The Year of the Ox
The Chinese New Year follows the Lunar Cycle and this year it begins tomorrow, February 12, 2021. The fact that it coincides with the New Moon in Aquarius today, is of very interesting timing, with great prosperity potential over the next six months. Steadfast, reliable, hardworking and loyal, are some of the positive characteristics of the Ox. Out of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) this is the year of the metal Ox; metal adds the elements of strength, morality, ambition and independence to an already strong willed Ox. It is a Yin-receptive- year, meaning, despite the Ox tendency to have a one track mind, this year mental flexibility is possible to achieve. How does all this translate and help us?
In essence, despite a tendency to maintain the status quo by those, very few, that financially profit from it, there will be an unprecedented urge to balance out the rights that have gone so wrong, due to greed. With the potent humanitarian Aquarius energy floating in the ether and the Ox skills, such feat is possible indeed. This is realistic people, because we are not out to take from the few and destroy wealth and prosperity. On the contrary; our vision and work should be directed towards allowing every one to prosper.
“We work hard with no benefit. Now we have a chance to work hard, with benefits for all.“
4everbalance.com and the Holistic Wellness Program
Happy New Year of the Ox and prosperous new beginnings for all.