This is the Age of Aquarius
On February 27, there is a gate all humanity will cross because this is a gate our planet is ‘crossing’. We have a New Moon in Pisces and as with all new moon phases, new beginnings are afoot. There is no turning back and in order to navigate through the next 20 years personally and collectively, the following article will hopefully be illuminating and of some use to you. It is always interesting I think to go back in time and see what was written back then, as important events unfold. Enjoy!
“A quick glance, as a testy year comes to an end and a new one is about to begin.
We hear about it, read about it, talk about it, even write songs about it. What is this infamous Age of Aquarius?
This humanitarian zodiac sign wants to see technology truly used to better our quality of life, with respect to all living beings on this planet. We are not the same, but we are all equal.”
4everbalance.com and the Holistic Wellness Program.
Why Aquarius? In order to comprehend the term ‘Age of Aquarius’, we must first understand what an Equinox is, what the word ‘Age’ refers to exactly and what are the characteristics of Aquarius.
An astronomical/astrological analysis follows.
An Equinox, (when night and day are equal), is the point where the Sun’s seeming orbit (as seen from Earth) -the ecliptic- crosses the celestial equator. There are two (2) equinoxes (points of conjunction) in one year. The Vernal Equinox, that begins in the Spring, with the first zodiac sign of Aries and the Autumnal Equinox, that begins in Autumn, with the seventh zodiac sign of Libra. The ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus, discovered in 2nd century B.C., the phenomenon of the Precession of the Equinoxes. Basically, that the Earth rotates around its axis, itself. This axis rotates slowly, and makes the Earth ‘wobble’, 1 degree every 71,8 years approximately. A full circle is 360 degrees; therefore it takes about 25,848 years to make a full rotation (360 degrees x 71,8)! Each zodiac sign occupies 30 degrees (360 degrees divided by 12 zodiac signs equals 30 degrees by sign), so 30×71,8=2,154 years. 2,154 years is the time the equinox takes to move through one sign. The 25,848 yr cycle is called the Great Year. The 2,154 yr cycle is called the Great Month or ‘Age‘.
Due to the large time cycle, the exact date the Age Of Aquarius begins, is hard to pinpoint. Astrologers begun counting from the Neolithic period (12,000 yrs ago -10,000 to 8,000 b.c-) or Age of Leo. Eventually, this brings us to the year 2,000 A.D., end of Pisces Age and beginning of Aquarius (for Jenkins it ended 21 Dec., 2012, P. Burlingame in 1994 and for Neil Mann it ends 2150). Aquarius and its ‘parent’ planet Uranus, stand for universal love, love freedom, technology, out of the box thinking and can be fixed in their unusual, albeit eccentric, belief system. Considering the technological outburst between 2,000 and now, and to the extent our lives and daily habits are now dictated by technology and air waves (another Uranus-Aquarius characteristic), it appears the ‘Age’ has begun. This humanitarian zodiac sign wants to see technology truly used to better our quality of life, with respect to all living beings on this planet. The distance between this year, 2021 (lucky Jupiter in Aquarius until December 27, 2021 and structural Saturn until March 2023) and 2023 (Pluto- Global and Personal Transformation, enters Aquarius in 2023), offers a great opportunity to all of us, to do some serious soul searching and hopefully join the ranks of the people that operate from an altruistic angle. Whether the Aquarius Age has begun, or is about to, what really matters is that our world’s direction is clear; a higher collective consciousness, with tolerance and room for all. We may not be the same, but we are all equal. Eventually, there will be no room for the wasitsu, the “takers”.
Astro tip for all; strict but fair Saturn positioned itself in Aquarius from March 21 to July 1st 2020 and then from December 17, 2020 and into 2022. Like mentioned back in February’s 2020 Monthly Tips, this is like a rehearsal for the upcoming show, after 2023, ‘The Age of Aquarius’! Saturn ruled Aquarius before its current ruler, forward thinking and unpredictable Uranus. It is safe to say that it is well placed here. It intensifies the desire to achieve, through ingenuity and originality. Scientific potential is present and to a great extent, the infamous Aquarius humanitarian belief system is enhanced. There can also be, an electrifying inner tension and stubbornness, present. Parents or people of authority, have a chance to rectify strict or unlawful behavior towards their children or those under their care. Jupiter (expansion, higher mind, legal issues) ends on December 27, 2021, its yearly transit in Aquarius, and brings us face to face with our past deeds. Dimitra (Ceres), or Mother of Earth, largest planet in its asteroid constellation, is connected to agriculture and nurture. It was at 11 to 22 degrees Aquarius all of March 2020, when the Covid-19 started its course. Dimitra ‘wants’, through earth friendly and fair practices, to ‘feed’ the entire planet, better yet, the universe! This dwarf planet (after 2006), was inside Neptune’s orbit and between Mars’ and Jupiter’s orbit. You could say that this ‘Aquarius style-save the planet- asteroid, was caught between controlling and ambitious Pluto in Capricorn (large corporations), Mars (drive and aggression), Jupiter (law makers) and illusive Neptune in its ruling sign, Pisces (Institutions)! Phew! Will David beat Goliath? It happened before.”