Enjoy astrological monthly tips
by Helen Kyriacopoulos -Timms
Life changes. Love life and you will love change.
The Sky and Zodiacs for the:
Month of May
This month…
…Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn turn Rx (Retrograde) – Pluto is Rx…
…Master deceleration – Get ahead
May is traditionally, for the most part, dedicated to the Bull, Taurus. The Taurus energy teaches us to take slow, cautious steps on the stepping stones of life. Stop and smell the roses, is a bull’s mantra. This month most of us welcome this energy, after a universally wayward April. The Rx (retrogrades) may slow us down, but that seems exactly what we need to regroup, before we enter the Age of Aquarius.
Before i go into details regarding our solar system’s planetary interactions and how they relate to us, let me very briefly introduce our planets in order of distance from the sun, closest to furthest, to the newcomers who are curious enough to visit but really have no clue about astrology and zodiac signs.
- Sun: center of our galaxy, associated with Leo, sign of creative force-Helios in ancient Greece, the god of light.
- Mercury: nearest to the sun and fastest moving, associated with Gemini and Virgo, signs of communication-Hermes in ancient Greece, messenger for the gods.
- Venus: next in line and second brightest star on our sky, associated with Taurus and Libra, signs of strength and beauty-Aphrodite in ancient Greece, goddess of love.
- Earth: following suit, the planet of life growth, associated only by element (earth) with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn- Gaia in ancient Greece, the primal mother earth goddess.
- Moon: the earth’s only natural satellite, associated with the sign of Cancer, sign of nurture- Artemis goddess of hunting and a healer of women.
- Mars: the red planet, associated with Aries, sign of assertion and drive –Aris in ancient Greece, god of war.
- Jupiter: the largest planet of our system radiates double the light it receives from the sun, associated with Sagittarius, sign of expansion and illumination- Zeus, in ancient Greece the god of gods.
- Saturn: next the ringed majestic planet of order, associated with Capricorn, sign of duty and dependability-in ancient Greece the god Pan, protector of woodlands and shepherds.
- Uranus: the gas giant, associated with Aquarius, the sign of innovation- Aquarius or beautiful Ganymede, the son of Trojan king Tros, was taken to Mount Olympus by Zeus to act as cup-carrier to the gods.
- Neptune: a striking blue giant, associated with Pisces, the sign of healing and illusion- in ancient Greece representing the fish into which Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed
- Pluto: the yellow dwarf planet or huge asteroid, associated with Scorpio, the intense truth-seeker- he was called on earth by Goddess Artemis to kill Orion who wanted to destroy all animals.
MAY 2020
What to look out for in May, more so in the second fortnight(*). It is understandable to experience extreme ‘cabin fever’ on the northern hemisphere, as the seductive warm weather calls on us to loosen our guard. We must ardently hold our posts. The time frame between May 21st-June 7th, can make us or break us. Hard work and faith in humanity brought us to this point. Let us hold on just a little longer.
Venus squares Neptune and Mercury conjuncts Uranus May 4-6, as Venus stations at 20 degrees Gemini, before it begins its Rx (retrograde) motion at 21 degrees Gemini, on May 14 and well into June. Innovative ideas are on the table. At this point, they are unable to come to fruition, due to premature conditions.
Mercury, traditionally the communication planet, is also connected to health. We are still experiencing the effects of its Rx motion in Pisces, from Feb 17 to March 10. Pisces is connected to hospitals, institutions and pharmaceuticals. Combined with four major planets in Capricorn, it comes as no surprise that we are dealing not only with the pandemic itself, but all it entails; Mars (out of control), Saturn (limitations, hard lessons learned), Pluto (transformation) and Jupiter (hyperbole).
