This April, you may celebrate Easter, Orthodox (April 19), Catholic (April 12), Passover (April 8-16), or you may not. Easter is about resurrection, spiritual and emotional. Passover is about passage, making the journey, despite the odds. No matter our individual belief system, this April, perhaps we should all strongly consider the end results of our careless actions, that stem from disrespect and abuse of other living creatures.
This is not my usual monthly tip format, but i feel compelled, before i proceed with the regular astrological April aspects, to briefly address one more time the coronavirus issue (related article was written in February, found in the Monthly Tips March 2020 and ‘Giving Back 2020’ segments). According to the World Health Organization, ” Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people. Detailed investigations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans. Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans.” Poaching, illegal trading, abuse, in some entertainment parks/zoos and overall mishandling of our fellow living animals, can lead to such exceedingly dangerous conditions to our health. Obviously! Most of us have been blissfully ignorant or indifferent to this reality. Some brave and few are out there on the front line, fighting the good fight. On both Giving Back 2019-2020 and Giving Back 2020 segments, you will find a list of individuals and organizations doing amazing work for all of us. Get involved, sign petitions, do what you can to protect the innocent; not only these animals, but your own family or self.
You may care about
the planet. You may
care about your
children. You may
only care about
Care enough to consume from legitimate sources.
Have a Happy and Pensive April!
Enjoy astrological monthly tips
by Elen Kyriacopoulos -Timms
Life changes. Love life and you will love change.
“Amazing people are behind amazing deeds. Strong people are behind tough tasks”.
Holistic Wellness and Astrology Consulting
The Sky and Zodiacs for the:
Month of April
I wonder how it will feel again, to shake someone’s hand or give a friend a warm, much needed hug.
Happy Easter
Happy Passover
Before i go into details regarding our solar system’s planetary interactions and how they relate to us, let me very briefly introduce our planets in order of distance from the sun, closest to furthest, to the newcomers who are curious enough to visit but really have no clue about astrology and zodiac signs
- Sun: center of our galaxy, associated with Leo, sign of creative force-Helios in ancient Greece, the god of light.
- Mercury: nearest to the sun and fastest moving, associated with Gemini and Virgo, signs of communication-Hermes in ancient Greece, messenger for the gods.
- Venus: next in line and second brightest star on our sky, associated with Taurus and Libra, signs of strength and beauty-Aphrodite in ancient Greece, goddess of love.
- Earth: following suit, the planet of life growth, associated only by element (earth) with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn- Gaia in ancient Greece, the primal mother earth goddess.
- Moon: the earth’s only natural satellite, associated with the sign of Cancer, sign of nurture- Artemis goddess of hunting and a healer of women.
- Mars: the red planet, associated with Aries, sign of assertion and drive –Aris in ancient Greece, god of war.
- Jupiter: the largest planet of our system radiates double the light it receives from the sun, associated with Sagittarius, sign of expansion and illumination- Zeus, in ancient Greece the god of gods.
- Saturn: next the ringed majestic planet of order, associated with Capricorn, sign of duty and dependability-in ancient Greece the god Pan, protector of woodlands and shepherds.
- Uranus: the gas giant, associated with Aquarius, the sign of innovation- Aquarius or beautiful Ganymede, the son of Trojan king Tros, was taken to Mount Olympus by Zeus to act as cup-carrier to the gods.
- Neptune: a striking blue giant, associated with Pisces, the sign of healing and illusion- in ancient Greece representing the fish into which Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed
- Pluto: the yellow dwarf planet or huge asteroid, associated with Scorpio, the intense truth-seeker- he was called on earth by Goddess Artemis to kill Orion who wanted to destroy all animals.
You may notice occasionally astrological dates can seem to be one (1) day off, (for example a planet enters a sign on the 12/13). This occurs because calculations are based on Tropical Midnight Ephemeris, Time Zone EDT (04 west). Add or subtract hours, based on your Time Zone.
APRIL 2020
Pluto turns retrograde.
