Enjoy astrological monthly tips
by Helen Kyriacopoulos -Timms
Life changes. Love life and you will love change.
November 2021
4everbalance and the Holistic Wellness Program
The Sky and Zodiacs for the:
Month of November
Can Pluto (rebirth) actually save the day in November? With Venus in sync, yes it can.
Neptune aspects operate as our mental and spiritual fertilizer.
Moon phases highlight the need for balance against inner dissatisfaction.
The second half of 2021 we dreamed and hoped again. We did our best to tend to these dreams, despite dire worldwide circumstances. In September we harvested ‘our crops’ and regrouped, in order to see these dreams and aspirations, like a fertile field, bear the fruits of our labor this October or coming December. November acts as a gate between all we want to leave behind and the ‘new me’, that each one of us aspires to become. However, no one can move forward if they are attached to a ball and chain. Freedom may be our birth right, accompany us through our life’s stormy but astounding journey; still, we must earn it daily, by protecting those rights. The key to not just weather the storm, but to come out of it a free, self sufficient entity? Galvanize.
Galvanize your
Keep it.
Aspects and dates for November 2021.
Please remember throughout November that Pluto, (power games) and Saturn (limits), still not well aspected (by 5-8 degrees) to Uranus (innovation, upheaval), continuously challenge our faith in ourselves. The status quo continues to push us back, as it is emotionally disconnected from the injustices it creates and wants to maintain its stronghold, on a global scale.
If I can summarize November, I would suggest a) temper control, b) set your boundaries and stay within, c) do not give in to peer pressure or mob mentality, d) maintain your mental and physical integrity and never forget that, e) the turtle won the race, not the hare… The web we can be caught in during November? Give in to peer pressure. If you depend on the land for survival, stock up, as intense weather conditions and earthquakes will cause serious damage and disruptions. Astrologically speaking, Mars, planet of aggression and drive in intense Scorpio, is well, intense, hotheaded and wants what it wants, when and how it wants it. Don’t be a mean brat. Uranus will jolt you (literally and figuratively) in place, as Saturn will be your disciplinarian. This will affect both, people in power positions, that cause great injustices with the pressure they enforce, and those of us who tolerate this. We are born free; we should live free.
Monthly tip 1; Creative and spiritual food is packed full of vitamins for the soul; it can help you keep your balance and vengeance or fanaticism at bay.
Monthly tip 2; The fuse is short. Light it between November 6-19 and watch all your hard work go up in smoke.
November 1-5: ! November 1st can set the pace for most of the month, at least for the time frame 6-19, if openness in others’ view point overrides the ego. If you depend on the land for survival, stock up, as intense weather conditions and earthquakes, will cause serious damage and disruptions. Still, there are infinite possibilities out there, so let your soul guide you but do ‘dip your tongue in your brain’, before you utter those words. You may, for example, have finally decided to break free from a work situation or relationship; the internal process that takes place until the moment you made your decision, usually stores in your psyche, a significant amount of pent up energy, due to the inner tension. Stating your case in a calm or professional manner, can actually bring you closer and easier, to your desired end result, more so on the 4-5th. Harshness and insults will cause great difficulty in achieving your goal, to say the least. You may also be on a ‘truth quest’; truth does set us free but mind the method you use to extract it. Look to creativity and spirituality, as it can be food, packed full of vitamins, for the soul; however keep fanaticism at bay. Is your mind racing and everything around you spins faster than you can think? Perform cognitive exercises, like crosswords or a game of chess. If you have suffered liver, genital, spinal or nervous system health issues, no better time than the present to visit a specialist and practice a healthier physical and mental lifestyle!
For the astrology aficionados; the Sun squares Saturn on the 1st but Mercury trines expansive Jupiter. Let your soul guide you but do ‘dip your tongue in your brain.’ There is a New Moon in penetrating Scorpio on the 4th, opposing erratic Uranus and the Sun also opposes Uranus on the 5th, causing inner tension. Uranus, literally means in Greek ‘the Sky’, will be unpredictable, stormy, with earthquakes thrown in the mix, on our physical world and our mental/emotional one. A work out regime or any physical/cognitive activity saves the day. Mars is at close proximity to this moon; you are seeking the truth, perhaps too forcefully. The Sun is well aspected to Neptune. Creative and spiritual food is packed full of vitamins for the soul. Keep fanaticism at bay. Important life aspiration tip; Uranus will continue amplifying power games through disruption on the 5th, 13-14th and 18th, but if you do not succumb to fanaticism, enhanced by the Sun, Mars and Uranus-Saturn aspects, you can have your freedom, keep it and continue your pursuit of happiness.
