degree 38’shed a light on all family and work issues. July 3rd, Venus also enters Cancer; allow your abundant diplomatic skills and sweet side to take over, so you can happily accept and not miss out, on presently disguised opportunities. If possible, discuss new deals, contracts, make major purchases or changes, another? relocation perhaps, before the 7th, when Mercury in Leo, turns retrograde (Rx).
Keep your emotional flow at bay on the 8th when Venus, your ruling planet, sextiles Uranus; either you or love may not be so mature at this point, a condition amplified on the 11th, with Mars squaring Uranus; if you “fly off the handle” your popularity and probably a lot more, can suffer. From this position, if you can keep your infamous balance, you may still be able to finalize an agreement, before July 19, as it re-enters Cancer still in Rx, a more emotionally charged time frame until July 31, when it turns direct still in Cancer. At the same time on the 16th, a Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, so look out for hidden agendas from a family member/colleague, you thought you can trust, or the price you can pay when you allow superficiality to rule your relationships. The end of the month your popularity makes a positive come-back, as a fun loving and creative mode abounds with Sun on the 22nd and Venus on the 27th entering Leo. Easy on how you express yourself in between, on the 25th, when Mercury Rx conjuncts your ruler Venus, you can loose money or allies along with the wonderful outcome a Mars trine Jupiter* can bring. July 31st a New Moon, also in Leo, could give a beautiful and creative ending to your month, if you kept your balance. There is a hidden Chiron Rx in 5 degrees 56′ Aries, so healing wounds, in your case related to emotional detachment or uncontrolled impulse, can be the key to a life do-over in July.
Happy July Scorpio! Guess what?! All that hard work and all you have endured since Oct. 2012, is about to pay off! Very happy for one of the more sensitive and misunderstood, in my humble opinion, signs of the zodiac.
Let us see how you can ensure that your beautiful summer landscape, does not get marred by some possible July outbursts. July 1st, your past ruling planet Mars enters fiery Leo, so mid summer begins with a bang! Please go easy in the work environment all month, as your inner tension can turn friends into enemies. Next day, July 2nd, a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer on 10 degree 38′ shed a light on all family issues, especially for October born Scorpios, do try to find the balance in both giving and receiving, and avoid extremes, such as being completely possessive or totally indifferent. July 3rd, Venus also enters Cancer; do try to allow your warmer side to take over, smile too! Venus will help you get your child in that great school, set the ground to win a lengthy legal dispute, travel, cohabitate or get married. If possible, discuss new deals, contracts, make major purchases or changes, like a move to a new office/home/city, before the 7th, when Mercury in Leo, turns retrograde (Rx) and puts a temporary break to your ambitions. From this position, if you can keep your stinger at bay, you may still be able to finalize an agreement, before July 19, as it re-enters Cancer still in Rx, a more emotionally charged time frame until July 31, when it turns direct still in Cancer.
Uranus* across your Sun, especially for October born Scorpios, sextiles Venus on the 8th; is it love or obsession? Allow Mars conjunct an Rx Mercury on the 9th, on the same day a stabilizing Saturn* opposing the Sun and again Mars squaring Uranus on the 11th, to show you the truth. Is this really the person you want to spend the rest of your life/bond into business partnership, with? Are you really compatible with your work group? Following on the 16th, a Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, helps bring to the surface hidden agendas from a friend/old partner, you thought you can trust and at the same time delivers someone entirely new and fitting, to your life. No need to rush, this month’s events are in fact on your side. The end of the month urges you to relax in order to enjoy the fun loving and creative mode that abounds with Sun on the 22nd and Venus on the 27th entering Leo. Keep your speech/presentation clear with Venus conjunct an Rx Mercury on the 25th, and turn, on the same day with Mars trine Jupiter*, a seemingly loosing situation into profit! July 31st a New Moon, also in Leo, gives a beautiful ending to your month, along with a great hint of a truly fun August to follow. Remember the good/not so good times when Jupiter transited your sun in 2017-18? Either a return from that past or your return can mark a great new beginning, even if this means letting it go. This time around, use *Saturn’s stabilizing force to keep what is true. There is a hidden Chiron Rx in 5 degrees 56′ Aries, so healing old wounds and understanding your powerful need to be deeply loved, can be the key to a life do-over in July.
Happy July Sagittarius! You have been busy! Putting your affairs in order, chasing the next big deal, negotiated, took care of loved ones and most of all, you have been exceedingly patient! You most certainly have earned the right to
adventure and a fun summer, after the upheavals in March/April 2019 and some disruptions in May that spilled into June. If only you can hold on just a couple more weeks, July will bring forth some of the rewards. July 1st, go getter Mars enters you fiery cousin, Leo, so mid summer begins with a bang! Next day, July 2nd, a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer on 10 degree 38’shed a light on all family issues, particularly those connected to finances. Ideally, you will not be explosive but will hold your ground firmly, protect what is rightfully yours, even from family. July 3rd, Venus enters Cancer, and if you were able to not lash out the day before, a surprise cash injection or good news comes your way, on an upcoming project that will make a difference to your cash flow end of the month. Money in July may be coming in one direction, going out another but you will be able to move. If possible, discuss new deals, contracts, make major purchases such as new office equipment or overall changes, before the 7th, when Mercury in Leo, turns retrograde (Rx). From this position, if you can keep your toxic comments and ego at bay, you may still be able to finalize an agreement, before July 19, as it re-enters Cancer still in Rx, a more emotionally charged time frame until July 31, when it turns direct still in Cancer.