Needless to say, it is good news indeed when Mercury direct, conjuncts the Sun on the 5th. May 6, North Node enters Gemini (South Node Sagittarius) and turns Rx (retrograde), May 15-25. Hastiness in communication or being too scattered, can cause irreversible damage. On the 7/8 Mercury sextiles Neptune. On the 9th, it sextiles Pluto* and on the 10/11 it sextiles Jupiter. A good dose of stability and practicality permeates communication, creativity, financial restructuring and expansion. On May 7/8th, the Full Moon at 17 degrees Scorpio trines Neptune. Passion for a project or an idea can flourish. Scorpio is a truth seeker, a brilliant and penetrating ‘surgeon’. Neptune governs imagination and creativity. The grounding presence of Mercury/Sun in Taurus and Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn, can have a significant positive impact to a passionate endeavor on both a personal (depending on your chart) and collective level. We could have some encouraging news regarding the development of a anti-virus shot or a plan for global financial relief. Or both. On May 11/12, Saturn* is at a stand still on 01 degree Aquarius and begins a rather slow Rx (retrograde) for the month. We may feel less motivated or tired. In this case, prioritizing and setting a slower pace, can benefit greatly. On the 11th, Mercury squares Mars, making us reckless and stubborn, a recipe for heated arguments, aggressive behavior and accidents. Luckily on the 12th, Mercury enters its ruling sign, Gemini. A significantly better day to exchange ideas and draft contracts. Or compose a song, poem, business plan! May 15, Jupiter*, stationed at 27 degrees Capricorn, begins its Rx (retrograde) motion. On the same day the Sun trines Pluto and illuminates financial issues with a positive end result. Jupiter is trined by the Sun on the 18th and at a slower pace, we get its blessings instead of exasperation.
(*)There is a Mutable party going on May 21-23 and the hosts are Pisces and Gemini! Leave serious conversations, contracts or relationships at the door! How come? The Sun enters lighthearted, chatty and messy Gemini, May 21st. Venus is also in Gemini but in Rx (retrograde) and squares non transparent Neptune in Pisces. Mars joins in, as it entered Pisces on the 14th. Mercury adds deceptive information to the mix, as it squares Neptune on the 22/23rd. Luckily, on the 22nd, the Sun and a New Moon at 2 degrees Gemini trine Saturn. This affects you more, if you have personal planets and points at approximately 0 to 6 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) and 28 to 30 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn). Here we get some of the positive aspects of the Twin energy; flexibility, quick reflexes, communication, movement. The Saturn trine adds stability. Some countries, for example, can have certain sanctions lifted. May 25-26 Mars sextiles Uranus. Ideas, plans or inventions that were abruptly terminated or postponed around May 1st, could be put back on the table. It is a short trip for Mercury in Gemini. It enters sensitive and intuitive Cancer on May 29th. Stay objective.
You may notice occasionally astrological dates can seem to be one (1) day off, (for example a planet enters a sign on the 12/13). This occurs because calculations are based on Tropical Midnight Ephemeris, Time Zone EDT (04 west). Add or subtract hours, based on your Time Zone.
The 12 Zodiac Signs for May 2020
Here are the twelve zodiac sings for the month of May. Get even more insight when you read both your Sun sign and the one that corresponds to your Ascendant. Mars and Venus represent respectively, male and female archetypes, that all humans possess. Their balance within ourselves is crucial, hence the monthly reference and emphasis.
Happy May Aries!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is active in your social networks and objectives. Venus visits your area of communications.