1st Jupiter-Pluto conjunction*
Mercury is back in sympathetic and intuitive Pisces*, in direct motion. When Mercury (communication) is in Pisces (illusion, imagination), get ready to be uber creative! Mercury is also connected to health and in Pisces (hospitals, care industry), since February 4, no wonder we experience delays in travel and all the coronavirus related upheavals, with a prolonged ripple effect. We should remember to appreciate and show our gratitude (especially government officials) to all the people involved in the care industry worldwide (medical, food, distribution and organization). On April 3/4th it conjuncts its ruler, Neptune. This augments creativity but also sets traps through deception. Do keep in mind that aggressive Mars conjunct restrictive Saturn, March 31st. In unpredictable Aquarius, care is suggested with driving, handling metal and technology (electricity) even the first couple of days in April. On the same day Venus (in pre Rx-retrograde motion on April 9) leaves its comfort zone and enters fun loving and fickle Gemini. The good news? Choices in love. Stay lighthearted but not irresponsible. With Neptune, Mercury and Venus in mutable signs, (Pisces, Gemini) and the Moon in Virgo, please pay attention to detail. Also on the 4th, Venus trines Saturn, great for solidifying a partnership/relationship and Jupiter (expansion) conjuncts Pluto (rebirth), great for dissolving it. Phew! Pluto and Jupiter* conjunct all month, but their direct conjunction, on 24 degrees Capricorn, occurs until April 5th. There is a Full Moon in 18 degrees Libra on the 7th, illuminating relationship/partnership/financial issues and changes. If you held tight to a loved one in March, and the relationship/partnership did not break around March 31st, chances are you may loose them now; you may want to, as on the 7/8th, Mercury sextiles Pluto and on the 8th, Jupiter! Also on the 7th, Mars squares Uranus. Uranus, ingenuous, original and responsible for sudden changes, also rules the nervous system and electricity. Dedication to a great cause and breaking down barriers is admirable and gallant. However, too much of a good thing is still, too much (Mars). Electricity charges. Overcharged and overheated discussions are in the agenda. Precisely as in March and especially due to recent world events, if you are interested in seeing your plans through and not just arguing your case, keep your wording in check. The need to hold accountable people abusing their position of power for too long, is apparent. Their negative deeds will come to light, as Mercury enters passionate and aggressive Aries on the 12th and sextiles Saturn. More so on April 14, as the Sun squares Pluto and on the 15, as it squares Jupiter.
On April 18 Mercury sextiles Venus and on the 19th, Mars. On the 20th the Sun enters Taurus! This would normally be a perfect spring cleaning time; practically (Taurus-earth) and emotionally, (as the moon transits through Pisces 18-20 and Neptune is in Pisces)! However, do not rush your affairs because on the 21st the Sun squares Saturn! There is even more tension on the global arena. The New Moon is in Taurus on April 23rd. Taurus symbolizes love for beauty, art and pleasure. This is a better time to begin your spring cleaning. It conjuncts innovative Uranus, so creation through originality is enhanced. Saturn is present and squares this productive aspect, so make sure all new endeavors have a strong base. April 25 Pluto turns Rx (retrograde) in Capricorn and on the same day it squares Mercury. What will come to surface?!! Investigative journalists must be extra careful, as they deal with ruthless opponents. Mercury squares Jupiter on the 26th and on the same day, the Sun conjuncts Uranus. Overheated arguments and dangerously impulsive behavior are present. April 27 Mercury enters Taurus. If you found yourself in the middle of combustible discussions that led nowhere, you will now welcome pragmatic communication. Keep things clear and to the point. However, on the 28th Mercury (Taurus) squares Saturn (Aquarius). Here, the fear of abrupt change (Taurus) meets freedom loving and restless energy (Aquarius). You could succumb to a battle (inner or outward) between two very stubborn energies. Instead, opt to harvest the endurance and steady pace of a bull, along with the innovative genius of a water barer. End result? Long, really long term rewards! With solid foundations. Oh, and on April 30th, Mercury conjuncts Uranus (ruler of Aquarius). Are you not pleased you kept your balance and turned this highly testy energy around? Great job.
