New Course
Do you remember that teacher, the one who was a bit too strict with you, (in your opinion anyway), even reserved when congratulating you for your efforts? Perhaps this was a parent or a person with authority over your well-being. Looking back now,
you have matured and are able to appreciate this demonstration of ‘tough’ love; the kind that recognizes your skills and value, and pushes you to reach your full potential. In our galaxy, the Greek mythology and astrology, this ‘teacher’ has a name: Cronus, known by many as the mighty Saturn. Even if you have no clue about astrology, you may have read about Saturn turning retrograde or direct, in motion. Astronomically, the planet’s orbit may appear to be in ‘backward’ motion, as we see it from earth, or in forward (direct) motion. The big news is that it has been in retrograde motion (orbiting like it had one too many) since May 24, and just hit the brakes two days ago, on the 10th of October. Have you felt or been restricted, not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well?
Collect and channel.
The time has arrived to set a new course, if you haven’t already, or get going, if you used the above 5 month period to regroup or get back on the drawing board. For example, if you have been out of shape, it is time to get back on track; if your work has stagnated or you just can’t seem to get ahead, it is time for a seminar. Are you studying hard? Look to new methods of learning and work at your studies smart, not hard. Emotionally challenged? Consult a specialist. You get the idea. The whole point is to collect all your pent-up energy and channel it to benefit you and your aspirations. Pent up energy and our truth, on both a personal and collective level, will pierce through the surface; why? Astrologically speaking Pluto, the planet of regeneration, also retrograde April 28 to October 7, is now direct. Translation? If our world, collectively and personally, is like an active volcano, lava is ready to pour out. Best way to deal with a volcanic explosion, is to dig a path and direct the lava; instead of it running out of control. Preventive maintenance saves the day! Whether it regards your car, your goals, your mind or your body, take charge.
Friendly reminder; the ‘volcano’ erupts October 17-23. Channel your energy. Live happily and find your for-ever-after.