There is an intense New Moon on November 4, at 12 degrees 40′ Scorpio. Feeling emotionally strained? Adopt a work out regime, physical or mental (a new hobby). Creativity can save the day and if properly cultivated, it could even bring tangible results and success, AFTER the Full Moon on the 19th and over the next 6 months. Obsession and fanaticism can destroy the day and many more to come… If you are accident prone, look out for electricity or climbing without protective gear. Getting ready to brake free physically, emotionally or both? Go for it, there are infinite possibilities out there, so let your soul guide you; but do ‘dip your tongue in your brain’, before you utter those severance words. It can be a more prominent experience if your birthday is around November 4 (Oct. 30- Nov. 8), January 31 (Jan. 27-Feb. 4), May 2 (Apr. 28-May 6) and August 3 (Jul. 30-Aug. 7) or if you have points to your chart here**.
**when referring to ‘people with points to your chart here’, you may not be one of the above Sun signs but you may have enough ‘pieces’ of these signs in your birth chart and may even be equally blessed or challenged!
November 6-18/19: By this point, you may be tired of walking on egg shells and being diplomatic. Your time to claim your freedom, in whatever aspect of your life this may apply, is here and you are done waiting. Great. Seize the moment. The ‘catch’ here is not for you to avoid growing into the new you, on the contrary, this is the desired state; the one of rebirth. The manner in which you claim your rights, is what can directly influence, not just your current situation but a long term goal. Like moving to a new country, leaving a secure job to pursue your dream, get separated/divorced, after years of being in an unfulfilling partnership. Easy does it on the 10th, exert your energy through a work out or a good read, not behind the wheel or a hurtful debate. Get inspired on the 12th; apply your creative skills on the 13-14th, not your aggressive ones, whether physically or verbally, as crassness and delays cause frustration. Or you could let the cat out of the bag, in hope it doesn’t scratch you first! Walk away from an abusive situation, seek assistance if you are overwhelmed on the 15th. Self improvement and awareness, lead to an auspicious new life direction on the 16th (after the 19th), that ensures not just financial but more importantly, personal growth. Notice a tendency to appreciate the value of psychology, life coaching and in general, self improvement and soul centered services. On the 18th, the surrounding energy is disruptive, explosive and highly aggressive. If manipulation, greed and control issues could shape a volcano, the lava pouring out is the truth. You still feel this is a battle worth fighting for? Fight smart not hard. Maybe love and love for life, will counter balance humanity’s (or your own) self destructive tendencies, on the 18th.
For the astrology aficionados, on the 6th, communicative and health related Mercury enters intense Scorpio. It is an explosive day indeed on the 10th, when Mars in intense Scorpio squares order seeking Saturn in freedom loving Aquarius… Pleasure seeking Venus, is usually not very comfortable entering pragmatic Capricorn ((also on the 6th), but it is well aspected with creative Neptune, penetrating Pluto all month and with rebellious Uranus after the 6th, in trine on the 18th. In a nutshell, keep eruptive behavior in check and fulfill your love and money goals after the 19th. On the 12th the Sun trines inspirational Neptune. On the 13/14 Mercury, communication, contracts and travel, opposes Uranus, squares Saturn, while the Sun squares Jupiter on the 15th. Delays and frustration can be experienced here. Can a Pluto-Sun sextile on the 16th, offer a chance for a new life direction (after the 19th)? Yes it can. Mars opposes Uranus on the 18th; kaboom! Can a Mercury-Neptune trine on the 18/19 soften the blow? If love for life prevails. Important communication and health tip; keep the jealousy poison out of your contacts and preferably, your entire life. It can literally poison you within (liver, genitals, herpes, spine, nervous system).