Venus activates your area of communication, transport and neighborhood issues (local or global). You are an infamous risk taker, one of your strong attributes. Illusive Neptune forms a square with Venus on May 3-4 and a square with Venus Rx (retrograde) on the 21st. Beware of traps in contracts, especially regarding large ticket items and property. Venus is connected to money and love. It encourages harmony, sexual healing and tact. If you make the latter, your mantra for May, you will be able to reap the benefits from the Full Moon at 17 degrees Scorpio, on May 7/8. This moon trines Neptune. There is a grounding presence with Mercury/Sun in Taurus and Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn. These aspects can have a significant positive impact to a passionate endeavor on both a personal (depending on your chart) and collective level, provided you are not too possessive or tactless (birthday April 09-14). Your are popular, as Venus sextiles your Sun all month. Your heart is lighter and you want to have fun with love. Be respectful if you are in a relationship. Mars, your ruler, infused you with positive energy, despite trying world events. It still does until May 14. The second fortnight is more introspective for you. This is a great opportunity to evaluate your actions so far, understand the benefits from being assertive, not aggressive. By doing so, you benefit from the Sun and a New Moon on the 22nd at 2 degrees Gemini, which trine Saturn and bring long awaited good news from your friendly Mercury. Even if a degree of havoc still surrounds your personal and business affairs, you have better reflexes and are more grounded. You can put them in order around the 25-26. Just in time, before the emotional end of the month (birthday 19-21 April).
Happy Birthday Month Taurus!
Happy Birthday after May 20 Gemini!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is on your Solar house of ambitions and aspirations until the 14th and Venus is in your area of possessions.
Simply put, Venus, your ruling planet still shines bright on your house of ambitions, aspirations and professional recognition. Illusive Neptune forms a square with your ruling Venus on May 3-4 and a square with Venus Rx (retrograde) on the 21st. Beware of traps in contracts, especially regarding investments, art projects and property. Your ruler is connected to money and love. It encourages harmony, sexual healing and tact. You may want to make a serious announcement/proposal or have one made to you. If this occurs before May 4th, handle it tactfully! If you can, postpone until after the 14th, when Mars enters Pisces and sextiles your Sun for the rest of the month. The Full Moon at 17 degrees Scorpio, on May 7/8 is rather important for most Tauruses, as it is infused with the New Moon from April 23rd. It can help you rebuild your life on both a personal and professional level. This moon trines Neptune. There is a grounding presence with Mercury/Sun in your sign, Taurus and Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn. These aspects can have a significant positive impact to a passionate endeavor on both a personal (depending on your chart) and collective level, provided you stay open minded (birthday May 6-8). Mars, activated your area of ambitions and achievements with positive energy, despite trying world events. It does so until May 14. It did square your Sun, so the second fortnight is more productive for you. Possible delays due to Venus Rx, (Retrograde) are in order but nothing to sway you away from your goals. You benefit from the Sun and a New Moon on the 22nd at 2 degrees Gemini, which trine Saturn. Long awaited good news arrive from the financial arena. Jupiter, Pluto and Venus may be Rx, and some delays or changes are to be expected (May 17-19). Still, these major outer planets, trine your Sun and Venus highlights your investment and property areas. Mars is definitely your ally, as it activated after the 14th, supportive social networks and friends. On May 25-26 Mars sextiles Uranus. Ideas or creative projects that were abruptly terminated or postponed April 23-May 4, could be placed back on the table. Mercury enters sensitive and intuitive Cancer on May 29th. More positive information. Sieve it with reason.
Go ahead, make a wish!
Have a Prosperous and Happy Birthday Taurus!
Happy May Gemini!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is on your Solar house of education and travel until the 14th and Venus conjuncts your Sun and visits the area of your well being.