Here are the twelve zodiac sings for the month of April. Get even more insight when you read both your Sun sign and the one that corresponds to your Ascendant. Emphasis is put, among all other aspects, in the importance of Mars and Venus transits, two personal planets, that rule some of our primary earthy needs.
Happy Birthday Aries!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars transits your area of social life and objectives and Venus your area of siblings and communication.
You may still be stressing about financial or property/inheritance issues from the previous month. On April 4th, Venus trines Saturn and enters fun loving, lighthearted Gemini for the rest of the month; your ruling Mars sextiles your Sun from Aquarius, until the 19th. This combined activity, will make you more popular, the leader of a group or new social circle, through which new contacts may offer innovative ideas. A positive conversation with a sibling can bring permanent solutions to some of your problems. On the 4th Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. Look out for deception. Your creative ideas are evolving as on the next day, April 5th, Jupiter conjuncts Pluto on your MC, Solar House of aspirations and ambitions! You are ready to break down barriers (particularly March born Aries)! Stay assertive and passionate, not aggressive and obsessive. There is a Full Moon in 18 degrees Libra on the 7th, illuminating relationship/partnership/financial issues and changes, more so if your birthday is April 4-10. Also on the 7/8th, Mercury sextiles Pluto, on the 8th Jupiter and again on the 7th, your ruler, Mars, squares Uranus! In short; you will be given many opportunities, through your social network, to set solid foundations and promote your innovative ideas and plans, sign contracts/agreements. The 12th is a good day for such activities, as Mercury enters your Sun and sextiles Saturn. What can lead things astray? You, out of control. When? Around the 14-15th, when the Sun in your sign squares Pluto and Jupiter. On the 21st when the Sun squares Saturn or around the 25-26th, when Mercury in your sign squares Pluto and Jupiter. You are flirting away on the 18th, as Venus trines Mercury. The New Moon in Taurus on April 23rd, teaches you to control your impulse and save your finances. You will appreciate this on the 26, when the Sun conjuncts unruly Uranus and on the 28, when Mercury squares Saturn.
Go ahead, make a wish!
Have a Prosperous and Happy Birthday Aries!
Happy April Taurus!
Happy birthday after April 21st!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is on your Solar house of aspirations and ambitions and Venus is in Taurus’ natural house of possessions and feelings.
Simply put, Venus, your ruling planet, still shines bright on your Sun until the 4th, when it enters its natural house of possessions, security through material gains and coping with partners, personal/business or both. On the same day, Venus trines Saturn and stabilizes personal/business affairs. Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. You create, dream, mold your fantasy into art or tap into the Piscean pool of compassion. April 5th, Jupiter conjuncts Pluto in your area of long distance travel and higher education. You will travel, if not physically, definitely mentally, perhaps by upgrading your field of expertise online. This is long distance travel too! Mars activates your MC, house of wordly progress, ambitions, social status and coping with authority*. There is a Full Moon in 18 degrees Libra on the 7th, illuminating relationship/partnership/financial issues and changes. It occurs on your area of health, sudden headaches may appear (more so if your birthday is May 6-10). Also on the 7/8th, Mercury sextiles Pluto, on the 8th Jupiter, positive to your Sun transits, that help you maintain your balance. On the 7th, Mars squares Uranus (affecting April 24-26 born Taurus*-if in dispute with authority, be respectful)! The 12th is a good day to promote and solidify plans, as Mercury sextiles Saturn. What can lead things astray? You, loosing faith in your abilities due to delays. When? Around the 14-15th, when the Sun squares Pluto and Jupiter. On the 21st, when the Sun squares Saturn or around the 25-26th, when Mercury squares Pluto(Rx) and Jupiter. You are enjoying a purchase or creative activity on the 18th, as Venus trines Mercury. The New Moon in Taurus on April 23rd, reminds you of your greatest attribute, patience. You will appreciate this on the 26, when the Sun conjuncts unruly Uranus and on the 28, when Mercury squares Saturn (affecting mostly April 24-26 born Tauruses). Great things come to those who know when to wait.