November 19/20-21: Unexpected good news or a surprise visit can occur on the 19/20. Your friends or family don’t recognize the new you, but you love it! A money or love surprise is afoot, mainly but not only, for earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) or water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) signs. The 19th is also the day of the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse that commands balance between our earthy and spiritual needs. Getting our act together regarding such affairs is also part of the experience. Simply put? Don’t be a greedy brat. If you have worked hard on a project or relationship, get ready to reap the benefits for the next 6 months (end of May 2022). Truth continues to push through to rise to the surface on the 21st; whether this is a personal or collective matter, acknowledgement is a key factor to help you maintain peace and why not, come out a winner. A breakthrough in investigative work, on all fields (psychology, medical, politics, investments, energy), can bring a higher level of awareness and consequently, quality of life for all.
For the astrology aficionados, sultry Venus trines eccentric Uranus on the 19-20. Your friends or family don’t recognize the new you, but you love it! A money or love surprise is afoot. Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Pluto (Scorpio ruler) on the 21st; the truth comes out, whether we like it or not. Important behavioral tip; In a position of power? Don’t abuse it; Saturn and Jupiter, direct in humanitarian Aquarius, appoint justice.
The November Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, occurs on the 19th at 27 degrees 14′ Taurus. This Full Moon highlights the need to advance in life, acquire material and emotional security, and stand on your own two feet. It is well aspected to Pluto, ruler of deep, truth seeking and spiritual Scorpio, giving us a chance to heal old wounds, that hold us back from achieving those goals and meeting those needs. The square to expansive and lucky Jupiter, can bring such cystic situations to the surface. If you don’t deal with them, the ‘inflammation’ will just get worse. Seek professional assistance, whether it regards finances, properties or personal issues; your magnified feelings are not good advisors. This can actually be a prosperous point in your life, if you keep a cool head and walk a slower but steady pace. Collectively speaking, truth can no longer be suppressed.
This Full Moon affects us all, but mostly if your birthday is on May 17 (13-21), August 18(14-22), November 19 (15-23), February 15-24 or with points to your chart here**.
**when referring to ‘with points to your chart here’, you may not be one of the above Sun signs but you may have enough ‘pieces’ of these signs in your birth chart and may even be equally blessed!
November 22-30 You begin to feel more optimistic after the 22nd, ready to tackle stagnant projects, expand (mentally and physically), pursue your vocation. Mountains begin to look more like hills on or after the 25th. Karmic connections pay off on the 25/26th, for better or worse, so try to operate your business, politics and daily life, with regard to the true common good. Let common sense, a positive Taurean trait passed down from the above Full Moon, be your compass. On the 28-29th we experience an optimistic culmination of events or feelings. New and progressive ideas are introduced in law, education and trade. We are lighter on our feet and our mind is sharper. If you are interested in writing, this is a good time to take a class. There is forward thrust in creative projects and professions, which can now be set on solid foundations, especially those of anthropocentric or fair trade orientation.
For the astrology aficionados; The Sun enters brilliant, expansive and impatient Sagittarius on the 22nd and so does Mercury on the 25th! The sky is the limit. Karma is present with the south node-Mercury conjunction in Sagittarius on the 25/26th. On the 28-29th the mighty Sun also conjuncts tradesman Mercury, Mars trines creative Neptune on the 29-30th and our Sun sextiles stability seeking Saturn on the 30th/December 1st. Dreams do come true. Important communication and health tip; with all the effervescent Sagittarius energy, don’t over-indulge!!! Mercury is also connected to health, so take care of your hips, pancreas and ham-strings.
Monthly aspiration
“Galvanize; your mind, your soul, your body. Keep the rust out of your life.“
4everbalance and the Holistic Wellness Program
An extra tip for November, that can influence human relations on a personal and global scale, not just during this month, but the remainder of the year and into 2022, as well. Right before summer/winter(southern hemisphere) 2021 rolled in, (Astrology – May 2021) the Full Moon on June 26th, 2021, the mirage moon, was in close proximity to Karma with a very specific influence: “the higher mind and the manner in which we communicate our needs and desires, will have a significant impact in our relationships… Be open minded and allow others to express themselves freely; we can agree to disagree and this is OK. Enforcing our views and disrespecting freedom of speech, will organically backfire, I guarantee you this, in the next two years, especially if you are involved in politics and are abusing your power to suppress such freedoms…Mars in Cancer begins to oppose Pluto (direct opposition June 5-6) and forces us to deal with such truths connected to old wounds; here each one of us chooses a path.The one of fair play or the one of the unfair, destructive game. If you are out there during this Full Moon struggling to make ends meat, work and build on what you have, do not respond to rich-quick scams and know that even a magnificent ancient statue, was once just a piece of marble. Miracles happen but they take time. Stay optimistic but do not be disillusioned by tricksters, as Mercury turns retrograde May 30th.”The connection between that and the current, freedom challenging, New Moon is uncanny.
