Solar Eclipse on October 25; got questions?
Has your life been turned upside down, April to October, 2022? Then, this article is for you. It is undoubtedly an important New Moon in Scorpio and partial (max. 85%), Solar Eclipse. Apart from being a good starting point to begin a detox, physical and emotional, (eclipses usually are) what can this Earth, Moon and Sun dance, do for you? It can raise some important questions, that once answered, can clear your path, so you can stand in your truth and move on. Here are some of those questions:
a) I am all grown up. Why do I still care, so much, about what my family or surrounding environment, think of my life’s choices?
b) If I stop caring about what others think of me, does it mean I don’t care about my loved ones, anymore?
c) I am smart enough to know that my relationship is not good for me. Why am I really, so attached still? Is it financial dependency? Or has that been a convenient excuse?
d) I just like to have a good time: alcohol, drugs, I have it under control. Really? It’s all about that word, you know, control.
e) ”I love you. You don’t do as I say. You don’t love me”. Love or power play?
f) I love sex, I really do. Why am I not truly satisfied?
g) They say you’re stingy, you say you’re frugal. Don’t they see you’re doing it all for them? (Psst, are you, really?).
h) You have what it takes to succeed, but despite your best efforts, its not coming together. Are you doing something wrong? No. You just haven’t figured out, yet, how to do it all, right.
Getting answers, once and for all, to such questions, is important and not just for your overall well being. This New Moon in deep feeling and truth seeking Scorpio, accompanied by a powerful Solar Eclipse, emphasizes the need to figure out your truth, in order to let go. Want a tip, on how to put your thoughts in order? I bet, if you sit back and consider all that you have been through, from April 30 to October 25, 2022, if anything, you can admit that you have come a long way! Is everything, now, exactly as you had hoped it would be, back in April? Probably not.
However, despite the upheavals, you are still here, fighting the good fight and have accomplished quite a bit! So go ahead, pat yourself on the back: not for the things you have done to perfection, but for the fact that you have done them at all and despite the odds. Whether you talk to a friend or a professional, only the truth, your truth, will set you free. Start purging baby, anything and anyone that holds you back, including that annoying, heavy luggage of yours! One last thing: remember that artistic skill or streak, you had when you were little? Time to bring it back!