Opposites attract?
Opposites do attract. What happens after they do is the question. A planetary opposition that occurs today, in combination with some life coaching tips, can be a useful guide for today, the rest of the week and why not the rest of the year, one that most of us want to just go away.
The eternal female (Venus) and male (Mars) archetypes are in opposition in the skies. These two planets embody everything we know that torments our personal relationships. A quick note here; when referring to female and male, we are describing the energy, not the gender. Female energy is receptive and male energy is penetrating. Therefore, this segment applies to all forms of partnerships, same gender or not.
Here is a simple approach to the complicated issue of love. The male energy chases the female energy. It is the nature of their game. Male catches female. Female wants to get caught. They are now together. Male gets bored. Female gets bored. They fight. They break up. But they still love each other. They just can not stand each other anymore. Today and probably until the end of this week, many couples/partners will fight, more than usual. No matter the reason or degree of tension, even if you are wronged, listen to the other side of the story; there always is another side to the story. The simple astrological explanation, of Venus in its peace loving offspring Libra opposing Mars in its fiery, go getter offspring Aries, teaches us the importance of staying calm and offers two options. First option: if you are certain about your position, defend it by setting boundaries (best life coaching tip ever! This way you do not feel the need to enforce your point of view either). If the opposing party respects those boundaries, the solution to the argument is welcomed by both. Second option; if the other party does not respect your boundaries, the solution to move on, should be welcomed by you. And them, eventually.
Last tip for my Astrology buddies. Mars in Aries is particularly aggressive and in Rx-retrograde motion until November 14. Its opposition to ‘why can’t we all get along’ Venus in Libra, causes friction to the point of collision. Drive safe!!! This energy is enhanced by the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction (also refer to ‘November 2020’ tips). Mars and Venus are not in direct square with Jupiter-Pluto but they are not well aspected either. Exaggeration, tantrums and scratching old wounds anyone?! This direct conjunction occurs during November 8-13, with precise conjunction on the 13th. The positively charged atmosphere, for better or worst, peaks on this day. I urge us all to do our best to harness this energy and channel it only in productive ways; a project pending, meditation, learning a new skill or taking a seminar, volunteering, whatever your positive outlet is. When possible, and with exception to abuse issues (please consult specialists), put the love talk aside until after the 14th. Be the better person.