Astro Tip for the Mutable zodiac family (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces or people with points to your charts here); the North Node (Karmic evolution) is Retrograde all month (except on November 6-11, 20-23 and 28-30) at 1 degree Gemini. Collect good Karma, and do not take the easy way out, especially if you are a political leader with your Sun/Ascendant or points to your chart here, on Gemini/Pisces primarily.
Remember; the turtle reaches the finish line way before the hare
Before your read your zodiac sign, read below.
Our newcomers will find here a brief, yet vital introduction to our planets, in order of distance from the sun, closest to furthest. You may be curious enough to visit this site, but have no clue about astrology and zodiac signs.
- Sun: center of our galaxy, associated with Leo, sign of creative force-Helios in ancient Greece, the god of light.
- Mercury: nearest to the sun and fastest moving, associated with Gemini and Virgo, signs of communication-Hermes in ancient Greece, messenger for the gods.
- Venus: next in line and second brightest star on our sky, associated with Taurus and Libra, signs of strength and beauty-Aphrodite in ancient Greece, goddess of love.
- Earth: following suit, the planet of life growth, associated only by element (earth) with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn- Gaia in ancient Greece, the primal mother earth goddess.
- Moon: the earth’s only natural satellite, associated with the sign of Cancer, sign of nurture- Artemis goddess of hunting and a healer of women.
- Mars: the red planet, associated with Aries, sign of assertion and drive –Aris in ancient Greece, god of war.
- Jupiter: the largest planet of our system radiates double the light it receives from the sun, associated with Sagittarius, sign of expansion and illumination- Zeus, in ancient Greece the god of gods.
- Saturn: next the ringed majestic planet of order, associated with Capricorn, sign of duty and dependability-in ancient Greece the god Pan, protector of woodlands and shepherds.
- Uranus: the gas giant, associated with Aquarius, the sign of innovation- Aquarius or beautiful Ganymede, the son of Trojan king Tros, was taken to Mount Olympus by Zeus to act as cup-carrier to the gods.
- Neptune: a striking blue giant, associated with Pisces, the sign of healing and illusion- in ancient Greece representing the fish into which Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed
- Pluto: the yellow dwarf planet or huge asteroid, associated with Scorpio, the intense truth-seeker. He was called on earth by Goddess Artemis to kill Orion, who wanted to destroy all animals.
You may notice occasionally, astrological dates can seem to be one (1) day off, (for example a planet enters a sign on the 12/13). This occurs because calculations are based on Tropical Midnight Ephemeris, Time Zone EDT (04 west). Add or subtract hours, based on your Time Zone.
Here are the twelve zodiac sings for the month of October. Get even more insight when you read both your Sun sign and the one that corresponds to your Ascendant. Emphasis is put, among all other aspects, in the importance of Mars and Venus transits, two personal planets, that rule some of our primary, earthy needs.
12 Gods of Olympus,
12 Archetypes,
12 Zodiac sings.
Happy November Aries!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars, your ruler. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars, your ruler, is in your zone of investments. Venus is in your zone of fun until the 5th and achievements after.
You are the first zodiac sign dear Aries, you are the love child of Aris ((Mars, your ruler), god of war and you hate loosing. Hopefully the last two months, you invested some of your formidable energy to your well being and not just fight others’ battles. With your ruler, Mars, activating all of November, your zone of investments, inheritance and sexuality, these are mainly the sectors of your life that you need to safe guard and explore. Expansive and fortuitous Jupiter sextiles your Sun, meaning a lucky nudge is given to your affairs when needed. You are alert and enthusiastic this month, which will serve you and your affairs, well. Still, look out for tension, a partner’s or your own, close to the New Moon on the 4th, as you may be a little too close for comfort. Give yourself and partner (business or personal) room to breathe. You have the skills and positive timing to put your affairs in order, and direct your fortified passions in a productive manner. Keep your temper in check on the 10th, when being combative with a superior or person in power, will not serve your true needs. Neither will an outburst on the 18th, if someone challenges your authority, value or principles; let your actions put them in their place. You have more important thins to do, like have fun with your besties and receive accolades for a job well done, on or after the 19th. This November Eclipse and Full Moon on the 19th, points the lights on your need for material safety and its connection to your need for emotional stability. Do not allow other’s agendas to override everything you have worked so hard for. A reliable friend will root for you end of the month and help you keep your stability in check, into December.