Happy April Gemini!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is on your Solar house of travel and education and Venus conjuncts your Sun on your house of well being.
Venus, after the 4th, illuminates your Solar house of psychological motivation, attitude and well being. On the 4th, Venus trines Saturn. You are making final decisions regarding a partnership, especially May born Geminis. Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, your soft side emerges. It squares your Sun, so deception is lingering. April 5th, Jupiter conjuncts Pluto in your area of inheritance and investment. It is a positive aspect but think things through. Mars trines your Sun all month and activates your travel and higher education house. You are on roller skates! There is a Full Moon in 18 degrees Libra on the 7th, illuminating relationship/partnership/financial issues and changes. It trines your Sun, so you should be able to get the best of what emerges, regarding these issues. (more so if your birthday is June 6-10). Also on the 7/8th, your ruler Mercury sextiles Pluto, on the 8th Jupiter. You are in a position to negotiate during this positive transit but do read the fine print, as Mercury squares your Sun until the 12th. On the 7th, Mars squares Uranus. Your inner tension or fickle side, might spiral out of control. The 12th is a better day to organize your affairs with attention to detail, as Mercury sextiles Saturn. What can lead things astray? You, irresponsible and entangled in a web of gossip. When? Around the 14-15th, when the Sun squares Pluto and Jupiter. On the 21st, when the Sun squares Saturn or around the 25-26th, when Mercury squares Pluto(Rx) and Jupiter. On the 18th, Venus in your sign trines your ruler, Mercury. You sparkle and charm your audience! The New Moon in Taurus on April 23rd, is in your house of seclusion, endings and beginnings. You have worked too hard on your friendship, relationship/partnership. Stay away from ‘behind the curtain’ activity. You will appreciate this on the 26, when the Sun conjuncts unruly Uranus and on the 28, when Mercury squares Saturn. It is all about what you said and how you said it.
Happy April Cancer!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is on your Solar house of investment and inheritance and Venus is in your house of seclusion and changes after the 4th.
Venus, planet of love and money, continues to bring support from social networks. Did you meet someone new in March? Keep it to yourself for now. On the 4th, Saturn trines Venus. It brings long awaited financial solutions, from your support network. On the same day, Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces and trines your Sun. Your intuition is off the charts! Trust it. (birthday July 9-10). April 5th, Jupiter conjuncts Pluto. It is a positive aspect, should you choose to close the chapter on a faded relationship. Mars activates endowments, investments and sexual instincts. It squares Uranus on the 7th, causing friction when these issues are addressed. Mind your words. Your ruler, the Moon, shines bright on the 7th during the Full Moon in 18 degrees Libra. It illuminates relationship/partnership/financial issues and changes. It also squares your Sun (birthday July 6-10, so protect your immune system). Also on the 7/8th, Mercury sextiles Pluto and on the 8th it sextiles Jupiter. Depending on your chart, as Mercury sextiles Saturn on the 12th, you sign a contract or make a deal. What can lead things astray? You, being crass and cold like steel. When? Around the 14-15th, when the Sun squares Pluto and Jupiter. On the 21st, when the Sun squares Saturn or around the 25-26th, when Mercury squares Pluto(Rx) and Jupiter. On the 18th, Venus trines Mercury. Your new love makes you feel good inside. You still keep it private, as you wrap up your affairs. The New Moon in Taurus on April 23rd, is in your house of social networks and new people in your life! The Sun conjuncts Uranus on the 26, also in the same house. A friend may disappoint you. Do what you must. You will appreciate doing so on the 28, when Mercury squares Saturn. Do not allow anyone to bully you. You emptied your basket and made room for new friends, love, business prospects. Enjoy.
Happy April Leo!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is on your Solar house of marriage and partnerships.Venus moves in your house of social networks after the 4th.
