Prometheus, can you see us now…?!
Prometheus, one of the Titans in ancient Greek mythology was crafty and the god of fire. He disobeyed Zeus in more than one occasions but was sentenced to a horrible death (chained on a rock and had his liver eaten by an eagle) by order of the God of the Olympians, for bringing the fire to humanity. Fire today can be electricity, without which nothing in our
modern world can function; absolutely nothing. Was Prometheus’ sacrifice worthy? How do we use fire today? Or was Zeus right for not wanting to share this power with humans?
I am thinking of the fires in California, Australia and currently in the Amazon and Greece. There is proof of foul play so the question remains; why aren’t we demanding legislative protection of our earth’s forest? Our oxygen? So they can’t be turned into any type of business or structure. On August 7, Uranus planet of revolution and electricity, in stubborn and avert to change Taurus, squares (clashes) with the mighty Sun in fiery Leo. How do you use you fire? How would you want to?

Prometheus, can you
see us now…?!