Happy November Taurus!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of marriage. Venus (your ruler) is in your investments zone until the 5th and fun after.
You are the second zodiac sign dear Taurus, you are the love child of the goddess of love, money and art, Aphrodite (Venus, your ruler) and you hate inconsistency. It is mostly about marriage/partnership, personal or business for you this month. You are infamous for your commitment to your affairs, your slow steady pace and sweetness. Those characteristics are your allies this month, the only way to get a step closer to success from a project you have been working on for a while or investments with vested interests between you and another party. Of course you are only human, and it will be very easy, even for you, to loose your patience on the 5th (April Bulls), 10th or 18th(May Bulls), more so if you have to face an injustice. These dates should be treated as the short storms that they are; trust your formidable inner strength, keep your cool and give love or a business partner/colleague the benefit of the doubt, on the days leading to the Full Moon and Eclipse on the 19th. Between good news arriving from an overseas contact, a successful business meeting, fun moments, opportunities for expansion, moving to a better home and a good dose of luck from your ruler Venus (trine your Sun), you are not just protected from the storm; as the month progresses, you are out there dancing and ‘singing in the rain! Note that Venus slows down after the 17th (before going retrograde on December 20th) and this rhythm will probably please and benefit you, as it will be a welcomed, steadier pace, just like you love it. Use November to reboot, refresh and the game is yours December- May 2022, depending on your chart.
Astro tip for Bulls; Uranus is now retrograde and jolts you into unexpected outbursts. May 1-2 Tauruses, do not succumb to erratic behavior. Eliminate toxic habits/presence from your life.
Happy November Gemini!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of routine. Venus transits your house of marriage until the 5th and investments after.
You are the third zodiac sign dear Gemini, the duality that understands both sides, like your father Hermes, messenger to the gods (Mercury, your ruler). This month is mostly about staying organized, creating a daily work routine and environment that pleases your senses and finding a new hobby that can help you burn off extra energy. Inner tension is psychosomatic, meaning any respiratory or balance related health issues for example, can be caused by this excess energy. Marriage or any form of partnership, is still on your mind. You may have found the one, but are not certain on taking the next step. Why rush? A new office, work method or space, can be so much fun to upgrade and redo; if your love is real, it will not mind waiting until, let us say, after December 14? You may very well have been in a stifling partnership for too long and are now ready to move on. By all means, embrace a new life but I do caution you; if you want this new chapter to fulfill your long term goals, take a more grounded and practical approach (not the easy way out), by safeguarding your assets, whether it be investments, inheritance or property. Keeping secrets and staying away from gossip, is another form of handling your affairs, in a more grounded manner. Instead of being the one dispensing information (like you normally would), try collecting it on the 5th, 10, 15 and 19th. This is the time frame between the New and Full Moon, that highlight the need for you to concentrate, on a daily healthy lifestyle, including your sex life, get back on track with your intuitive and spiritual side and tie up loose ends.
Happy November Cancer!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of love affairs. Venus is in your house of daily routine until the 5th and partnerships after.
You are the fourth zodiac sign dear Cancer, intuitive and magnetic like your mother Selini (the Moon, your ruler). Whether you want to or not dear Crab, this month is mostly about your creative side emerging, having a delicious time, with a deep connection in your love affair, getting joy from your children, whether you are a parent, a teacher or volunteer in a children’s organization. You express yourself better, let the inner child come out to play or pursue a new, artistic hobby. Although November is, generally speaking, an erratic month, in a sense that it possesses equal amounts of interchanging auspicious and difficult times; interestingly, you seem to have caught your own, beautiful wave. The New Moon on the 4th trines your Sun, amplifying the need for a healthier nutritional lifestyle (get rid of toxins that can aggravate both physical and emotional inflammations), in order for you to enjoy the passion in your affairs and opportunities, as mentioned above. Want to have tons of fun on the 12th and not be swayed by information on the 14th? How about avoiding conflict on the 18th and allowing inspiration, on the 18/19, to materialize into a tangible and prosperous venue on and after the 21st? Sounds like a plan. The last ten days of the month, your intuition and astuteness catch an important information, on the fly by. You share it with a powerful ally (Saturn sextile the Sun), that has your back. You are a the front line of love. Enjoy.