Your ruler Mercury , conjuncts the Sun on the 5th. May 6, North Node-Karma- enters Gemini (South Node Sagittarius) and turns Rx (retrograde), May 15-25. Hastiness in communication or being too scattered, can cause irreversible damage. Stay balanced and reap the benefits Mercury delivers as it sextiles Neptune on the 7/8, Pluto* on the 9th and Jupiter on the 10/11th. Illusive Neptune forms a square with Venus on May 3-4 and a square with Venus Rx (retrograde) on the 21st. Beware of deception and take care of your health, respiratory system or ear/throat. On May 7/8th, the Full Moon at 17 degrees Scorpio trines Neptune. Passion for a project or a relationship flourish but many June born Geminis can run into obstacles. Do not be discouraged, stay alert and grab any opportunity that flashes by. Do not become reckless on the 11th, as Mercury squares Mars. Luckily on the 12th, Mercury enters your sign, Gemini. You are inspired! The Sun enters your Sun May 21st. Venus is also in Gemini but in Rx (retrograde) and squares non transparent Neptune in Pisces. Mars joins in, as it entered Pisces on the 14th. Mercury adds deceptive information to the mix, as it squares Neptune on the 22/23rd. Luckily, on the 22nd, the Sun and a New Moon at 2 degrees Gemini trine Saturn. You can prepare for solid, new beginnings. If your birthday is May 21-26, you may be more susceptible to entrapment. Mars has activated your higher education and foreign travel area but as expected, due to the world virus crisis, you found yourself limited. Because Mars moves into your ambitions and aspirations area after the 14th, bear in mind that the travels of the mind have no limits and no restrictions! Make the most of your ruler, Mercury, in your sign until the 28th.
Happy May Cancer!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is on your Solar house of inheritance and sex until the 14th and Venus is on your house of new beginnings.
Venus, is in your 12th Solar house of seclusion, ending and new beginnings. Saturn released his grip and you can breathe. It is time to forgive, be kind and let go of the past. This includes letting go of old, negating habits. Purge the refrigerator and your home bar! Illusive Neptune forms a square with Venus on May 3-4 and a square with Venus Rx (retrograde) on the 21st. Beware of traps in contracts, especially regarding home based businesses. Venus encourages harmony, sexual healing and tact. With Mars also active in your are of sexuality until the 14th, let go of taboos and enjoy the freedom of loving you as you want you to be. After the 14th, Mars enters Pisces and trines your Sun for the rest of the month. Family and inheritance issues are now manageable. The Full Moon at 17 degrees Scorpio, on May 7/8 trines your Sun (birthday July 7-10) and Neptune. It can help you rebuild your life on both a personal and professional level. There is a grounding presence with Mercury/Sun in Taurus and Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn. These aspects can have a significant positive impact to your personal/ family life and your bank account, provided you stay level headed and loving towards a needy dear one. Mars, activated your area of inheritance, money and sexuality until May 14. In the area of intimacy and sexuality, express your true needs. After the 14th it positively activates your ambitions and aspirations area. Possible delays due to Venus Rx, (Retrograde) are in order but nothing to dissuade you. If you did not toss old baggage, you may miss out on the financial stabilizing benefits from the Sun and a New Moon on the 22nd at 2 degrees Gemini, which trine Saturn. Keep your secret plans secret but legitimate, to maximize a positive end result. Jupiter, Pluto and Venus may be Rx, and some delays or changes are to be expected (birthday July 18-20). Still, these two major outer planets, illuminate your marriage and partnerships. Truth can heal. Venus highlights your investment and property areas. Mars is definitely your ally, as it activated after the 14th, supportive social networks and friends from foreign lands. On May 25-26 Mars sextiles Uranus. Legal issues or creative projects that were abruptly terminated or postponed, could be placed back on the table. Mercury enters your sensitive and intuitive Sun, Cancer, on May 29th. Love and money is not how you want it to be but it is much better than it used to be.
Happy May Leo!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is on your Solar house of marriage and partnerships until the 14th and Venus moves in your house of social networks.
