Saturn in Pisces 2023-2026
What does Saturn in Pisces mean and why should you care?
On March 7, the same day as the Full Moon in Virgo, the earth sign connected to dependability, attention to detail and nervousness, Saturn, the planet of responsibility and limitations, enters Virgo’s polar opposite, fluid, altruistic and nebulous Pisces.
What can Saturn in Pisces do for you?
It can help you build your courage and ethos. It can help you turn your dreams into reality. It can help you iron your ‘creases’. It can help you use your gifts to help others. It can help you thrive through philosophy, teaching, writing and spirituality. It will not help you if you sacrifice too much of yourself. It will not help you if you sell yourself short. It will not help you if you give in to addictive substances. It will not and can not help you if you are caustic, picky, prickly and manipulating. It will teach you to help yourself. It will destroy you if you become tyrannical. It will reward you immensely; financially, spiritually and emotionally if you balance your material needs and the needs of your heart.
Smart tip? Keep it real, keep loving you in the process.
Have a prosperous, fulfilling and empowering three year Saturn in Pisces journey.