Happy November Leo!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of family. Venus is in your house of love affairs until the 5th and routine after.
You are the fifth sign dear Leo, the offspring of the life giving Helios (Sun). You are life’s creative force and you can be fixed in your beliefs. OK, so you gave in to emotional bullying; and you retaliated. What did it cost you? It is clear on the 4th, on both your family and work routine front. This tension can affect your nervous system and spine, so looking at sports, like tennis, volleyball or on the other end, meditation, can be proven priceless, also on the 5th, 10th, 15th and 19th. At the end of the day, not just during these November dates, but your life in general, you will do yourself justice by growing up. Having a family is the ultimate creation and with you being a child of the mighty Sun, the creator of life, what can give you more joy than having your own family or an artistic life project, your ‘baby’? Not much else. It is important for you to understand that a grounded approach to practical life mattes, can bring balance within you and therefore your family. Avoid conflict with a person in a position of power on the 10th, exaggeration in what you do or say on the 15th and with a family member on the 19th. What you will gain by superseding your temper? A valuable piece of information on the 6th, can be used to your advantage on 12th, if you apply it on a creative concept or in a creative manner. The positive outlook will recharge your battery on the 16, 21, and unfold opportunity for growth and stability, all the way to the end of the month. This includes profit from your venue. Keep the hard lessons learned in October, close to your magnanimous heart, minus the drama; you deserve the best. Get it by staying organized, consistent, generous and humble.
Happy November Virgo!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your Solar house of communication. Venus is in your house of belonging until the 5th and love affairs after.
You are the sixth sign of the zodiac dear Virgo, daughter of Zeus and lover of communication. You have a flexible intellect, you are earthy and worry too much. Last month’s quote is more pertinent than ever in November; “Your birthday period carried among life’s turmoils, many pleasant and life changing surprises, on a personal level and your sense of belonging, which begins to solidify after October 7 and by this coming December.” On the one hand contracts, agreements or children, preoccupy your mind all month, and at the same time you want to find the place where you belong, and give the time of day to your affair of the heart… Granted, it is a full month. Your meticulous nature and ability to compartmentalize, are your tools to put these affairs in order. Can you loose control or stress out your digestive system on the 4th, 13/14th and 18/19th? Yes, by spiraling out of control with how you express your desires or overdo it with analysis or alcohol. Stay hydrated, keep nurturing your body and mind (with mental challenges or games), as Karmic connections can pay off (in the family or accomplishments part of your chart), on the 25/26th or right after. Here you can also complete a Karmic cycle and put your past (wounds included), behind. The end of the month, provided you have been less caustic and more consistent in your actions and words, your new affair of the heart will brighten your week, month, end of the year, you get the idea…
Happy November Libra!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of property. Venus (your ruler) is in your Solar house of communication until the 5th and family after.
You are the seventh sign Libra, a true child of Venus with love for love, art and money. It’s mostly about property on your agenda this month, whether this is your home, or a business property that you want to lease or rent to a third party. If you have the slightest doubt, use the first 5 days of the month to address your concerns, either to a trusted friend/partner who has been in a similar position or a specialist. You will probably need to temporarily pause your ventures, as family will command a lot of your attention. If, at this point, you delegate, you should be in a position to run both the family and professional front, in a balanced and controlled manner. Pluto still squares your Sun, if your birthday is around October 15-16, and negative impulse can turn the tables against you on the 10th, 14th or 19th, on or during the days, leading up to the Full Moon. It sheds light in inheritance, investment or repressed sexuality issues. Having said that, if you manage to control your impulse, to say exactly what’s on you mind (not a pretty picture), you will be able to not only make a profitable deal on the 12th, 16th or 21st, but to secure a stable environment for you and your family. You will have more than one reason to celebrate end of the month, as good news will arrive either regarding a legal/authorities related matter, perhaps a lawsuit, marriage/divorce. Like you possibly found out in October, between the 17-22, being fair (your prominent characteristic) is they key to securing success in the above mentioned affairs. Didn’t you rent out that home property? Just as well, you need more space, as your family’s lay out changes.
