Plant the seed May 14 – June 21!
What if a trusted friend shared the following insight with you: Plant your new life’s seed May 14 to June 21, water it until July 28, nurture it until October 6 and begin to reap the rewards after October – December 2021, and for a year after that! It is OK, actually more than OK if you do not subscribe to Astrology, but do look into the following information, even allegorically, because it can help you make a fresh start. The socioeconomic ramifications and the purposeful and continuous destruction of the middle class that occurs since 2008, only got another ‘blow’ this last year due to the ‘pandemic’. What dreams can the younger generation built upon and what kind of retirement can the older generation look forward to?
The global disappointment is understandable, but the stars compel me to share this with you; if you dream of a new business, if you wish to turn your life around on a personal level and get rid of toxic people or habits, or if you simply want ‘a’ life, any life, your life back, this is the time to dream big and do big; big on quality not just quantity. Just like after a devastating tsunami, we clean up and rebuild, here we have the same opportunity, to re-build our lives. If you are in commerce, look for ethically outsourced products and providers. If you are in law, work with ethically oriented businesses. If you are a small, ethical business owner, do not hesitate to use technology and advertise your product/practice. If you are a young person starting out and your access to sources is limited, form a like minded group and operate your business/practice through it. If you are reading this and you are anywhere in the world, with a dream that is beneficial to your prosperity but respects your world around you, you are not alone! Use technology to come in contact with groups, coops or like minded individuals and operate through this group; there is power in numbers. It has been my belief, for a long time now, that ancient Greek mythology and its connection to astrology, reflects human archetypes. However this may appeal, or not, to you, Zeus (Jupiter), god and planet of expansion, exploration and luck enters today/tomorrow, May 13/14 the zodiac sign of altruistic, dreamy and creative Pisces. It meets up in our sky during these days with Poseidon (Neptune), god of the seas, dreams, depth of emotions and ruler of altruistic Pisces. Jupiter is direct until June 21 (plant your seeds through dreams and hard work), it retrogrades June 22 to July 28 (nurture those dreams and never give up on them) and watch them come to fruition and manifest after October-December 2021 and December 2021- January 2023! The big secret for success in this new era? ETHOS! (ethics in ancient Greek). Do you really want your comfort t-shirt to be made by an 8 year old child for a bowl of rice…? Tip for the skeptics and cynics out there; no, the world is not a ‘messed up’ place with tough rules; it is our tough rules that have turned it into a ‘messed up’ place. Translation? If we broke it, we can fix it.