Venus, sextiles your Sun all month and brings investments and a new acquaintance through your social networks. Love works in surprising ways. Enjoy Illusive Neptune forms a square with Venus on May 3-4 and a square with Venus Rx (retrograde) on the 21st. Beware of traps in contracts, especially regarding group investments, art projects and the food industry. Venus encourages harmony, sexual healing and tact. The Full Moon at 17 degrees Scorpio, on May 7/8 is rather important for most Leos. It may square your Sun (birthday August 8) but overall it can help you rebuild your life on both a personal and professional level. Help can manifest through your mother, a mother figure or an influential female in your domestic environment. This moon trines Neptune. You are highly creative. There is a grounding presence with Mercury/Sun in Taurus and Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn. These aspects can have a significant positive impact to a passionate endeavor, provided you stay humble. Mars, activated your area of marriage and partnerships. It continues to do so until May 14. You must have by now, a transparent picture of what went wrong on both platforms, over the last six years. Possible delays due to Venus Rx, (Retrograde) are in order but nothing can break your stride. You benefit from the Sun and a New Moon on the 22nd at 2 degrees Gemini, which trine Saturn. Long awaited good news arrive from the financial arena. Jupiter, Pluto and Venus may be Rx, and some delays or changes are to be expected. These major outer planets highlight issues in your daily work and health areas. Simultaneously, Mars activates your area of investments and sexuality, after the 14th. Unlike May’s tensed and confusing beginning, the second fortnight is overall, a softer time frame for your to put your personal life and business affairs in order. On May 25-26 Mars sextiles Uranus. Ideas or creative projects that were abruptly terminated or postponed April 23-May 4, could be placed back on the table. Mercury enters sensitive and intuitive Cancer on May 29th. Hold on to Taurean earthy teachings, Gemini flexibility and Cancerian intuition. Toss aside misplaced pride.
Happy May Virgo!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is on your Solar house of daily work routine until the 14th and Venus is on your house of ambitions.
Your ruler Mercury , conjuncts the Sun on the 5th. May 6, North Node-Karma- enters Gemini (South Node Sagittarius) and turns Rx (retrograde), May 15-25. It will square your Sun (birthday August 24). Hastiness in communication or being too scattered, can cause irreversible damage. Stay balanced and reap the benefits Mercury delivers as it sextiles Neptune on the 7/8, Pluto* on the 9th and Jupiter on the 10/11th. Illusive Neptune forms a square with Venus on May 3-4 and a square with Venus Rx (retrograde) on the 21st. Beware of deception and take care of your health, digestive system and intestinal track. On May 7/8th, the Full Moon at 17 degrees Scorpio trines Neptune and feeds your well hidden passion for a creative project. A reward could be granted for an achievement through painstaking investigative work, even an invention. Do not become impatient or reckless on the 11th, as Mercury squares Mars. Luckily on the 12th, your ruler Mercury enters cerebral fellow Gemini. You are inspired! The Sun enters Gemini May 21st and will square your Sun as the month progresses. Venus is also in Gemini but in Rx (retrograde) and squares non transparent Neptune in Pisces. Mars joins in, as it entered Pisces and your area of marriage and partnerships on the 14th. Your focus shifts towards your partner/partnership, as it should. Mercury adds deceptive information to the mix, as it squares Neptune on the 22/23rd. Luckily, on the 22nd, the Sun and a New Moon at 2 degrees Gemini trine Saturn. You can prepare for solid, new beginnings. If your birthday is August 23-28, you may be more susceptible to entrapment. Mars has activated your marriage and partnerships area. You seek harmony and fairness within your relationships. Make the most of your ruler in communicative Gemini until the 28th. Mercury enters sensitive and intuitive Cancer on May 29th. Combined with the Moon on your Sun, you hopefully wrap up the month with balance between kindness and practicality.
Happy May Libra!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your Solar house of domestic life until the 14th. Venus is in your Solar house of education and travel.