Go ahead, make
a wish!
Have a Prosperous and Happy Birthday Scorpio after October 24!
Happy birthday month Scorpio!
Happy birthday after October 23/24th!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your sector of self assurance. Venus is in your Solar house of practical matters until the 5th and communication after.
You are the eighth zodiac sign dear Scorpio, a child of transformative Pluto and the ultimate truth seeker. Here is my birthday gift to you: Hopefully you invested in your well being, as gains arrive not just in a practical from, like a new cash source, but more importantly, from you realizing that, your true self-worth, is not your net worth. Mars, the planet of aggression, drive and sexuality (your old ruler) is here for the duration of the entire month, to show you just that. Your faith, more so in your own value, will be tested on the 1st, with some kind of limitation. It’s temporarily but the results of your conduct will be permanent; so conduct yourself with dignity. If you manage to keep that stinger at bay, by the 4th, 9th or 21st, a message, perhaps from abroad, will carry the news you need. A health issue finds a solution or old wounds can begin to heal. A confrontation, physical on the 10th or 18th, and verbal on the 13/14th, will not do you or anyone else justice. On the contrary, compassion on the 12th or 16th, will feed your soul and a creative venture can begin to sprout. The Full Moon on the 19th, will highlight the above dates and events. Last calendar days Scorpios (November 18-22), prepare for Karmic connections, pay backs or pay offs. Make amends, apologize (particularly to a long term partner, business or personal) and collect good Karma as the year comes to an end, and a new one is about to begin. Quickly, you are running out of time. Single? Take your time but enjoy a new connection. You are red pepper hot!
(*)Uranus opposes your Sun (birthday November 3-4). In retrograde motion the unexpected blow is softened. As you do not like surprises, do your homework on issues you do not want to be blindsided by. Or accept that we can not control everything.
Go ahead, make
a wish!
Have a Prosperous and Happy Birthday Sagittarius after November 23!
Happy November Sagittarius!
Happy birthday Sagittarius after November 23!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of seclusion. Venus is in your Solar house of self until the 5th and property after.
You are the ninth sign dear Sagittarius, the zodiac explorer, like the true child of Zeus (Jupiter) would be. Even a trail blazer like you can be affected by self doubt. Sure, a lot has happened since 2014, by why is the most optimistic zodiac sign dwelling on the past? Because you have the right to. You are only human and it is actually refreshing for your overall well being, to use a more logical approach to love and the professional environment during this month. This speed allows for room to strategize around the 4th, the 10th (a day you do not want to engage in a physical confrontation) or have a heated discussion on the 14th and 19th, especially if you are a November (23-30) Sagittarius. With our galaxy’s Santa Claus, your ruler Jupiter direct (strong) and sextile (luck infusing) your sign, particularly December born archers, make the most of any opportunity, through news/contracts/offers, on the 5-17th (caution on the 15th, the Sun squares Jupiter), on the 21st and of course after the 22nd, as the life giving Sun and after the 25th Mercury, -communication, contracts and health-, enter your jovial, brilliant and impatient sign! Single? Not for long, you are beaming with energy and are the center of attention. In a relationship? Next level it is. Did I mention an overdue reward (from an ongoing, long term project) knocks at your door? Enjoy. Going on a trip or buying a new house/property/car? Enjoy.
Astro tip; Your ruler, Jupiter, squared your Sun during June to July 28. Did a disarray in your plans ended up bringing positive results after it begun to sextile your Sun again (after July 29 and will until December 28)? It is now direct, so take advantage of this auspicious stretch (to December 27). Stay centered, truthful, fair to yourself and others and build on new, positive Karma, as the nodes (Karmic evolution) are in your axle, Gemini/Sagittarius.
Happy November Capricorn!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of social networks. Venus is in your sector of seclusion until the 5th and the self after.
