Polish your Astrocells
What are astrocells, what is the correlation to Life Coaching & Astrology and what do Jellyfish have to do with this post?
Memory and learning work together. How often does a familiar flavor, from your favorite comfort food, bring you back to childhood? Quite often. Astrocells, among other brain cells, are part of our brain’s intricate neuron network, that hosts our thoughts, dreams, memory, the way we ‘learn’, within the boundaries of
neurobiology*. It is important to understand what the verb ‘learn’ reflects in this case. The way the brain ‘learns’, seems to be through the ability of the nervous system to receive and keep experiences, so that it shapes future behaviors, through molecular or cell modifications.
During Life Coaching sessions or through a specific program, like the 6 Step Program, the goal is always the same: to give you the tools you need, via tasks, to maintain your balance and reach your goals or objectives. It is definitely not neuroscience but we do ‘rewire’ your old habits, that no longer serve you (as they are incompatible to your true needs and future goals). You were taught those habits, (that became part of your life experience, within your close and wider environment), you were not born with them. This aspect, of inherited habits, against the potential you are born with, is discovered in your astrological chart, your birth chart. Again, this priceless information helps you find awareness and consequently, reach your objective. Regardless of the method that makes more sense to you, Life Coaching, Birth Chart analysis, or the combination of Life Coaching through Astrology, the aim is the same: to be happy in the life path you choose. Pick your ‘tool’ and let us polish your Astrocells!
What about the jellyfish? Did you know that a Jellyfish, is 98% water, with electrical current receptors for environment recognition? There is actually one species that clones itself! Yet, scientists** recently begun to understand the intriguing nervous system operation, of this seemingly uncomplicated creature. In essence, their network of neurons and sub neurons, is complex and effective, like ours, when, for example, we pick up a fork and enjoy a mouthful of our favorite comfort food. The jellyfish ought to be quite happy, identifying a delicious shrimp and eating it. As it ebbs and flows through life, encountering all the positive and challenging experiences, its watery world has to offer, do you think it needs to polish its ‘astrocells’ or whatever cells its has? I don’t think so. We, human beings, on the other hand, definitely do. Why ”definitely’? You don’t have to travel to the other end of our planet to see all the unbalance, confusion and suffering. Look closer, in your neighborhood, home. Arm yourself with balance, through whatever method appeals to you and make the most of your earthy world. Ebb and flow, as if you were a jelly fish.
*enjoy detailed information and data regarding neuroscience, its principles and our astrocells, in the very interesting book “how the brain learns (and remembers)”, by Neurobiology Researcher, Mara Dierssen
**more exciting information on jellyfish neuro system operations, on Caltech article ‘How to Read a Jellyfish’s Mind’ by Lori Dajose