Venus trines your Sun on the 4th for the whole month and Mars opposes your Sun. You find joy and solace among good friends on the 4th, as Venus trines Saturn. Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, your soft and creative side emerge. April 5th, Jupiter conjuncts Pluto in your area of sexual instincts, inheritance and investment. It is a positive aspect but think things through. If your sexuality is off balance, consult a specialist. Mars challenges your marriage and/or partnership. It does oppose your Sun and you feel drained. It also squares Uranus on the 7th. Your nervous system is not in shape to lead a full on revolution. The Full Moon in 18 degrees Libra on the 7th, sextiles your Sun making you popular but still illuminates relationship, partnership/financial issues and changes (birthday August 7-11). Also on the 7/8th, Mercury sextiles Pluto and on the 8th, Jupiter. You are in a better position to negotiate during this positive transit. The 12th is a better day to make a deal or come to an agreement, as Mercury sextiles Saturn. What can lead things astray? You, if you behave irresponsibly and with arrogance. When? Around the 14-15th, when the Sun squares Pluto and Jupiter. On the 21st, when the Sun squares Saturn or around the 25-26th, when Mercury squares Pluto(Rx) and Jupiter. On the 18th, Venus trines Mercury and sextiles your Sun. You shine, flirt and enjoy good company. The New Moon in Taurus on April 23rd, is on your MC(highest chart point), in your house of aspirations and ambitions. Saturn squares this Moon of new beginnings and blocks you. Perhaps it protects you from your misplaced pride. You will appreciate the delay of your plans on the 26, when the Sun conjuncts unruly Uranus and on the 28, when Mercury squares Saturn. Now you possess a clear vision of the game and its players. You can win this game.
Happy April Virgo!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is on your Solar house of health and routine work and Venus is on your house of aspirations and ambitions after the 4th.
Venus, after the 4th, illuminates your MC (highest point of solar chart), regarding your aspirations, ambitions and the manner in which you cope with responsibility. Your peers or employers, are impressed with your work skills and how you apply them. On the same day, Venus trines Saturn and stabilizes personal/business affairs. A reward is afoot. Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. You surprise many with your artistic skills or you tap into the Piscean pool of compassion and organize a non profit event/organization, to perfection. This aspect does squares your Sun, so look out for deception. April 5th, Jupiter conjuncts Pluto and trines your Sun (birthday September 16). Your plans and desires will materialize, with great long term potential! Mars activates your routine work and health department. In essence, although you are rewarded at work, the daily stress can affect your intestinal track or intensify anxiety attacks. Try to relax, read a book or write one! There is a Full Moon in 18 degrees Libra on the 7th, illuminating relationship/partnership/financial issues and changes. It occurs on your area of investments and acquisitions. Perhaps during April it is best to investigate -one of your strong points indeed-, that to invest in large ticket purchases, depending on your natal chart of course. Also on the 7/8th, Mercury sextiles Pluto, on the 8th Jupiter, positive to your Sun transits, that help you collect important information. On the 7th, Mars squares Uranus enhancing tension. The 12th is a good day to put your ideas on the table and set a fundamentally stable environment for these ideas to prosper, as your ruler, Mercury sextiles Saturn. What can lead things astray? You, loosing faith in your abilities and becoming prickly. When? Around the 14-15th, when the Sun squares Pluto and Jupiter. On the 21st, when the Sun squares Saturn or around the 25-26th, when Mercury squares Pluto(Rx) and Jupiter. You come out of your shell and are quite magnetic on the 18th, as Venus trines Mercury. The New Moon in Taurus on April 23rd, trines your Sun and despite some obstacles, you are ready and excited for new beginnings. Your attention to detail and great organizational skills, will come in quite handy, as you do not leave these new life cycles to chance. You will appreciate doing so on the 26, when the Sun conjuncts disruptive Uranus and on the 28, when your ruling planet of communication, Mercury squares Saturn (affecting mostly August 24-25 born Virgos). It is what you say and how you say it!
Happy April Libra!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your Solar house of creativity and family. Venus is in your Solar house of travel and education after the 4th.