Venus sextile Uranus* on the 8th, helps with this project and cash flow situation as a trusted friend/partner will be very supportive and offer wise input the next day, July 9th, when Saturn* opposes the Sun. Fiery Mars squares Uranus on the 11, ‘Houston we have a problem”! Not the day for careless lift off, driving, negotiating. At the same time on the 16th, a Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, do not allow the hyperbole of the power struggles around you to stress you out and loose your focus. Be confident in your choices, they are on the way to pay off, big. Although your ruling planet Jupiter* is Rx, still it forms a powerful and creative trine with Mars on the 25th, amplifying positive end results. The end of the month finds you this much closer to your goals, so tap into the fun loving and creative mode arriving, with Sun on the 22nd and Venus on the 27th entering Leo, to juice up your battery. July 31st a New Moon, also in Leo, gives a beautiful ending to your month, although many Sagittarians this summer, after mid July, will choose to rest, meditate and regroup. The astral energy concurs. There is a hidden Chiron Rx, trine November born Sagittarius in 5 degrees 56′ Aries, so healing wounds can be the key to a life do-over in July by forgiving and moving on.
Happy July Capricorn! Are you wrapping up your affairs pending from, well 2008, regarding family, children, colleagues or employees? Hopefully you have already asked for professional help where necessary and started putting
your affairs in order, after the upheavals in March/April 2019 and some disruptions in May that spilled into June. Whether you wronged or were wronged, in July many of you receive a second chance to set things right and start with a clean slate. At this point i would like to separate Capricorns in two groups for this month’s reading; the highly altruistic and giving and the highly judgemental and strict. The month of July bears the ground to reward the first group and crush the second. Please feel free to read the general monthly tips not only of July, but May-June as well, along with your Solar analysis. Hope all of you find this useful and make the most of it.
July 1st, Mars enters fiery Leo, power surge anyone? On the one hand you are trying to organize finances current and past, a rather tiring process met by Uranus*, and on the other hand, the same planet infuses you with a need for freedom of expression and all things revolutionary. Keep your impulse under control. Drive safe. Next day, July 2nd, a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer on 10 degree 38′, shed a light on personal issues and your need to nurture or be nurtured, marking a good time to find the balance in both giving and receiving, and avoid extremes, such as being overcritical or cruel. If your significant other wronged you, bravely address the issue. If you wronged someone, either sincerely apologize or let them go, people are not ‘dolls’ to play with at our whim. July 3rd, Venus also enters Cancer; do try to allow your warm and fuzzy side to take over, you have one you know, so you can happily accept and not overlook, opportunities for re-connection with your love interest or enjoy an increase on your cash flow, as Venus also sextile Uranus* on the 9th can set a beautiful stage. If possible, make travel plans, discuss new deals, contracts, make major purchases or changes, like a move to a new office/home/country, before the 7th, when Mercury in Leo, turns retrograde (Rx). From this position, if you can keep your impulse or austerity at bay, you may still be able to finalize an agreement, before July 19, as it re-enters Cancer still in Rx, a more emotionally charged time frame until July 31, when it turns direct still in Cancer.
All this astral activity takes place across the sky and your Sun. Your ruling planet Saturn* opposes the Sun on the 9th, so hope you kept your judgement to your self, as this can cause serious damage on your finances and your personal life; this aspect is amplified by a Mars square Uranus on the 11th. At the same time on the 16th, a Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, urges you to loose control; do not take part in combustible events. A creative mode abounds with Sun on the 22nd and Venus on the 27th entering Leo. In between, July 25, a Mars across your Sun, trines Jupiter*, good news regarding money follows suit as love could as well; provided the Rx Mercury conjunct the Sun, did not cloud your judgement and put sharp words in your mouth. July 31st a New Moon, also in Leo, gives a beautiful ending to this month for Capricorns who have been fair to themselves and others. There is a hidden Chiron Rx in 5 degrees 56′ Aries, squaring December Capricorns, so healing wounds can be the key to a life do-over in July. Go for a walk, protect your skin and knees.