Venus is in your Solar house of education and travel. Your ruling Venus activates your area of higher education, long distance travel and related challenges. You are an infamous balance seeker, one of your strong attributes. Illusive Neptune forms a square with Venus on May 3-4 and a square with Venus Rx (retrograde) on the 21st. Beware of traps in contracts, especially regarding a business venture in the care industry. Venus is connected to money and love. It encourages harmony, sexual healing and tact. If you make the latter, your mantra for May, you will be able to reap the benefits from the Full Moon at 17 degrees Scorpio, on May 7/8 and as such you will have your ducks in a row and your wallet safe! This moon trines Neptune. There is a grounding presence with Mercury/Sun in Taurus and Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn. These aspects can have a significant positive impact to a property dispute. Your are popular, as Venus trines your Sun all month. Refresh your look. Your heart is lighter and you want to have fun with love. You may not be able to travel due to restrictions worldwide but you can plan a surprise for your loved ones! They will surprise you back in return. Mars, trined your Sun as well and infused you with positive energy, despite trying world events. It still does until May 14. The second fortnight is more introspective and spiritual for you. This is a great opportunity to weigh the pros and cons regarding property or an investment. Keep as many details as possible secret, as you sense for financial security is heightened. By doing so, you benefit from the Sun and a New Moon on the 22nd at 2 degrees Gemini, which trine Saturn and long awaited good news from your friendly Mercury. Even if some complications still surround your personal and business affairs, you have better reflexes and are more grounded. You can put them in order around the 25-26. Just in time, before the emotional end of the month (birthday 20-22 October). Prepare yourself for changes in your work environment. This way you can bypass disruptions to your health.
Happy May Scorpio!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your Solar house of domestic life until the 14th. Venus is in your Solar house of investments.
In May there is great emphasis in your areas of investment, inheritance, sexuality, ideals and challenges. This cluster of events seems to be connected predominantly to your domestic conditions. Keep your antennae open for any and all opportunities. Venus shines bright in your natural Scorpio house of investments, power games and sexuality. Controlling people through these means will find you alone. Alternatively, apply your tremendous force, to better the quality of your relations with your dear ones. This way you will gain tremendous benefits as the month comes to an end. Illusive Neptune forms a square with Venus on May 3-4 and a square with Venus Rx (retrograde) on the 21st. Beware of traps in contracts regarding investments, media and property. Venus encourages harmony, sexual healing and tact. Be tactful! If you can not, withdraw, collect your thoughts and address sensitive issues after the 14th, when Mars enters Pisces and sextiles your Sun for the rest of the month. The Full Moon at 17 degrees Scorpio, on May 7/8 is rather important for most of you, as it is infused with the New Moon from April 23rd. It can help you rebuild your life on solid foundation. This moon trines Neptune. There is a much needed grounding presence, with Mercury/Sun in Taurus across your Sun and Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn. These aspects can have a significant positive impact to a passionate endeavor, provided you do not obsess. Stay open minded and democratic. Mars, activated your domestic life and the relationship to parental ties. After May 14 your focus shifts to your own family. The Sun and a New Moon on the 22nd at 2 degrees Gemini, trine Saturn. Jupiter, Pluto and Venus may be Rx, and some delays or changes are to be expected. At work, double check all proposals. Be assertive, not aggressive. On May 25-26 Mars sextiles Uranus. Refresh your skills, as ideas or creative projects, could be placed back on the table. Mercury trines your Sun, as it enters sensitive and intuitive Cancer on May 29th. Carpe Diem.
Happy May Sagittarius!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your Solar house of transport until the 14th. Venus is in your Solar house of marriage and partnerships.
You are a prolific hunter of knowledge. Mercury, knowledge and information dispenser, conjuncts the Sun on the 5th. May 6, North Node-Karma- enters Gemini (South Node Sagittarius) and turns Rx (retrograde), May 15-25. Hastiness in communication or being too scattered, can cause irreversible damage. Illusive Neptune (squares birthday December 12), forms a square with Venus on May 3-4 and a square with Venus Rx (retrograde) on the 21st. Beware of deception and take care of your health, hips, cyst and urinary track system. Stay balanced and reap the benefits Mercury delivers from the work/creativity front, as it sextiles Neptune on the 7/8, Pluto* on the 9th and your ruler Jupiter* on the 10/11th. On May 7/8th, the Full Moon at 17 degrees Scorpio trines Neptune. Shield your original ideas, protect your copyrights. Do not become reckless with your speech or driving on the 11th, as Mercury squares Mars. Luckily on the 12th, Mercury across your Sun, enters Gemini. You are inspirational! You are inspired! The Sun enters Gemini May 21st. Venus is also in Gemini but in Rx (retrograde) and squares non transparent Neptune in Pisces. Love is temporarily on hold. Mars joins in, as it entered Pisces on the 14th. Mercury adds deceptive information to the mix, as it squares Neptune on the 22/23rd. Luckily, on the 22nd, the Sun and a New Moon at 2 degrees Gemini trine Saturn. You can prepare for solid, new beginnings. If your birthday is November 23-29, you may be more susceptible to entrapment. Mars has activated your domestic life, impact from your parents, more so the mother. You need to let go of the past, in order to move forward with the personal life you choose. Because Mars activates this part of your life after the 14th, bear in mind that technology is currently the fastest and safest mode d’emploi, means to an end. Have that important conversation with your parents or parent. Your message will be heard loud and clear! Make the most of Mercury in Gemini until the 28th. Mercury enters sensitive and intuitive Cancer on May 29th. It carries good news form the world of investments.