You may still be stressing about financial or property/inheritance issues related to family, from the previous month. On April 4th, your ruling Venus trines Saturn and enters fun loving, lighthearted Gemini for the rest of the month. In April Venus and Mars trine your Sun, (more so if your birthday is October 4-18); despite the upheavals, you can overcome. This combined activity, will grant you stronger foundations. On the 4th Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. Look out for deception. Your creative ideas surprise even you. April 5th, Jupiter conjuncts Pluto in your Solar House of domestic life and parents, more so the mother. The changes implemented, will affect your family balance long term, so have a proper family meeting. There is a Full Moon in 18 degrees Libra on the 7th, illuminating relationship/partnership/financial issues and changes. You can maintain balance by being diplomatic, your forte, as on the 7/8th, Mercury sextiles Pluto and on the 8th Jupiter; positive aspects that do, however, square your Sun. Again on the 7th, Mars, squares Uranus! All that you have worked so hard to build, can fall apart should you become unhinged (September born Libras). The 12th is probably a better day to have the necessary discussions, as Mercury now is across your Sun and sextiles Saturn. What can lead things astray? You, transforming to Mr. Hyde. When? Around the 14-15th, when the Sun squares Pluto and Jupiter and opposes your Sun. On the 21st when the Sun squares Saturn or around the 25-26th, when Mercury squares Pluto and Jupiter, all opposing your Sun. You may feel drained. A walk will help your mood and circulatory system. You are flirty and playful on the 18th, as your ruling Venus trines Mercury. The New Moon in Taurus on April 23rd, teaches you to control your impulse and your finances. Taurus teaches us to be patient. Be patient. You will appreciate this on the 26, when the Sun conjuncts unruly Uranus and on the 28, when Mercury squares Saturn. At the end of the month, you will be able to be fair to yourself, only by being fair to your loved ones.
Happy April Scorpio!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your Solar house of domestic life and emotions. Venus is in your Solar house of investments and secrets after the 4th.
Venus, still shines bright across your Sun until the 4th, when it enters your natural house of inheritance, investment and sexuality. If you need to discuss these issues with your loved one, do so before the 6th(especially October born Scorpios). On the same day, Venus trines Saturn and stabilizes personal/business affairs. Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces and trines your Sun (birthday November 11). Your marketing skills are sharpened and so are your penetrating instincts. April 5th, Jupiter conjuncts your ruler Pluto, in your area of transportation, siblings and communication. For example, a sibling can help you find a new mean of transport, if this was a long term goal for you. Mars activates and squares your area of domestic life, parents, more so the mother. If you must handle such issues now, do so with kindness in your heart. Any spiteful behavior on your part, will bear non retractable consequences end of the month. There is a Full Moon in 18 degrees Libra on the 7th, illuminating relationship/partnership/financial issues and changes. It occurs on your area of endings and beginnings. Stand behind your final choices, whatever they may be. Also on the 7/8th, Mercury sextiles Pluto and on the 8th, Jupiter, positive to your Sun transits, that help you maintain some stability. On the 7th, Mars squares Uranus (affecting October 26-29 born Scorpios) The 12th is a better day to promote your agendas and solidify plans, as Mercury sextiles Saturn. What can lead things astray? You, being oversensitive to your needs alone. Or vindictive. When? Around the 14-15th, when the Sun squares your ruling Pluto and Jupiter. On the 21st, when the Sun squares Saturn or around the 25-26th, when Mercury squares Pluto(Rx) and Jupiter. You are enjoying benefits from an investment or a new flirt on the 18th, as Venus trines Mercury. The New Moon in Taurus on April 23rd, occurs across your Sun and reminds you, how important it is to protect your personal life or business partnership, from third parties. You will appreciate doing so on the 26, when the Sun conjuncts unruly Uranus(opposing your Sun) and on the 28, when Mercury squares Saturn. The bamboo that bends with the wind, does not break.
Happy April Sagittarius!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your Solar house of communication and siblings. Venus is in your Solar house of marriage and partnerships after the 4th.
