Venusian love
Which planet strongly influences our affairs of the heart, luck with money, love of all things art and just wants everyone to get along? Aphrodite (Venus), the sultry goddess born out of sea foam in Greek mythology, after Uranus was castrated and his seamen fertilized the seas. Hence the name Aphros(foam) and dite(diver). The hidden meaning behind Greek myths can be analyzed for hours, perhaps this one can make us appreciate love and hopefully will not go to extremes to
attain it. Finding and keeping love, can be our experience between August 16 to September 10, as astrologically speaking, Venus will position itself in the house of one of its two offspring, balance seeking Libra (sensual Taurus being the other). Libra can be lighthearted, wants everyone to get along, performs better when ‘coupled up’, in love or work and seeks harmony in relationships. Looking for love? Here you can find the love you deserve, the effortlessly nurturing kind. In a relationship? You and your partner can determine your next step and sail into it. Curious about love? During this time frame figure out what makes you ‘tick’ and take on a new love adventure! I there a catch you ask? Absolutely. You need to love yourself first. Can you use August 16 to September 10 for self love? Absolutely! Go for it!