You are the tenth zodiac sign dear Capricorn, with an innate drive for success and structure, a true offspring of Kronos (Saturn) and often exhaust yourself in this process. You can’t keep a low profile, at least after the 5th, even if you want to this month. Your stability and boundary setting ruler, Saturn, is direct. Translation? Obstacles are gradually rendered obsolete, your energy is back and your plans begin to prosper. Your social network returns and you are revered too much to decline invitations! Passion, emotional connection (yes, that one!), prosperous endeavors, luck, a new look, it all begins in November and carries through into March 2022. Astrologically speaking, Venus, planet of love, art and money enters your sign on the 6th, and stays for an unusually long time (march 2022). Does this mean that your path is all roses and no thorns until then? No, you should worry if it did, as it would be too good to be true. Mind your impulsive nature and temper on the 4th, driving or handling heavy equipment on the 10th. Do not allow to be pressured into making any deals on the 13-15th. The Full Moon on the 19th may be surrounded by intense energy, but you use yours to focus on a new love affair, refreshing an old one, setting a creative or artistic project in motion. end of the month. The seeds that you plant on the 21st, in the form of a contract/agreement or a commitment to a person/project, will be harvested well into the new year.
PS; your ruler Saturn marks a new 7, 15 or 30 year, depending on your age, life cycle. During 2021, for most Capricorns, the New Moon in your sign on January 13, helped you hit the refresh button, the Full Moon on the 20th of October helped you get rid of toxins and the November Full Moon becomes your new life’s milestone.
Happy November Aquarius!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of accomplishments. Venus is in your zone of social networks until the 5th and seclusion after.
You are the eleventh sign dear Aquarius, lover of freedom and unpredictability, a true offspring of Ouranos (Uranus), the ‘sky’ in the Greek language; the sky is the limit! Stability seeking, astro-teacher Kronos is now direct in your sign; yes, this is great news indeed, as delays, obstacles and disruptions, are gradually evaporating from your path. Not to mention lucky Jupiter, in your sign until the end of December. Mars, planet of action and moving forward, positively activates your area of business ventures, accomplishments and accolades for a job well done, well into December. What gives? Keeping the balance between work and family; work issues will be highlighted on the 4th, while family issues will operate as polar opposition on the 19th, with the Full Moon. What to do or not, in between? Best explain early on (November 2-3), to your family that work will demand a lot of your attention. Don’t brush this off, as family matters can be proved quite disruptive on the 5th, 10th, and make you loose your cool on the 18th. May I emphasize here, that the term ‘family matters’ is not only about a physical family but also family related wounds that may hold you back. A beautiful trine between planet of love, money and art, Venus and your unpredictable ruler, Uranus on the 20th, holds a surprise for you, in one of those areas of your life. Do you feel like isolating yourself from the world, despite the positive developments? There is an ebb it seems; it brings you to the front line until the middle of December, then pulls you back, and into the light you go again, as the new year rolls in, you get the iea. Just go with the flow. You can’t go wrong.
Happy November Pisces!
Male, penetrating energy, comes from Mars. Female, receptive energy, comes from Venus. This month Mars is in your zone of expansion. Venus is in your house of accomplishments until the 5th and social networks after.
You are the twelfth sign dear Pisces, altruistic and evasive, a true offspring of Poseidon (Neptune), god of the seas. Your ruler Neptune is retrograde, meaning you do have a clearer grasp on reality. He still can muddy your ‘waters’ (emotions, judgement) a bit on the 14-15th, but this November, it works more as a fertilizer for your dreams, vocations, projects and soul. This is probably the shortest paragraph I have written for your Sun sign this year; you are truly blessed, as go getter Mars activates your travel, education, move to a better job, house, work environment, location and mental stimulation zone. You have the right amount of vitality to put property, investment and practical matters in order. You are rewarded for your hard work. You are revered by your social networks. Obstacles strengthen your resolve and then evaporate. When you’re done, share some stardust with the rest of us…
2021 Retrogrades for Outer Planets.
*Saturn retrogrades May 24 to October 10 in Aquarius, Pluto* retrogrades April 28 to October 7 in Capricorn, Jupiter* retrogrades June 21 to July 28 in Pisces and continues in Rx motion in Aquarius until October 18, Neptune* retrogrades June 26 to December 1 in Pisces and Uranus* retrogrades August 20 to January 18, 2022 in Taurus.
“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Albert Einstein