Venus, after the 4th, positions itself across your Sun and illuminates your Solar house of marriage, partnerships and fairness in these fields. On the 4th, Venus trines Saturn. You are making final decisions regarding a business partnership, like setting new ground rules. Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, you help someone in need. Karma bonus points. It squares your Sun, so deception is lingering. April 5th, we have the first of three important Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions in 2020; your ruler Jupiter conjuncts Pluto, in your area of inheritance and investment. It is a positive aspect but think things through, especially if you are considering investing in property*. Mars sextiles your Sun all month and activates your house of communication, with siblings or sibling like friends and neighbors. A true friend is a treasure. Their sound advice can help. There is a Full Moon in 18 degrees Libra on the 7th, illuminating eminent changes in a relationship/partnership but you are more focused on financial issues. You should have some great news in the financial zone. It sextiles your Sun, so have fun, flirt with a new (or few) acquaintance(s)! (more so if your birthday is December 7-11). Also on the 7/8th, Mercury sextiles Pluto and on the 8th Jupiter. You are in a position to negotiate during this positive transit but do read the fine print, as Mercury squares your Sun until the 12th. On the 7th, Mars squares Uranus. Your inner tension or impatient side, might spiral out of control. Drive safe!! The 12th is a better day to organize your affairs. Shift your focus on one subject at a time, as Mercury sextiles Saturn. What can lead things astray? You, being impatient and arrogant. When? Around the 14-15th, when the Sun squares Pluto and Jupiter*. On the 21st, when the Sun squares Saturn and you feel trapped, or around the 25-26th, when Mercury squares Pluto(Rx) and Jupiter*. On the 18th, Venus trines Mercury and sextiles your Sun. You shine and charm your audience! The New Moon in Taurus on April 23rd, is in your house of daily work routine and health. You may have health issues with inflammations. Here, in order to benefit from the New Moon and new beginnings, you need to surpass your self; stay patient! You will appreciate this on the 26, when the Sun conjuncts unruly Uranus and on the 28, when Mercury squares Saturn. You get more bees with honey.
*You may feel the Pluto-Jupiter conjunction at a deep level, as Jupiter rules your sign.
Happy April Capricorn!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your Solar house of investments and feelings. Venus is in your Solar house of daily work routine and health after the 4th.
Venus enters your house of daily work routine and health, April 4th. You focus on the work front. Try not to overdo it. Jogging or a brisk walk will do wonders for your balance. On the same day, Venus trines your ruler Saturn and stabilizes personal/business affairs. A financial boost helps your mood. Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. Your humanitarian side emerges. Bravo. April 5th, Jupiter conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn and your Solar house of well being, psychological motivation and new beginnings! Mars activates your area of investments, feelings and possessions. This is includes talents you possess. There is a Full Moon in 18 degrees Libra on the 7th, illuminating relationship/partnership/financial issues and changes. It squares your Sun, you may feel trapped but this can change end of the month. Also on the 7/8th, Mercury sextiles Pluto and on the 8th Jupiter, positive to your Sun transits, that help you built on solid ground. On the 7th, Mars squares Uranus (affecting December 24-26 born Capricorns) and you may be too harsh or over-react. The 12th is a good day to promote these plans, as Mercury sextiles your ruling Saturn. What can lead things astray? You, being harsh, overwhelmed by insecurities. When? Around the 14-15th, when the Sun in Aries squares your Sun, along with Pluto and Jupiter. On the 21st, when the Sun squares your ruling Saturn or around the 25-26th, when Mercury squares Pluto(Rx) and Jupiter. Easy does it with driving. You are enjoying loving moments or good news on a new endeavor on the 18th, as Venus trines Mercury. The New Moon in Taurus on April 23rd, trines your Sun (January Capricorns) and offers business opportunities with long term potential and a fresh start for your love life. The limits set by Saturn are temporary. They could also protect you from yourself, should you become unhinged. You will appreciate this on the 26, when the Sun conjuncts unruly Uranus and on the 28, when Mercury squares Saturn. Great things come to those who know when to wait.
Happy April Aquarius!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your your Solar house of well being and new beginnings. Venus is in your Solar house of creativity and love affairs after the 4th.
