Why Life-Coaching through Astrology?
Is there, really, a connection between Life Coaching and Astrology? If so, why through? When you look at yourself in the mirror, you see exactly that. Yourself. You may pick your image apart, or like what you see, either way, we have all been there. What you actually see directly, is half of you, your front. Your other half, the backside, is out of sight. Unless of course, you use special mirrors but this is beside the point. The point is, that there is a whole other you, that is hidden from direct, clear sight. In order to access it, to see it, you need extra assistance.
Life coaching is a tool that can help you enhance and maintain an efficient, happier, best version of yourself. An astrological, personal chart, is a map, that is useful not just for predictions but to help you access that part of yourself, that is invisible, yet highly influential, throughout your life. This invisible part of you, is information stored in your subconscious mind, also accessible during a chart analysis. Information is power and knowing what, ultimately, holds you back, allows a life coaching program to work with you, through a clean slate. This way, you get to write your new life story, in a fulfilling and prosperous way. You can look in the mirror and love what you see. Front and back.