Happy July Aquarius! An older song by Tracy Chapman, “Don’t you know, they are talking about a revolution…Yes Finally the tables are starting to turn Talking about a revolution… Talking about a revolution starts like a whisper”,
best describes your mood during July! As a true ‘Uranian’ child, you are pretty much done with anything and anyone that has been or still tries, to dictate you life and consume your electrical energy. Kudos! Even freedom loving Aquarius got boggled down by family demands, belief systems and emotional/financial blackmail. Uranus* currently at 5 degrees Taurus, will be squaring you as time progresses, so choose your battles carefully as the distance between being revolutionary and that of being erratic can determine how you carve a new amazing life path or loose yourself in a neurotic downfall. Please embed this in your consciousness, it will serve you all well during the next 7 years!! July 1st, Mars enters fiery Leo, opposing initially January Aquarians, followed by February born as the month progresses; hello firecracker! Next day, July 2nd, a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer on 10 degree 38’shed a light on all family issues; January born Aquarius take care not to let it spill in your relationship, especially a new one. Observe work dynamics, as events will unfold in the next ten days. July 3rd, Venus also enters Cancer; do things that make you feel beautiful inside. Have a fun time with your partner around July 8, as Venus sextiles your ruling planet Uranus.
If possible, make travel plans, discuss new deals, contracts, make major purchases or changes before the 7th, when Mercury in Leo, turns retrograde (Rx) and Mars conjuncts an Rx Mercury on the 9th, enhancing tension and confusion in communication. Please drive safe or handle with great care, metal/electricity around the Mars square Uranus the 11th. From this position, if you can keep your cool, you may still be able to finalize an agreement, make plans with your love interest, or begin a new nutritional regime, before July 19, as it re-enters Cancer still in Rx until July 31, when it turns direct still in Cancer. Remember that monkey on your back you got rid off beginning of the month, as part of your liberation process? Still here! So deliver a clear message only if your temper is under control on the 16th, with a Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn; otherwise temporarily retreating may be wiser, and finalize your liberation process July 31, last day of the month, with a New Moon in Leo. A fun loving and creative mode abounds with Sun on the 22nd and Venus on the 27th entering Leo. In between on the 25th, enjoy a Mars trine Jupiter but opt to show how you feel to a loved one, as talking is out of balance on the same day, due to Rx Mercury conjunct Venus. There is a hidden Chiron Rx in 5 degrees 56′ Aries, so healing wounds can be the key to a life do-over in July, for those few Aquarians that are too attached to their money, not hesitating to be unkind even to their children. Make amends before this Christmas, as you may not make it unscathed this time around, as you did in 1991-1994. Swimming, mountain climbing if your shins are in shape, or a new dietary regime are recommended
Happy July Pisces! Neptune, your ruling planet currently at 18 degrees on you sign, is definitely enhancing your romantic nature and your creativity. Keeping your pink glasses on at all times, may not be such a good idea however,
you still need to be alert regarding love and work. You do not want to miss out on a promising love connection or rekindling with an old one. Or miss out on a work restructuring that directly affects you. July 1st, Mars enters fiery Leo, so mid summer begins with a spicy twist in love! Next day, July 2nd, a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer on 10 degree 38’intensifies your need to nurture or be nurtured, so being around loving friends or a favorite artistic group will send you straight into a beautiful summer mode. July 3rd, Venus also enters your friendly Cancer; do try to allow your warm and fuzzy side to take over, you always catch more bees with honey after all. Your sweet demeanor but firm approach on handling work related issues, wins the crowd over. End result; a cash flow increase. If possible, plan a trip, discuss new deals, contracts, make major purchases or changes, like a move to a new country, before the 7th, when Mercury in Leo, turns retrograde (Rx). Mercury is also related to health, so if you have a reoccurring health issue, get new or more information cross referenced, the retrograde motion causes confusion and many things can easily be misinterpreted. From this position, if you can keep yourself grounded and well informed, you may still be able to finalize an agreement, before July 19, as Mercury re-enters Cancer still in Rx, a more emotionally charged time frame until July 31, when it turns direct still in Cancer.
Intense Mars adds fuel to the fire on the 9th, as it conjuncts Mercury and on the 11th, squaring Uranus, causing mishaps, like loss of keys, paperwork and small accidents, so being aloof can be risky. At the same time on the 16th, a Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, can light up your personal life either regarding a special someone or a creative group or you getting joy from offering support to a favorite non profit organization. A fun loving and creative mode abounds with Sun on the 22nd and Venus on the 27th entering Leo. Tap into your great sense of humor around the 25th, when Mercury Rx conjunct Venus, makes a mess when love wants to communicate but the words are too slippery to make sense! On the same day Mars trine Jupiter* could give a small boost to work/finance. July 31st a New Moon, also in Leo, gives a beautiful ending to your month, along with a great hint of a truly fun August to follow, can mark a great new beginning. This time around, use *Saturn’s stabilizing force to keep what is true. There is a hidden Chiron Rx in 5 degrees 56′ Aries, so healing wounds can be the key to a life do-over in July, so being truthful is crucial. If you built a web of lies, you will find yourself tangled up in it.
*Saturn retrogrades April 29 to Sept. 18, Pluto retrogrades Apr. 24 to Oct. 3 , Jupiter retrogrades April 10 to Aug. 11., Neptune* retrogrades June 21 to Nov. 27.
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Einstein