Venus, illuminates your area of creativity, children, love affairs and risk taking. It sextiles your Sun on the 4th for the whole month and trines Saturn. Focusing on your family or love partner, is wonderful but enforcing your point of view, is not. Mars conjuncts your Sun, giving you extra energy for new beginnings. Too much energy, can throw your well being off balance and sabotage your psychological motivation. Mercury conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, your soft side is ready for true love. Your creative side brings you money. April 5th, Jupiter conjuncts Pluto in your area of endings and beginnings. It is a positive aspect but stay grounded. Mars conjunct your Sun squares your ruler Uranus on the 7th (January Aquarians). Ouch! Your nervous system is overcharged. Stay grounded! The Full Moon in 18 degrees Libra on the 7th, luckily trines your Sun, making you popular and illuminates relationship, partnership/financial issues and changes (birthday February 5-9). Also on the 7/8th, Mercury sextiles Pluto and on the 8th, Jupiter. You are unstoppable and in a better position to negotiate during this positive transit. The 12th is a better day to make a deal or come to an agreement, as Mercury sextiles Saturn. What can lead things astray and drain your battery ? You, if you behave erratically, using words that cut like a knife. When? Around the 14-15th, when the Sun squares Pluto and Jupiter. On the 21st, when the Sun squares Saturn(conjunct your Sun) or around the 25-26th, when Mercury squares Pluto(Rx) and Jupiter. On the 18th, Venus trines Mercury and sextiles your Sun. You shine, flirt and enjoy good company. The New Moon in Taurus on April 23rd, is in your area of domestic life and the mother. Saturn squares this Moon of new beginnings and blocks you. Do not allow your family to make decisions for your future. You will appreciate your choice for independence on the 26, when the Sun conjuncts unruly Uranus and on the 28, when Mercury squares Saturn. Now you possess a clear vision of the game and its players. You can win this game.
Happy April Pisces!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your Solar house of escapism and new beginnings. Venus is in your Solar house of domestic life after the 4th.
Venus, after the 4th, illuminates your Solar house of parents, especially the mother and domestic life. On the 4th, Venus trines Saturn. Your family, perhaps your mother or a mother figure, helps you with finances or a project involving your home. Mercury conjuncts your ruler, Neptune on your Sun. Enjoy tender moments but do not daydream. Deception lingers. April 5th, Jupiter conjuncts Pluto in your area of social networks. Your friend/group supports you. Mars activates your area of endings, new beginnings and escapism. Clean house, but keep away from plotting. There are two aspects that can throw you off balance; 1) The Full Moon in 18 degrees Libra on the 7th. It illuminates relationship/partnership/financial issues and changes. If this Moon is too intense for you, escaping reality will not help. 2) On the 7th, Mars squares Uranus. Your can be fidgety. Be patient, as on the 7/8th, Mercury sextiles Pluto and on the 8th, Jupiter. You are in a position to negotiate, sign contracts with strong support from your network of friends/colleagues by the 12th; a better day to organize your affairs with attention to detail, as Mercury sextiles Saturn. What can lead things astray? You, irresponsible and entangled in a web of deception. When? Around the 14-15th, when the Sun squares Pluto and Jupiter. Conditions around you may be out of control but do not add to the drama, because you are not in total control. On the 21st, when the Sun squares Saturn or around the 25-26th, when Mercury squares Pluto(Rx) and Jupiter. Sweet Pisces can be quite cruel when insecure. No need. On the 18th, Venus trines Mercury. Your support group helps you with financial issues. The New Moon in Taurus on April 23rd, sextiles your Sun (February born Pisces). This can give you the opportunity to shape and mold your affairs, in a practical way as well. You will appreciate this on the 26, when the Sun conjuncts unruly Uranus and on the 28, when Mercury squares Saturn. Being prepared is half the battle.
2020 Retrogrades for Outer Planets. *Saturn retrogrades May 11 to September 29 in Capricorn and Aquarius, Pluto* retrogrades April 25 to October 4 in Capricorn, Jupiter* retrogrades May 14 to September 13 in Capricorn, Neptune* retrogrades June 23 to November 29 in Pisces and Uranus* retrogrades August 15 to January 2021 in Taurus.
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Einstein