Happy May Capricorn!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your Solar house of material gains until the 14th. Venus is in your Solar house of work and health.
Saturn, your ruler, has released its grip on you until July 1st. How about you seize every opportunity this month, smile and be, i dare say, optimistic?! Venus, shines bright on your house of daily work routine, exercise and hobbies. Organize your work schedule, go for a run and tap into your creative side, whatever that is. Illusive Neptune forms a square with Venus on May 3-4 and a square with Venus Rx (retrograde) on the 21st. Beware of traps in contracts, due to changes in your daily work environment. Venus encourages harmony, sexual healing and tact. You may meet or have already met a special someone in your work environment. If you insist on pursuing this, be discreet, as Mars enters Pisces after the 14th and sextiles your Sun. The Full Moon at 17 degrees Scorpio, on May 7/8 is rather important, as it is infused with the New Moon from April 23rd. It can help you rebuild your life on both a personal and professional level. This moon trines Neptune. The Moon and Neptune in Pisces focus on feelings. Let your emotions flow and show, instead of being your normal controlling self. There is a grounding presence with Mercury/Sun in Taurus and Jupiter*/Pluto* in your sign, Capricorn. These aspects can have a significant positive impact to a passionate endeavor on both a personal (depending on your chart) and collective level, provided you stay warm hearted. Mars, positively activated your material gains and therefore your sense of security. It does so until May 14. Possible delays due to Venus Rx, (Retrograde) are in order but nothing to sway you away from your goals. You benefit from the Sun and a New Moon on the 22nd at 2 degrees Gemini, which trine your ruler, Saturn. Good news arrive from the financial arena, despite world events. Jupiter, Pluto and Venus may be Rx, and some delays or changes are to be expected (January 16-17 birthday). Still, these major outer planets, conjunct your Sun and Venus highlights your work routine and well being. Mars activates after the 14th, your powers of communication. Come from a place of fairness and you will be well received by a sibling or a larger audience. You may even buy a new car. On May 25-26 Mars sextiles Uranus. Ideas or creative projects that were abruptly terminated or postponed April 23-May 4, could be placed back on the table. Mercury enters sensitive and intuitive Cancer on May 29th, across your Sun. Your goals are within reach.
Happy May Aquarius!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your Solar house of well being until the 14th. Venus is in your Solar house of creativity and risk taking.
