Thrice the Arrow
On September 25, the Moon will be in Sagittarius, the Arrow Carrier of our zodiac family. In simple terms, for about two days it will reflect the Archers characteristics on all that it illuminates! The exciting astronomical news, is that it will meet Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest planets of our solar system and this will be visible from earth, as the sky darkens. What a beautiful trio this conjunction will be, as the luminous Moon, Jupiter’s red spot and Saturn’s rings, will be visible with binoculars or a telescope. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, so this light will be compatible to its natural astrological essence. Saturn is in rigid Capricorn, its ruling sign and can greatly benefit form the Sagittarius exuberance. How can we make the most of this energy, that rules our higher mind?
By understanding what Sagittarius represents and reflects in Astrology. I would venture to say, that its strongest attribute is the evolution of the higher mind. This is an energy that wants to show us how to never give up, work towards our goal through the collective pool, love life and treat its tests as opportunities to evolve the self. Education is the arrow that Sagittarius wants to penetrate us with; the kind that looks beyond degrees and diplomas. Education that helps us understand the physical and psychological world we live in; that cultivates our souls and teaches us good manners, respect and acceptance. Not for the things we already know; more so for the things we do not. Sagittarius is jovial, curious, adventurous and thirsty for knowledge. On September 25, the Moon will nurture and infuse this energy into Sagittarius’s father planet, Jupiter and pragmatic Saturn. Perhaps this Trio and its magnificent stellar event, will inspire you to arm your mind with unprejudiced knowledge and form, through education, a stronger safety net for our children and our planets future.
The pencil is mightier than the arrow.
Beautifully stated, Helen! May the Sagittarii be clever enough to capitalise during this propitious time!
May we all, indeed.
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