The Year of the Rabbit
How interesting it is, that on January 22nd, just when the New Chinese Year of the Rabbit begins, our planet’s partner in crime, the Moon, marks a season of new beginnings and breakthroughs, that can expand beyond 2023: this exciting manifestation
occurs with a New Moon (new beginnings), in progressive, revolutionary and eccentric, Aquarius, on January 21. Technological advancements, unusual inventions, new businesses and relationships, mental and physical explorations, are on the agenda. The catch? You may find this hard to believe now, when you glance at the world around you, but unless your endeavors, whatever they may be, are not fair trade and fair minded, you will be left behind and fall down your rabbit hole. A traditional Aquarius, is a stout defender of ”Noble Competition”, the ancient Greek phrase and essence of the Olympic Games, ‘Evghenis Amila‘ – ‘Ευγενής άμιλλα’. Aquarius values freedom above all: freedom to be oneself, without boundaries, while at the same time, respecting others’ choices and boundaries. This is actually a loner but understands the importance of a social network and connections.
The rabbit is, besides its cute to many, demeanor, a resilient creature, that can swiftly avoid danger and disappear down its hole. Rabbits communicate with each other, using a secret code. They address humans by nipping at them, to express their needs, for food or a hug! The rabbit symbolizes fertility. How do the New Moon in Aquarius (plus the immensely important Pluto shift in Aquarius, in March) connect to the year of the rabbit? Now, more than ever, your endeavors will be fertile, if they follow the sustainability oriented mentality, of a true Aquarian mind. By all means, pursue your dreams, productivity, trade and development but stay emotionally connected, to the world around you. Nothing less will do. The proof lies ahead, from March 2023 to 2044…
Trade and behave fairly, or fall down the rabbit hole.