Venus, trines your Sun all month and brings investment possibilities and luck in your love affair, particularly during the first fortnight. It enhances your creativity and your relationship to your children or children in general. Illusive Neptune forms a square with Venus on May 3-4 and a square with Venus Rx (retrograde) on the 21st. Beware of traps in contracts, especially regarding group investments/projects and the food/transport industry. Venus encourages harmony, sexual healing and tact. This Venus wants you to bring humor and sexy back! Lighten up. With the Full Moon at 17 degrees Scorpio, on May 7/8, protect your secrets and inspirations. They will become your assets. It may square your Sun (birthday February 5) but overall it can help you rebuild your life professionally, as it occurs on your Solar Midheaven, your achievements and recognition. This moon trines Neptune. You are highly creative. There is a grounding presence with Mercury/Sun in Taurus and Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn. These aspects can have a significant positive impact to a passionate endeavor, provided you stay emotionally connected. Mars, activated your area of psychological motivation and well being until May 14. Do not allow self-doubt to hinder your progress due to likely delays with Venus Rx (Retrograde), after the 14th. You may be unfair to your loved one. You benefit from the Sun and a New Moon on the 22nd at 2 degrees Gemini, which trine Saturn and your Sun. Long awaited good news arrive from the business arena. Jupiter*, Pluto* and Venus may be Rx, and some delays or changes are to be expected. These major outer planets still illuminate investment and property issues. Simultaneously, Mars also activates your area of investments and financial stability, after the 14th. On May 25-26 Mars sextiles your ruler, Uranus. Innovative ideas or creative projects that were abruptly blocked March 22- April 23, could be placed back on the table. Mercury enters sensitive and intuitive Cancer on May 29th. Hold on to Taurean earthy teachings, Gemini flexibility and Cancerian intuition. Toss aside misplaced ego. Follow your heart…
Happy May Pisces!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your Solar house of endings and new beginnings until the 14th. Venus is in your Solar house of domestic life.
Mercury conjuncts the Sun on the 5th. May 6, North Node-Karma- enters Gemini (South Node Sagittarius) and turns Rx (retrograde), May 15-25. It will square your Sun (birthday February 19). Hastiness in communication or being too scattered, can cause irreversible damage. Stay balanced and reap the benefits Mercury delivers as it sextiles your ruler Neptune on the 7/8, Pluto* on the 9th and Jupiter* on the 10/11th. Illusive Neptune forms a square with Venus on May 3-4 and a square with Venus Rx (retrograde) on the 21st. Beware of deception and take care of your health, wrists and ankles. On May 7/8th, the Full Moon at 17 degrees Scorpio trines Neptune and your Sun. It feeds your passion for a special someone or creative project. A muse can be quite inspiring. Venus positively infuses your love affairs. Do not become impatient, reckless or too reclusive on the 11th, as Mercury squares Mars. Luckily on the 12th, Mercury enters cerebral Gemini. You are inspired! The Sun enters Gemini May 21st and will square your Sun as the month progresses. Venus is also in Gemini but in Rx (retrograde) and squares non transparent Neptune in your sign. Mars joins in, as it leaves your area of seclusion, psychological issues and endings, to enter your section of new beginnings and well being, on the 14th. Your focus shifts towards your happiness. You have earned it. In more ways than one, as many Piscean energies are currently fighting the good fight against the coronavirus, on the front line. Mercury adds deceptive information to the mix, as it squares Neptune on the 22/23rd. Luckily, on the 22nd, the Sun and a New Moon at 2 degrees Gemini trine Saturn. You can prepare for solid, new beginnings. If your birthday is February 19-24, you may be more susceptible to illusions or entrapment. On May 14, Mars activated your area of new beginnings, well being and psychological motivation. You seek harmony and fairness within your relationships but now you are aware of the importance of balance within you. On May 25-26 Mars sextiles Uranus. Innovative ideas abound but so do disruptions. Combine your kindness with your keen intuition to navigate through these changes, end of the month. Make the most of communicative Gemini until the 28th. Mercury enters sensitive and intuitive Cancer on May 29th and will trine your Sun. You are alert and accept change is for the best. You are after all, an adoptable creature.
2020 Retrogrades for Outer Planets*. *Saturn retrogrades May 11 to September 29 in Capricorn and Aquarius, Pluto* retrogrades April 25 to October 4 in Capricorn, Jupiter* retrogrades May 14 to September 13 in Capricorn, Neptune* retrogrades June 23 to November 29 in Pisces and Uranus* retrogrades August 15 to January 2021 in Taurus.
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Einstein