A New Decade Begins 2020-2029
Courage is knowing what not to fear”
A New Year and a New Decade are afoot. I like to look at the year 2020 as the first of three stepping stones that will lead to a new world. It is entirely up to us to make this a better new world.
As mentioned in December’s monthly tips, the New Moon on December 26, 2019, at 4° Capricorn was very lucky indeed, as the Sun and Moon aligned with Jupiter. It also illuminated and empowered the auspicious Jupiter-Uranus trine and brought unexpected good luck and foresight to many. This trine will occur again in approximately 8 years, on July 26, 2027. We will also experience a Jupiter conjunct Pluto aspect in Capricorn this year. It is an all or nothing aspect, for better or for worst! A great opportunity to seriously augment income and solve long standing legal issues. Or to completely flunk. I strongly recommend a mature, sensible and balanced use of our resources during this new seven (7) year cycle, (Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn). We can watch our dreams grow roots and flourish long term.
On the other hand Pluto and many of its aspects, (like the 7 direct squares with Uranus from June 24, 2012 to March 16, 2015), brought fundamental socioeconomic changes to the surface and ended many life cycles. A recent example, the violent uprooting of thousands of Syrians from their homes and country. Such square had occurred in 1933 and set the appalling stage for WWII. Conjunction, another important aspect regarding Pluto and Uranus, occurred in Virgo between 1961-1969, a particularly tumultuous decade. It included both great civil and human rights movements around the globe and wars or dictatorships as well. A great number of people born in the 30’s and 60’s, experienced loss of businesses/loved ones or passed away themselves since 2010. The loss concerning these two generations, on all levels, took epic proportions during 2019. Is there a lesson to be learned here? One that could open the door to a truly positive new decade for humanity? Indeed there is. What can break you-Pluto-, can lead to a break through-Uranus-. With Pluto currently in Capricorn, rotten foundations dissolve. With Uranus in Taurus, we can slowly but surely, rebuild. No marble statues with clay feet will do.
The beginning of this decade finds Saturn also in earthy Capricorn. After its transits through Aquarius, Pisces and Aries, it will mark the end of the decade from its position in earthy Taurus on May 31, 2030. Simply put, one can safely say that this ten year period is mostly about the practical side of life, financial stability, safety, ambition and a relentless pursuit of ones goals. In between we will, as being part of the collective, experience the need to save the planet, stop wars and famine. Good intentions are present but will the methods used deliver positive end results? Saturn is weak and at its ‘fall’ as it sits in Aries until August 31, 2025. It also transited through this sign between 1937-1940. We all know what this time frame marked; the beginning of WWII. Uranus is also in Taurus until April 25, 2026. It is in its ‘fall’, a weak position for the planet of innovation and unpredictability. (Important note; Uranus was last in Taurus between 1935 to 1942). Hopefully humanity will stay alert this time around. The masses could be manipulated by the powers that be, through a false sense of security. There will be points were lucky and justice seeking Jupiter, will sextile and trine both planets. Neptune is also well nested in its home in Pisces until March 30, 2025. Care for those in need should prevail. Transformative Pluto represents our subconscious. It briefly enters Aquarius on March 23, 2023 to June 10, 2023 before it re-enters on November 19, 2024 and stays until 2030 and well into the next decade. This is a revolutionary time indeed, as our subconscious can wake-up and help us do right by our world. Will the infamous idealistic Age of Aquarius prevail through balanced means? Technology, controlled by Uranus, can be our salvation or detriment. On June 19, 2026 Chiron, the wounded healer, enters Taurus. We can methodically and sensibly develop a fair value system. Will we?
In summary, Saturn, the great teacher that rewards hard work, will be ‘watching’ us, to see:
If we use Pluto‘s transformative power to heal pain, not cause it.
If Uranus‘s innovative energy is harnessed to serve the common good, not to put the world in further crisis.
If Neptune‘s healing power is used properly and not deceitfully.
If Jupiter‘s generosity is not abused.
Perhaps our planet will become a safe home for all its inhabitants, if we really want it to. Do we want to be happy? If so, what is holding us back? Could it be fear? Are we afraid to be happy?
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Franklin D. Roosevelt